The 'UNSEEN' TIMELINE Of Dragon Ball Z Explained

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#DragonBallZ #FutureTrunks #CellDBZ

In today's video Qaaman gives a deep explanation on the Unseen Timeline of Dragon Ball Z. What is the Unseen Timeline in Dragon Ball Z? The Unseen timeline is the timeline where an alternate future trunks went to try and fix history. Similar to the main timeline of Dragon Ball Z, this future Trunks gave Goku heart Virus medicine and warned him of the Android threat. However, because of Cell's time travel, the Unseen timeline was disrupted and a new timeline was born. That was what we call the main timeline.
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Take a shot everytime he says timeline, take 2 shots everytime he says "unseen timeline", take a trio shot everytime he says "future timeline"


In hindsight, it would’ve made way more sense for Goku Black to go to the future with the dead Trunks.


It does make sense for the original trunks to come back a year before Frieza arrived. He specifically told goku, if he knew where the lab was, he’d be there instead.


I think Trunks still thought he could change the past instead of creating a parallel universe, so he thought "Let me go back earlier to give them more time"


The true explanation on why Trunks had the time machine set for a year earlier is that Toriyama just wasn't paying attention to his writing. But of course that's no fun to think about, lol.

I'm surprised no one has made any fan manga depicting the unseen timeline, I would love to read any if it exists. Anyways, great video! Been a subscriber since 2015. Always look forward to your stuff!


I always liked to consider DBZ movie 7 "Super Android 13" was set in the "UNSEEN" timeline after Trunks helped that time's Z Warriors defeat the Androids, before he goes back to his future to defeat his own time's 17 and 18 prior to that future's Cell eventually killing him.


this subject is one of the most interesting concepts of DBall, time travel in fiction has insane potential


Barely halfway thru the video & I’m confused as hell 💀


I think the best way to explain the plot hole is that Trunks accidentally put in the wrong date in the time machine, and before he could correct himself, Cell killed him.


To be honest, if Trunks decided to go back early, possibly to assassinate, then it is possible that the Unseen Timeline had a bad outcome. And it is possible this outcome was related to Android 16. Even if 18 and 17 got shut down, he might have killed Goku and maybe the other Z-fighters who stood in his way.


Android 13 movie takes place in the unseen timeline. It fit's so well.


I don't know which timeline is darker. The unseen one or the history of trunks one. Everybody died in the unseen timeline, but I imagine they reunited in the afterlife. But the history of trunks timeline was erased entirely so even those who were already dead cease to exist.


5:55 I feel like a way to explain this plot hole is maybe with how Trunks's machine works with him selecting the timeline to go to with the controls with an upmaybe he was going like "Age 759, Age 760, Age 761, Age 762, Age 763..." then Cell shows up before he can get any further and killed him. Idk just my thoughts lol.

Great video as always!


I am so glad that there's someone out there educating people about the different timelines of trunks. Ever since they showed the scene where cell takes trunks's time machine, there's been a lot of confusion. And your videos perfectly sums up everything. 👍


Trunks was clearly planning on time-traveling to meet a younger Mai


Cell indirectly saved Goku by going back and ironically killed him self lol


OK so my head cannon has always been that Cell said "I just pressed a button, the machine did the rest"
he has no idea what he did, he doesn't understand the time machine, there's no reason Trunks would go back a further year knowing it'd just create another timeline where things could 'go right" or "go wrong", so I think he didn't. I think Cell just pressed a bunch of buttons and it happened to bring him back a year earlier, its a better explanation than I've heard so far


will always love your timeline theory video you made back in the day. i think ive watched that over 10 times lol


**cell drains Piccolo’s arm**
Cell: Oh God, you’re even starting to look like Kami.


This is the best logical explanation as in why Trunks would go back a year earlier after he used the device to destroy both androids. Remember when Dr Gero pointed the device to attempt to destroy 17 but end up failing. Here's how the story would go. A whole struggle would have to occur just to press the button on the device. Trunks appear again in front of the androids, he points the device to 17 and presses the button thus destroying him instantly. 18 sees this decides to attack trunks to get the device off of his hands. A whole struggle happens here just to get control of the device, finally trunks is able to gain control over the device and press the button immediately to end 18. Trunks realized he was lucky to press the button to defeat the androids. After being traumatized from this incident, he rather go back in time a year before to destroy the androids 17 and 18 before activating.
