Godot Tutorial Access Variables Across Nodes | Godot Inventory System Part 6

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In this episode, we will be referencing nodes to access and change the variables stored within them. This, combined with the signals from episode 5, will give us full control over the behavior of our loot panel. Using node references and accessing variables within other nodes is often necessary to create more complex behavior.

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My biggest hurdle in getting started with Godot is node referencing.
Signals seems like the equivalant of SendMessage in Unity. Which coincidentally is also criticized for producing unmaintainable code.


Whoo! this one took quite a bit of tweaking to get going in my 3d game, but I appreciate the way you walk through it all, as it gave me a chance to understand signal handling a bit better and I could work out my issues to get it working properly.


Thank you for this great tutorial! Please keep the Godot Tutorials coming! Keep well


in your video at 9:25 var current chest = get_parent.get_parent.get_ node. My chest is a static body 2D inside a ysort on my MapScene
any suggestions? besides reworking everything


hey so my loot generator sometimes tries to find an Item5Name when my table only goes up to 4. If I add an Item6 it will try to look for an Item7 occasionally and it crashes my game. also these tutorials are helping a ton of people, idk what I'd do without this tutorial. saving me atleast a month of time


I found a bug
It seems like when you spam the "open chest" button and you haven't closed it yet it generates another instance of the "loot chest panel".
It also generates more items because "current_chest.looted = true" is set when you close the panel, so this should be put a little bit higher (at the end of the func LootSelector)
The problem of the spamable instances should be easy to fix with signals.
Edit: Tip: things that should be automated shouldn't be set with a button


Everyone says that Godot and GDScript is easy to use relative to like, Unity and C#. I think thats bs.
