L-shaped Modern Container Home by LHVH Architekten

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LHVH Architekten has built the modern luxury shipping container home. called the Containerlove this modular living space was assembled from three modules with 3 meters wides in every container and its has different length with 4 m, 9 m, and 14 m. and that all module is not the standard of europe container measurement its mean its has wider than the 2.55 m of standard container wide. this container home measures approximately 90 m2 (969 ft2) and at inside you can find the spacious living area, The master bedroom and bathroom are at one end, a second bedroom and an open office are at the other end.
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we wanna see kept showing the same rooms


I'm wanting to do the same. Anyone know how they are joined together?


It appears to have escaped your attention - but overvolumed, unrelated background music is no replacement for verbal explanations. And I fully support Tasha's remark below.
