Projection (Understanding the Psychology of Projecting) - Teal Swan -

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We are born whole, but that wholeness is short lived because we are relationally dependent. Being born relationally dependent into families that socialize us into a society that is not fully evolved yet, spells trouble. Basically we learn that some aspects of ourselves are acceptable, and others are not. The aspects of us that are seen as unacceptable (both positive and negative) are rejected by our family and the aspects that are seen as acceptable are not. So, being relationally dependent, in the name of survival, we do anything we can to disown and deny and suppress those aspects in ourselves that are disapproved of whilst exaggerating those that are approved of. We dissociate from what we disapprove of. This creates a split within the person that we call the conscious and the subconscious.

In this episode, Teal explains projection in depth and then goes on to teach us how to embrace our projections so that we can use them to find the aspects of ourselves we have disowned and denied in order to become whole again.



Teal Swan is a revolutionary for personal transformation and is one of The Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the world. As a renowned author, speaker and social media star, she travels the world teaching self-development and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.


Meditations, Books, Merchandise & Frequency Paintings:


Beginning Song:
Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel

Please note that I do not respond to posts from this site. Please promptly reach out to a mental health practitioner near you discuss treatment options. My teachings on the subject of suicide are meant to supplement your treatment with a mental health practitioner and should not be in lieu of such treatment. The information contained on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for such professional medical or mental health advice. Always seek the advice of your own licensed and qualified medical and mental health professionals. The information provided in this site and in my videos should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any mental health condition. A licensed physician, psychologist, and/or mental health provider should be consulted for a diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical and mental health conditions. Please immediately call your physician, mental health professional or 911 for all emergencies.
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In last couple of years, i have noticed where ever i go people are talking behind my back. They are judging me for my actions. Now i realised, it is not them. Its me who was critizing myself. And when i stopped that, everything is back to normal.. hope this helps to someone.


She's got a lot of psych wisdom. One of the best psych teachers on the internet. Period. And I've watched most. I'm also a lifelong counselor. LISTEN. Shalom.


She did more therapy on this video than a therapist in a year of sessions


It is so important to free ourselves from suffering.


"In a cinema hall, you look at the screen, you never look at the back--the projector is at the back. The film is not there really on the screen; it is just a projection of shadow and light. The film exists just at the back, but you never look at that. And the projector is there. Your mind/ego is at the back of the whole thing, and the mind is the projector. But you always look at the other, because the other is the screen.
When you are in love the person seems beautiful, no comparison. When you hate, the same person seems the ugliest, and you never become aware of how the same person can be the ugliest and the same person can be the most beautiful.... So the only way to reach to truth is to learn how to be immediate in your vision, how to drop the help of the mind/ego. This agency of the mind/ego is the problem, because mind/ego can create only illusions/fears....
Through your excitement the illusion/fear starts looking like reality. If you are too excited then you are intoxicated, then you are not in your senses. Then whatsoever you see is just your projection. And there are as many worlds as there are minds, because every mind/ego lives in his own world". Osho

Subconscious mind projects on another person/screen and  then we are able to see  who we are, by observing the reflection of our mind. We are the source of the light or the shadow we are projecting.
Why we need another person in this process?  Because he or she acts as a mirror. Mirror/screen doesn't do anything, except for reflecting back projected  image. You might like or hate the reflection of yourself in the mirror, but that is a different topic.
Projections we make, become noticeable, if we are self aware. Seeing our own reflection in the mirror, will teach us more about ourselves. Take advantage of this benefit, when interacting with people.
Right on Teal!


I have found that playing with stuffed animals is a great way to see how you are projecting your emotions onto people. It is surprising how much I was projecting!


Wise. I had a realizing a long time ago, that personal psychological emptiness: is actually self-abandonment. I'm not really sure how it struck me, just came spontaneously. It's like you've rejected yourself so successfully, that your spirit can't stand to live in you (or is forced to hide itself from you).


Thank God you exist, Teal.  I just wanna to say think you. I wanna to scream it because the feeling of Gratitude is so intense, I must scream it.

I'll say again, thank you Teal. You're literaly saving my life. The knowledge you're sharing is showing me how to find my negatives aspects, so I can overcome my abusive childhood and my trumas.

Thank you Teal, I want to cry, It's really intense. Thank you so much. Thank you for existing. Thank you.

You're saving my life. The feeling I have is that I'm lucky that you exist and everything is the way it is so I can learn with you. I feel some insecurity and fear that thinkgs was not the way it is, so I can't watch your videos. I don't know. I don't have words to express what I'm feeling. I WANT TO SCREAM THE LOUDEST I CAN HOW GRATEFUL I AM!

Teal, thank you. If weren't you, I would be lost. Thank you Teal. Thank you. Thank God you escaped from those mad guys that tortured you, man, I don't know this feeling. Worry and fear, if you weren't there. 

Thank you Teal. I would like to have a chance to return it because it's so intense what I'm feeling. Thank you is the word that is inside my hear I want to scream the loudest.

I want you to know that you saved my life. I'm transforming myself to a better person.

Thank you Teal from the deep of my heart. Thank you.


Someone told me my videos were like watching Teal Swan's grandmother, so I had to check her out. I'm impressed by her level of focus and preparation.


My mother has projected a lot of her fears, insecurities and harmful beliefs onto me that has harmed and hurt me.
Today I can see it for what it is and help myself and heal and hopefully forgive her so we are both free. Thank you for sharing


when i was younger i was going through identity crisis and i was also unconsciously people pleaser. i recall moments where i was called a “copycat”. and part of me knew i was but not intentionally but in a sense that i was exploring things but at the same time people pleasing. thinking about it right now it’s not a good combination. so those words like “copycat” made me more confused about myself and i’ve put people on pedestal that everyone is original except me. it felt unfair to me because a side of me thinks everything is learned from someone else. i had a friendship wherein i find myself putting myself in a rescuer role and always thought of myself as the strong and wise friend back then, only to realize overtime that i don’t really know what i’m saying or advicing to others or this friend in particular. overtime i felt that my world had revolve around her to the point that i felt crazy and that she is perfect and everyone around us loves her no matter what. having a tendency not to see myself it consumed me always analyzing if im the one copying or influenced by her or am i the one influencing her. i want it to be the latter but i hate that everything that she does is remembered and mine is not even if it’s something similar about us. interacting with her i felt drained, envious feelings arise, i feel in competitive mode around her. there are also times where internally i try to look for her flaws just to validate how i feel but even her imperfections registered to me as perfect. it made me feel that i had to be like her to be accepted. i kept all of it to myself because i know it’s about my feelings and insecurities. i also have the urge to get to the point of staying around her and trying to prove myself that i can stat around her without feeling any of those unpleasant feelings. however, i got really exhausted. i managed to distance myself as i’m aware all this is about me and also i don’t like feeling that way anymore. however, i feel traumatized with the whole experience. that every time i see her on my social media i feel threatened again and afraid of seeing her again everywhere.

in the present i’m more capable of being true to myself and needs unlike before where it’s always about getting to know what other people like and keeping my interests or thoughts to myself. but i still want to overcome this feeling and not feel threatened or envious or competitive or not unique whenever i see her. i don’t have anything against but i just want to under why i feel certain things with her in particular and how can i move past the trauma. i want to know if it’s just incompatibility between us that i’m convincing myself otherwise and cabt accept? is it possible for two people to not do anything bad to each other but the interaction bring out the worst in one or another or each other? one thing about me before is that i thought i can love just about anyone and just accepting everything. now i don’t think that way anymore i realize the essence of compatibility now. but i still can’t help but try to understand and justify me walking away from the friendship i mentioned because i know those feelings are mine and most i see on social media about envy being in a tone of “oh youre just insecure” amplifies the urge to search for more answers that make sense. i really want to know that it’s not just me who’s causing this feeling.


I'm reflecting upon your videos. It saddens me deeply that we are all so far away from being our authentic selves. Though we are far away, you are helping us get closer. The closer I get the more I feel I can breath, The more I feel I can love. The growing pains are worth everything. These videos have given me so much understanding. An Understanding that I would have died for and thought that I would never have.
💙 Forever grateful.


I love listening to what you have to say. It’s like finally finding someone who you can relate to. You put it so nicely and clearly into words.


This is a difficult concept to get ones head around. Thank you Teal for explaing it so well; simply and with compassion.
Your videos are again helping me so much, and I can't wait to use this knowledge to empower others 😊


its been 2 years of mind/body psychology physiology and neurology followed by 8 years of many distorted researching and im still baffled by the many layers of damage my childhood effected me from toxic shame to emotional numbness driving me to the edge of despair and addiction to misanthropy and Antinatalism to weak boundaries and need of validation to the false self and identity disturbance and loneliness causing regression of mental cognitions just one hellish spiral of traumas that i cant connect the beginning from end, we are definitely not evolved, humanity is like a deeply wounded lost child … we dont even grasp how to not poison relationships and enmesh boundaries like psychopaths does, we are really good at mutilating not nurturing i bet billions of people never wrestled with questions of what the child need because of they did it will be a mass era of grieving on our lost humanity followed by extinction or at least crumbling of the current institutions of the economical system its just too much for a child to go through that process and stay in one piece


I have a problem with laziness. I become very judgemental when someone is lazy... And at the same time, some days i just wish to lie down on the couch and do nothing, but i don't let myself do that, cause it was not allowed for me to be lazy as a child and i would be shamed and punished for that. I'm so hard on myself, i have to be busy all the time: read a book, clean the home, work on my personal development, start a side hustle.. It's crazy. Lazy=shameful in my book. I have to rewrite this chapter.
I was writing the comment before you started speaking about laziness... And bam... Laziness is the example topic in this video. So useful for me


This is pretty complicated in the way it works itself out, but I like the way she breaks it down.


You beautifully gather the bulk of information into a 20 mins video and it is so damn good actually it gets better all the time. Thank you so much for these videos. 


Most of the time, when I accuse someone of projection, it is when I am viewing a conversation between two people, normally online, and it is clear (from what they both have said, up until that point) that the person doing the accusing is projecting their own (normally negative) personality traits onto the other person.

When it happens to you, you might mistakenly accuse someone of projection, as you may not be aware of some of your own (suppressed) personality traits, but if a neutral observer accuses you of projection, there is a good chance that is exactly what you are doing.


i fall in love easily.   it can be any age, race, occupation, and yes both sexes.   these crushes are overwhelming, exciting and hurtful.   for some reason i also have sabatoged every one of these crushes if i feel that crush or love is returned to me.   i am kinda old now and still do not understand this mechanism or if this is projection.    in each crush i have idolized, adored, and worshipped the person.   i keep most of these emotions to myself.  hell i dont even know if it is projection.
