I quit Instagram 5 years ago

Показать описание
0:00 - why this video is different from other social media detox videos
1:36 - withdrawal symptoms
6:08 - slow but persistent improvements
9:09 - warning about trying this at home
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Damn 5 years is a lot
You're strong


5 years is a lot! But I admire your dedication. I haven't been big with social media tbh not until I became a highschool student in 2015 and I've always been on and off with social media (deleting my acc remaking one) I never liked it yet I always went back to it after months being of. Around 2018 went I went to college I really started hating it. I was jealous of my friends who'd go parties, clubbing, have so many friends but I knew this wasn't my thing. I didn't like partying, clubbing, being around large group of friends yet I felt like I needed to be this way? Not to mention self image!! I struggle with self-image and social media really affected me a lot. The longest I've been away from social media was about a 1 year but now I'm committed to never go back on it ever again. I hate it so much especially instagram and your video inspired me to never go back on social media ever again! Ty for this vide <3


I quit twitter and Facebook 8 years ago, IG at the end of 2020. Never been on a dating app but I can relate to a lot of the things mentioned in this video.


Thank you for this great video! It was really nice to hear you actually talking about the struggles with the detoxification of these codependent habits we form with apps. It is extremely hard to work on these habits as they stem from our vulnerable self that just wants to be happy, but it is good to see that your struggle payed off. Keep making good and honest videos!


You come off as such a genuine person with a great heart. I’m glad you can notice these habits as you detox from social media…I’m on day 3 and I definitely miss the gratification of it all. Hoping it gets easier with time 🤞


two years clean from Instagram, my mental health has improved


i deleted insta last week and i really found this vid valuable... you are right, thinking about WHY you are getting off the app is such a good point I've missed! I found that I was generally addicted to my phone and had short attention span, i stopped going on insta but im still checking youtube and reddit and needing that quick dopamine hit and being antsy. Like there is this urge to go on my phone for no reason whenever I'm even slightly bored!

I mean nothing does that like insta so other apps cant quite make me addicted and give me the fake validation feeling in the same way and i kinda give up trying to get my fix and get back to whatever i was doing but yeah you're so right. I have to think about WHY and see the bigger picture. If I'm still addicted to my phone and have fragmented attention span it doesnt really mean anything even if i left insta


This is a relatable vídeo. Thank you for sharing your experience


haha i quit IG two weeks ago (not a true quit, i checked my DMs a few times to keep in touch with some people and get their numbers, but i plan to transition to 0 use) and i can relate to the withdrawal symptoms. i am definitely in that increased youtube consumption phase.. just want something interesting to fill my brain lol. and i check my email all the time even though i don't really have anything going on lol (maybe updates on things i ordered or newsletters/orgs that i keep up with). i can also relate to using likes as a external validation and your intentions on the dating apps. i'm also guilty hahaha i do want a relationship right now but i can feel that i will probably use dating apps that way too. gonna work on myself until i feel that it's a better time :)


Im 3 years in, was looking specifically someone that had the same or longer. I agree, especially after some years your confidence levels are to the roof compared to ppl that use it and or stop for a year


I recently quit Instagram, too much pressure to keep posting stuff


This video was so so so amazing. Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this video means to me. I really needed some guidance when it comes to my relationship with ig and this was just it. Thank you for sharing.


I have been struggling with image issues since I first got an ig in hs, I quit that three years ago but unfortunately during covid I got tik tok and it’s taken it’s place :( I am really wanting to restart my life because I remember so fondly the days before social media, and the difference of quality of makes! I want to be more present and try slow living. I want to rewire my brain to how it was when I would read for hours. Thanks for your video and insight ! Definitely inspiring me


IMO the worst use case is when you're a passive lurker/stalker of everything. That's pretty my case and i hate it. Sometimes I think on delete it and start a YT channel as a way to beat my introverted personality, but only thinking on it causes me anxiety lol.


A shame that social media can be so addicting that usage of drug addiction rhetoric is totally applicable. Congrats on staying clean.


using instagram makes me feel worthless... makes me feel like eveything i do is bad ...
for example : i made an art account ... and i have just 8 followers ... and 5 of them are my friends ... algorithm doesnt like my account ... idk


Thank you for sharing your experience, why your eyeballs are seeing left hopefully i think mum is there lol looking hehe,
krishna here :)


Did you delete ig only or other socmeds?


Instargram isn't even using worth using anymore which is why I deleted my account almost 3 years ago.
