The Best Small Pet Turtles That Can Live in a 40 Gallon Tank

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If you’re looking for small turtles for pets, this should be helpful. In this video, I dive into some of the best small turtles. These are turtles that stay small and don’t require large tanks. All of the turtles on this list can fit inside a 40 gallon tank, making them a great option for beginners.

Best Small Pet Turtles
The 3 best small breeds of turtles for a 40 gallon tank are the musk turtle, the diamondback terrapin, and the spotted turtle.
Musk turtle
Musk turtles are one of the smallest species of turtles, usually only reaching a maximum length of 3-5 inches. They can easily fit into a 40 gallon tank as an adult, and they are a very lively species. They also get along with each other, so they are a good species to keep in groups.
Diamondback Terrapin
The Diamondback Terrapin is another one of the best small turtles for beginners. While the females get quite large, the male diamondback terrapin usually only reaches a length of around 4-5 inches, which should be fine for a 40 gallon tank. This species is one of the most fascinating species of turtles, as their diamond shaped scutes and white/gray skin give them a truly unique look.
Spotted turtle
The spotted turtle is another good option if you are looking for a small pet turtle. These guys usually only reach a max shell length of 4 inches, and they are also a very friendly species. It is common for them to be friendly with their owners and swim up to the glass to greet them. The abundance of yellow spots on their shell and skin also gives them a very unique appearance.

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Рекомендации по теме

Just ordered 18 spotted turtles! Thanks for the advice.


What adorable little guys 🥰😍 do you know long these guys will live for? My son wants to get a turtle that stays small to call him "tiny Tim" haha. Great video! 🙌


Hello! My husband recently saved a baby snapping turtle at his job site (she would’ve died if he left her with the work they were doing). We’ve had her for 4 days and she hasn’t eaten a thing. We’ve tried lettuce, meal worms, and I even tried a grape since I heard they sometimes like fruit but she won’t even look at it. She just buries herself in the mud and doesn’t move. We have a heat lamp for her as well but she hasn’t tried to bask on her rock at all so idk if it’s a temperature thing. Is there any advice you can give?


just a question, my red ear slide turtle is acting a bit weird, this is around the summer time and it has been closing its eyes a lot, and i heard it sneeze once, is it just because its sleeping? also, it doesnt eat food anymore, ive tried carrot soak but it didint work quite well, i have got it to the vet and they said it was perfectly fine, i have also increased the temperature, what should i do?


Can I keep a musk turtle and a diamond back turtle to live together also do they live well with fish and if I keep those two turtles what is a ideal size of a tank


Hi, I think you should keep them in a terrarium, they like to rest on land.


How big the actual size of red eared slider turtle ? In the wild and compare with the house care ?


How do you know if you get a male or female turtle as a baby?


Can you get musk turtles in California?
