TANK & Transcendence NERFS! SMITE Update 9.9 Bonus Balance

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The SMITE Patch 9.9 Bonus Balance includes various nerfs to tank items, such as Bluestone Brooch, Gladiator's Shield and Manticore's Spikes. Hunters are also getting hit though a Transcendence nerf.

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#Smite #Tank #Nerf

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Paul Leonard-Morgan - Bells of Laguna Bend
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In my oppinion if Hi-rez added starters items that are upgradeable at lv.20 and wants them best solution for conquest gameplay, i think starters should as 7th special slot reseeved for a starter, that way you should have way more flexibilty to add/have more desired stat or item in your build.


Good nerfs imo. Items are not dead, but if you build all three (like 90% of the solo laners these days) you will feel the damage nerfs quite heavily.


I understand that bluestone and glad shield was overewhelming for late game for other people but honestly those 2 items were the only itrms that helped you doing some dmg as full defence solo lane warriors. Hi-rez dont see that as warrior you are limited to 4 items, you build starter and glad shield, then you go as new meta manticore on some solos that can utelize it or the fay. Then obviously if enemy has crits you build spectral and its really mandatory to build it otherwise hunters just kill you with lucky crits from 20% atlantas...


I love dukes patchnotes videos missed them when he stopped it glad they’re back like I sometimes take breaks from smite but I always come back


I mean they want that Warrior's turning back to solo lane again and they're nerfing bluestone and glad shield ? If you dont want warrior items that can be abuse by Assassin's then buff or add other items like hammer tree or Midgardian and Mystical.

This is stupid. Back then people we're going Mystical Mail and you guys nerfed that too. I think this is nonsense.

Fae's Blessings not nerfed, nerf on Manticore's not enough .Ishtar, Lancelot are stil unnerfed.


Hirez need to add more and more flexible items that alows for a bruiser build that really works, new items that have cdr, and ccr.


Nothing spells dead game like more tank nerfs


The Cabrakan nerf irks me due to the fact that if they had nerfed the damage by 2 instead of 4, it would have been a beautiful multiple of 10


Manticore spike needed nerfs to its stats and gold cost. The stats to gold cost ratio is insane. Keep old passive tbh increase gold cost. And reduce stats. That way it's still viable but something u get later rather than early af


I’ll be honest. I don’t know if they know how to balance tanks, it’s a notoriously hard thing to do in MOBAs. If tanks aren’t countered by high DPS hunters or mage carries they run the entire team over. If they are countered they aren’t particularly impressive. Just my observation. Most of the time it seems like MOBA devs just give up after awhile. Lmao

I’m still waiting for them to do more reworks on old kits or kits that don’t work in the game anymore.

As much as I love my boy hades I think he needs a minor rework. Nothing huge. For example his passive could reduce enemies CCR and his fear could get a bit of love.

As much as people hate nox and want her reworked I like where she is. Even if they reworked her she would keep her combo.

Cupid could use one, neme, nu wa (only because her soldiers are too squishy.)

If you could rework any god in the game who would it be. Putting bias aside.


BTW knowing how players like you in Australia region have difficulty with servers for reasons you know, thought I would tell you of a MOBA coming that has majority players in East Asia region.
Called Overprime by Souleve, uses a number of assets from the former MOBA Paragon though they have plans for their own characters.
Main thing is when they have done previous tests of their game, they once announced about 70% of their players are from their Asia servers that should include Australia and nearby areas. Last one even had Weaken try it for a few days.
They recently announced they are reorganizing their Discord to prep for their Early Access period.


That Manticore nerf won't shift much with that item. It's still bloated as hell. Cheap for the amount of stats you get from it.


Playing hunter without transcendence in most cases will require significant buffs. Losing power is unfortunate as it’s already very hard to kill tanks that are mitigating so much damage even at pen cap but transcendence will still be the play I think.


Also the really should rework or change debufing auras items, like runic shield - flat 50 power reduction is still nothing, add 5 flat or 1% percabtage per enemy level, same with physical. Also witchblade, flat 20% is considered nothing imo when carries will build AS, so basically you counter 1 item, Witchblade should have like the more enemy AS the more it will reduce, that i fell will make surviving and countering hunter easier alas I know hi-rez stated that no more old nemeion passive to deflect dmg, however i fell we need it back, because building spectral/nemieon and even midguard will still get you killed by 4 to 8 aa from hunter.


Well that was unexpected nerfs. I hope they nerf a bit quins and cuz as warrior/guardian im getting shreaded early by quins rushers as 3rd item, and no matter if i have 4k hp and 325 physical def with spectral and nemian, hunters as Achilles o get 6 shoted by absurd anount of AA hunters.


Tanks are a complete joke in the current meta and hirez thinks it's fine to nerf them again...
Recently been nicknaming SMITE (r) as TIME (R): Squabbling gods at 10 min.
These days its just best to play as a mage in most games and just nuke everyone. Just play aggressive because defensive strageties don't work anymore.
Towers/pheonixes are a joke, most guardians and warriors can easily be curb stomped in this meta. Being mage, carry, jungler, some supports is easier than ever for me.


Yu huang only has his ult, and his 2 to deal damage, his 1 is a meme. So that 10% scaling hits quite hard. Full build will net it doing a whopping 90 less damage or so in the late game.

Whereas Cabrakans nerf is only 20 flat damage at all levels, and 4 less per tick at all idk The Yu Huang nerf seems like a WAAAY bigger deal to me. The king arthur nerf though is basically nothing, entirely pointed at late game, where as a tank he SHOULD be his least effective damage-wise. I think he'll be fine lol. Duke is super biased towards tank meta I feel.


Sure Yu Huang gets good performance, but he's so boring to play! How about we instead lower the base power on all of his abilities, change his dragon attack to a faster CC immune leap that isn't damage immune, give him a natural attack speed increase of 15 or 20%, and let him build Dao stack on every fourth or fifth auto attack. This would encourage him to still play ability based, but also give him a niche similar to Poseidon where he should be trying to throw in a couple extra auto attacks between his less powerful abilities.


God all three is a bit heavy handed don’t ya think? Goodness gracious.


Thanks for breaking down the patch notes Duke! Much appreciated :)
