Building an 8x8x8 LED Cube from an Amazon Kit - Arduino Compatible

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I decided to finally try and assemble this 8x8x8 LED Cube which I bought as a kit off of Amazon. It came without any instructions and I haven't been able to find a set of instructions specific to this cube design, but I managed to assemble something which appears to be working correctly.
The cube is supposed to be Arduino compatible, so next, I'll be trying to program my own lighting effects using the Arduino IDE as well as make an Acrylic case for it.
Here's a link to similar kits on Amazon if you'd like to try building your own:
If you've got any suggestions for Arduino, Raspberry Pi or electronics projects or tutorials, let me know in the comments section.
The cube is supposed to be Arduino compatible, so next, I'll be trying to program my own lighting effects using the Arduino IDE as well as make an Acrylic case for it.
Here's a link to similar kits on Amazon if you'd like to try building your own:
If you've got any suggestions for Arduino, Raspberry Pi or electronics projects or tutorials, let me know in the comments section.
Building an 8x8x8 LED Cube from an Amazon Kit - Arduino Compatible
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