Can I become a self-taught Data Scientist?

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In this video I break down the different categories of a self-taugh Data Scientist. I talk about my journey and the advantages of getting a masters degree with focus on Machine Learning.

The main purpose is to give advice to anyone wanting to become a self-taught Data Scientist in 2020.

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Hey! I happened to stumble upon this video. Like yourself, I am a "self-taught" data scientist under category A (bachelor's in mechanical engineering recent graduate 2020).
In my final year of my undergrad I started my journey in self teaching myself data science and ML. After about ~8-10 months of self teaching, I decided to enter the job market and it was insanely stressful, similar to yourself I was able to land a couple interviews but didn't really get an offer and it really made me self doubt myself of being able to land a position and lower my confidence. However, I kept applying and studying and fortunately, I just accepted a job offer as a Junior Data Scientist at a tech company full time and I start in January! I'm very excited and it's always awesome to hear other people's journey into Data Science and just wanted to share my journey! :)


I'm doing my undergrad in Applied Mathematics. I never knew what I wanted to do, but I was always interested in mathematics. I looked into the different career paths and data scientist fell on my radar. I've decided to do my masters in data science or statistics, and also do Massively Open Online Courses and various certification on the side.


Great video Sam! Thanks for sharing your journey. I'm also a self-taught and data science is also my passion 😆Thanks for the positive vibe and tips you're sharing with us.


"infinity and beyond" lol! love this! The depth of content in a short amount of time gets me every time! Thank you for reminding me to pace myself!


Samzee, the YouTube algorithm brought me to you! Your story is incredible, keep making vids :)


Samzee, never lose the energy to bring such wonderful content. Some of us need people like u. U r building us and thank you


I know this video is from a year ago but I’m so glad I came across it. Thanks so much for your input! It’s very good to get a perspective from someone who did both self study and masters.


Great video Samzee. I'm a category 2 Data Scientist and have just been learning code by online resources and colleagues.


Thank you for your honesty this video helped


You are one of a kind! I'm your fan now! Greetings from Mexico!


Good for you for being so self motivated and for your love for learning. I work as a business analyst and am constantly learning new material daily, my undergrad is in economics and environmental studies. But I taught myself all the stats I need and continue to use in my current job, most jobs especially the most fun ones involve ongoing learning. I use a lot of standard deviation charts in excel and central tendency analysis, in my work, which is very standard business statistics I also use qualitative analysis significantly too. My friend Amardeep is the accountant for six construction companies and he taught himself via crash courses on youtube he told me, he has a degree in finance but not in accounting, he is all self taught. Just believe in yourself and follow what you love to do, and everything will fall into place with some foot work and effort too. In my current job I reached out to the company I was interested in to develop a business for myself.


I must say, this is quite impressive Samzee!


Hello 👋 thank you for sharing your experiences!

Category B here 🙋🏻‍♀️ I also been trying to study thru online courses but reached a point where I need more guided learning especially in machine learning part. Now I’m working on my application for MSc Data Science.


Thanks for this video, it was very motivating!


Thank you for the content! I've just started a post-degree in Data Science & Analytics and what you say just make me more confident that I've done the right choice on choosing to follow the academic path. :)


I think you nicely outlined it for simple people to understand. Bravo


Just what i needed when i just stumbbled on thos vedio. Thumbs up.


Great video! Just came across! Keep it up!


I'm category B, pray for me guys! 😭


Wow this video was so helpful all things in a video you talked about every little thing and most people confuse me about data science but you always make my mind clear Thank you Lot of prayers and best wishes for you. 💓
