Dr. Bernardo Kastrup, Debating the Nature of Reality |574|

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- Near-death experience science and the ever growing body of peer-reviewed research surrounding it.
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- Spirituality and the implications of new scientific discoveries to our understanding of it.
- Others and the strangeness of close encounters.
- Skepticism and what we should make of the "Skeptics".
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Bernardo Kastrup breathes sanity in this mad world. I am so appreciative and grateful for the easy access to his works.


How is BK so calm in the face of such nonsense? He gently dismantled the climate deniers antiquated solitary climatologist without preparation, and even ignored Alex's plandemic comments. He even ended the interview with God, capital G. Kudos to Bernardo, I could learn something from that type of humility & patience.


Good thing that Kastrup has more clout than Alex now, allowing him to push back without having Alex talk shit on him afterwards.


I'm so grateful to have access to so much wisdom. Thank you guys!


Alex, one too many rabbit holes bro, thank god for Bernardo, one of the greatst minds on the planet, accept the ultimate truth is probably beyond the scope of human comprehension abit like trying to explain the International Space Station to an ant, thanks for the debates/conversations.


One thing I don't agree with Bernardo on is his claim that materialism removed the greatest fear people had at the time, which was the fear of what happens after death. First, materialism didn't suddenly trump religion and convert all these religious people to materialists or atheists. It didn't prove the non existence of heaven or hell to religious people. And 2, it certainly didn't remove the fear of death. I grew up atheist and now an agnostic, but I'm certainly afraid of death. Not because of hell or heaven, but precisely because I think that death is the end of my existence. There's one life, and I will never see my loved ones again after I die. I'm afraid of not existing. Now I know many atheists would ask "were you afraid before you were born?" Trying to prove that you can't be afraid of nothing because you are not aware of anything, you don't exist. And I would say that I'm afraid of departing my life, not the death part. There's no way materialism relieved that fear in most people.
And another thing he's dead wrong about is his claim that elites can't possibly be so organized as to implement some sort of conspiracy to keep everyone in the dark. Of course they can! It's like he never read a history book. One doesn't have to look far and wide into human history to see conspiracies left and right. It's also giving them a cover to call their disinformation just stupidity. It isn't difficult to orchestrate these conspiracies either. All you have to do is keep the right people in the know and everyone else is on a need to know basis. Everyone knows their part and nothing more. And getting people to believe anything is the easiest thing in the world with basic psychology knowledge.


Has Skeptiko plum done gone FULL tinfoil hatter on us ? 🤔


Love Bernardo so looking forward. Tupac too. "Play the game but dont let it play you... yeah well, he got to 25. Guess he never got old enough to tell us all about it :)


This was fun to watch. Never heard of 'skeptiko' before this. I'm more of a Kastrup 'groupie'... Once I realized this video leaned heavily towards 'conspiracy' topics, I grabbed some popcorn 🍿

This was absolute gold.

I felt like I was back in college smoking weed with friends watching videos about chemtrails. 🙌


20:36 the answer is: To cover over the fact that they do not know what they are. They have to APPEAR to know...


Bernardo reveals his own Blindspot on the topic of AGW. It shows how personal emotions can affect an objective discussion on a topic. Bernardo is wrong on so many levels regarding Global warming but his defense is based on the fact that parts of the Netherlands has been below sea level for decades or centuries? and maybe establishing a population in such a vulnerable environment is not the fault of global warming but is anthropogenic in Bernardo's case due to foolhardy humans thinking that establishing a coastal Country below sea level will not pose future flooding problems and that the fault of such flooding is something other than building a Country below sea level. And incidentally, CO2 is not a threat and more of it in the atmosphere is great for plant growth. You should know that Bernardo. Just ask your local greenhouse grower as they pump CO2 into their greenhouse to accelerate plant growth.


I think looking back you were too rough on the guest


Wow, I'm a big fan of Bernado and Sabine... but didn't realize she was not being truthful on their friendly debate (over on Curt Jaimungal).

Would have liked to have heard a well-prepared Bernado, address the concerns of Dr. Judith Curry / Diana Walsh on climate-change.
1. Specifically how all models are wrong and some are useful, what makes him confident that we can project into the future with any accuracy.
(For example, Jordan Peterson seems hesitant on legislation changes that *DEFINITELY* sacrifices the impoverished of today, for *POTENTIALLY* benefiting the unborn of the future. )
2. Even with perfect execution, why is reducing warming by a 10th of a degree Centigrade, worth it?


wow you managed to rile up such a measured and laid back chap! well done! 😝


Outstanding discussion! Some Notes:
I think if we punish whistleblowers for past misdeeds what little "disclosure" we get will end, although its value is debatable for those very reasons. Amnesty would allow us more anecdotal data to sift through and perhaps glean some modicum of truth we don't currently widely possess.

Causality issues aside, we should recognize that the threat of climate change greatly impacts more vulnerable populations.

In terms of hierarchical consciousness, what interests me is the concept of the "little g" gods. Beings that walked the earth at some earlier date with powers and understanding humans of today seem to no longer have access to. Ranging from convenient manifestations of ancient primordial entities to modified humans (perhaps an exotic diet, "the food of the gods") or some admixture of both.


1:09:05 the most important philosophical statement


Climate science is based on models of a complex-dynamic system. The models ignore the fact that climate is a complex-dynamic system! What is the normal, historical variation in global temperature? And, what happens when temperatures are towards the higher end of this natural variability? Is it a net positive or a net negative for humanity??🤔


Alex has his mind made up. So what's the point of a debate? Isn't it to keep an open mind and to possibly change it when provided with a strong opposing evidence? Alex isn't the Skeptic he claims to be.


What is it about Climate Change™ that causes people to suspend their faculties?!


The iceshelf that threatens Kastrup's home is just an appearance in consciousness?
