Dragon Ball Z doesn’t exist

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DBZ doesn’t exist…in the manga

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some of you guys are taking this too seriously LOL just a fun piece of trivia for people that didn't know


Half of the dragon ball community: My whole life has been a lie


I genuinely feel bad for people who started DB at Raditz and completely skipped the the masterpiece that is Goku vs piccolo


90% of Dragon Ball fans: "There's a manga for the games!?"


"How many other lies have I been told by The Jedi Council?"


Thant also explains why "Dragon Ball Z Kai" is known as "Dragon Ball Kai" in Japan. Weird that is starts with the Saiyan Saga.


I feel like someone told me Santa not real for the first time 😂


Super isn't called just dragon ball in the manga for those wondering


There are Dragon Ball z fans out there who skipped half the show 💀


Toriyama forgot that Dragonball Super was the name of the new manga series, so when he chose the name for "Dragonball Super: Super Hero", he was thinking it was going to be named "Dragonball: Super Hero"


On the site i read, it's all under the title of dragon ball, though it's seperated by group 1 and 2. Only dbs is on its own


That's the same feeling got when i realized the power rangers weren't American 😂😅


Kind of Like how Naruto is just Naruto and not Naruto Shippuden after the Timeskip


Akira Sensei has passed away. May His Soul Rest In Peace 🙏


We Latin Americans, when we thought Dragon Ball Z was called Dragon Ball Z because it was Dragon Ball 2 😎


This is why it's so stupid that every game starts with Raditz.

Edit: So this comment is still getting replies so let me just address some things, prepare for mini essay, sorry. People are saying the we have to start at Raditz because A) gameplay wouldn't fit earlier stories, and B) Z is more popular, so who cares(?), it works anyway
I hate both of these points. I think the DBZ Kakarot DLC clearly showed that you can start the game at Piccolo and the gameplay will fit like, 90%. It's not at all uncommon for games to have simplified/less mechanics early on before properly taking off the training wheels so I see no reason why this can't work.
Starting with King Piccolo carries a lot more story advantages over Raditz because A) It establishes that Piccolo is evil and dangerous, B) It establishes that Kami and Piccolo are counterparts, and C) It better shows how absurdly powerful Raditz is that 2 absolute powerhouses can team up and still not stand a chance. You can also take the opportunity to introduce Korin, Yajirobe, and all the other characters so they don't feel like they came out of nowhere.
Raditz isn't really any better of a starting off point than Future Trunks, we just got used to it.
But obviously even starting with Piccolo isn't as good as starting with chapter 1. So, if the gameplay doesn't really fit classic Dragonball, why not just make a game adapting classic Dragonball? We have a bakers dozen games adapting Z, why couldn't any of them have adapted the original anime? It could actually be unique and interesting. I get that it's not as popular as Z, but that's in no small part due to the fact that most fans don't even know about it beyond that it exist. You mean to tell me a good looking fun game with Goku on the box isn't going to sell simply because there's no super saiyan? Sorry don't believe you.
And if you're worried that some of the dirty jokes won't fly, you can easily work around them. For example for the scene where Bulma gets the ball from Roshi just have that happen off screen while you play as Goku learning to ride the nimbus. Trim some lines here, cut a scene there, and we could imply that it did happen whilst allowing everyone who wouldn't like it to ignore it.
In conclusion Sparking Zero looks cool, looking forward to it, but please make a og Dragonball game. At least have a recap option so we don't have to be told who the Red Ribbon army is 5 seconds before they became relevant again.


And if you haven't read the DragonBall manga, what in the world are you doing? Read it.


"Dragon Ball Z Kai does not exist in the manga!"


Yo so that’s why most people who watched DBZ don’t ever mention the original piccolo, I still remember the episode when Goku killed Piccolo, and then it was revealed Piccolo had a son with the same name.


"You can tell by the hideous logo."
Part of me wants to argue with Carthu, but part of me also admits that he likes the anime title logo much better.

So Z was basically the name for DB's Part II in the anime kinda like how Naruto's Part II anime is called Shippuden? Interesting.
