We didn't contact ALIENS, we contacted something MUCH worse @WiseDisciple

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We didn't contact ALIENS, we contacted something MUCH worse
► Text Ruslan (Don't Send Links Please) 714-710-1017

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Almost a decade into his career, San Diego-based rapper Ruslan is Christian hip hop’s jack of all trades. When he isn’t writing and producing original music, he develops compelling content on Youtube, mentors up-and-coming artists, and runs his own podcast at Bless God Studios.
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What if the demons are just portraying themselves as aliens to us because they know we will buy it


Listening to him say that when people call out for Jesus when being abducted, the abduction stops.. brought tears to my eyes. Long live our king!


I’ve had a “sleep paralysis” my first thought was that something is going to abduct me and when I mentioned and cried to the LORD for help, IT IMMEDIATELY STOPPED


I heard an abduction story once where the abductee recalled overhearing a conversation the “aliens” were having with each other where one alien said to the other “she thinks we’re not from here”. She recalled that the aliens found it humorous that we think they’re from another planet when in fact they’ve always been here. Made me think of the Bible verse where it says God cast the fallen angels to the vicinity of the earth never to leave.


Bro. Nearly this exact scenario happened to me. Dabbled in new age, started having crazy experiences at night, sleep paralysis and saw things for months. Called out to Jesus one night in complete terror and stopped everything. Became a Christian shortly after.


Hearing that story about the man calling our for Jesus hit me. I used to have sleep paralysis almost every night. I've once felt what was like a hand grabbing my wrist and heard a voice in other episodes. I've felt pure terror from it, and ever since I called out for Jesus, I don't think I've had one like that since. God is good.


I’ve woken up from nightmares instantly because I started praying in my dream, so cool!!


I was in India, one time I was alone, and I was actually quite afraid and while I was in my bed, I heard it sounded like a helicopter outside of my window and I could sense three being standing next to me and my room is shaking like mad from this like aircraft outside I wouldn’t open my eyes and I said if this is from God, I will open my eyes. If it’s not from God be gone before I got to be gone out of my mouth it completely disappeared.


Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 🙏❤🙌


I've been saying this for 25 years now, people use to ridicule me for this belief, my how times have changed. What he's sharing is nothing new to me, or the Bible. What were dealing with are the same interdimensional beings the Egyptians and other cultures have been dealing with for centuries.
We cant see God because He's in the heavenly dimension.
If you pay attention to the sightings that occur around the world people always mention that what they see in the sky's have a habit of blinking in and out of existence.
These beings are popping in and out of our dimension.


About 4 to 5 years ago, even before this alien stuff started, I felt in my spirit that aliens are fallen angels and demons.


When I dive into aliens and mysteries of our time I sometimes get a little shaky in my faith to be honest and this was such a miracle of a reminder that there is so much we don’t know but God gives us all the information we need. He is enough, and his living word is enough…time and time again! Praises to our Almighty God


Watching a show on alians in 1992 I told my late husband, "I believe their demons coming through to our dimension." I have to say, it's gratifying to know others are seeing this.


When I was in Israel in April-May, our group went to the Garden Tomb outside of Jerusalem. Some traveled as far away as Tasmania, Austraila, Hawaii, California, Oregon, Washington through out the mid west, east coast southwest of the United States. There were 300 of us. We had a prayer service and communion at the Garden Tomb. Later during dinner at our hotel, one of our companions was showing a picture she took of the Garden Tomb, there was a beautiful beam of light coming down out of the, it looked like stained glass. Beautiful. Another woman came over with her phone camera to take a picture of her picture, and another came with her phone camera and took her picture. When we looked at these two pictures you could clearly see two (2) angels that were not scene at the Garden Tomb, but showed up in the pictures. God is so amazing answering the prayers of our group that we would see angels. Praise God in all things great & small, glory to God, Jesus is KING.


A little late to the party on this video. Back in the early 90s, when my brother, cousin and I were in our early teens, we would terrify ourselves by watching episodes of Unsolved Mysteries and would then lie awake at night, afraid of what may show up. I came to the conclusion, based on that overwhelming fear, and the fear I heard in those stories, that these aliens were in fact demons.
Fast forward about 15 years and I remember a Christian magazine running some articles about alien encounters. I believe in one of those articles (my memory is fuzzy, I may have heard this story another way), a woman described how she would get visited by aliens. Someone told her that the next time they show up, declare the name of Jesus. She was paralyzed by these visitations and could not speak. However, after that suggestion given to her, when they came back, she could feel herself being taken and was able to stutter out the name of Jesus a couple of times. In an instant, those beings were gone and, at the time of that story, did not come back. That just reinforced to me that my theory was likely correct.
I've also heard that many who encounters these alien beings share a very New Age message (often shared to them in the encounters) and thought "this sounds like the spirit of the Anti-Christ" because the messages ultimately declared a salvation for human kind outside the scope of Jesus.
Now I don't think that there is some secret organization that is setting all this up just so they can have a cover story about the rapture. However, I can see the enemy using this to manipulate and deceive people when the rapture would happen. He is a deceiver and will try to deceive people to the very end.


So thankful for this video 🙏 my brother claims he was abducted at 16 years old (it’s been about 20 years now) and I’ve tried to tell him about the deceit behind it but he refused to believe, perhaps this video will wake him up.


The Holy Spirit will show you. One time when I was praying he showed me aliens are nothing more than demons. I didn’t realize He was showing me this crucial information to not be fooled. Prayer and word is key♥️. The spiritual world is happening all around us


wise disciple is spot on this is exactly what ive thought the whole time, because i dont believe science debunks god like many do i believe science actually proves the word


Glad you are taking on this subject! Much appreciated!


All I want to say is take care of your children, and I am so sorry for those missing children. If you ever have a confrontation with these beings, don't feed them with your fear, they can't do ANYTHING to you, you are above them if you don't show them fear, the worst that can happen to you is to die and we are all going to die one day anyway
