The Medieval MMO We've Been Waiting For? - CHRONICLES OF ELYRIA - Parkour, Dynamic Ageing And MORE!

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When that one dude dislikes 30 secs after posting ;) Anyways hope you guys enjoy this one. It looks insane but will it be a flop? Also im fine with dislikes i just have a hunch some people are cus they dont like the game. Dont shoot the messenger :) if you don't like the videos that's absolutely fine though.


Go to the website and do some research before you comment, PLEASE, there are so many people here dealing out false info, making videos that don't even cover the game, you'd need hours of video to do that anyway. People are making bad comparisons, and probably won't even enjoy the game now due to it being misrepresented, it's a stealth release game, The footage and information he's giving out is really old. There's so much wrong with everything here, they have a website, it's in his description, just read up and do whatever afterwards


i like the princess bride fight scene lmaooo


That fencing footage from the two minute mark... The Princess Bride :D :D :D
Also seems like a mix of Life is Feudal/The Guild.


Cool, I want to be a peasant working in the dirt building up my character's peasant abilities for weeks then have a random bandit or soldier come kill me for no reason.


For what I'm really hyped for is, that you can be literally a Raid Boss. And you forgot to talk about the Soulengine


"<player run castle>... they say it's impregnable"
"give me 10 good men and climbing spikes, I'll impregnate the bitch"

you know it's going to happen


The combat looks like the Luke and Vader fights in Battlefront


The death stuff seems cool. I often play the hardcore version when they are offered in a game. It fucking sucks losing a character. But there are few things as exciting as just surviving something, or being in combat and struggling to stay alive.


I'm still waiting for Bannerlord!
<--- True M&B Fan


Thanks a lot for the video, Resonant. You have a good vibe for video presentation, and organize your info/script well.
I'd definitely be interested in seeing you cover more on CoE. There are loads of design journals on the website describing various mechanics and systems that lots of people are not aware of. Could be helpful for others, and effective at creating awareness if you touched upon some, perhaps. :)


2:30 that time is part of a movie... They tried replicating a fight scene from an old movie... I like it :P


You didn't touch on customization or the soul system. Or wards of the state where instead of stylizing yourself with the limitations of your parents you get more customization but lose the family advantages. And for people wondering an in game life is 10 to 14 moths and costs about 30 bucks for every extra life after purchasing the game life as there are no subscriptions and a standard 1 time pay off like 50 bucks to own the game, when you experience one of the three types of death there is being knocked out then a coup de grace which is a special separation of the soul and body and permadeath which is when you reach your final death like aging or being coup de graced by your soulmate because that exists. You lose 2 days off ur life span for every knockout of coup de grace as a peasant or adventurer and the more important you are the more life you lose with each death. Then there are also families, guilds, schools and armies. There is a law system that is for when players commit crimes and pvp is only really allowed when in the wilds or in war between kingdoms, counties or houses. Last three things are that there are 12 biomes and clans of Mann in those biomes depending on your choices when certain things happen to you like being arrested it could activate a personal story created for your character, and for those who want to play wizards only 5 percent of the people that play the game will get magic it is supposed to be a rare and wonderful thing that inspires awe or terror, if you see a necromancer summoning leggings of the undead to attack your city people will flee in fear because that is a real threat if maybe some person in the city against all odds also had magical powers they might do battle and lead brace people against the besieger or he might join him and create more chaos and panic. I recommend visiting the CoE website as there is still more and I've talked enough.


This was a very good video! I have a lot of faith in Soulbound Studios. I'm in their Discord and the Devs are very active and passionate about this project. Combined with Unreal 4, and SpatialOS, I think they have the tech and ability to pull off much of their promised content! June is going to be full of more info too, so check out the site!


This is too good to be true.. It has to be


Hmm, you realize those combat animations and sounds are placement holders, they mention this in their run through the mines and that they are working on combat separately.

Age is about 10-14 months on average, one week in real time is a year in Elyrian time, all of this stuff is in dev journals and vids. You can live longer assuming you aren't dying all the time.


It's always the same with these types of games, they promise the universe, they say that their game will allow you to do whatever you want but then it falls flat on the face, with a buggy game that has less than half the features they promised and it's an empty world with not much to do


2:20 this is the fight from the Princess bride


The Princess Bride fencing made me chuckle.


Was that the Dread Pirate Roberts and Inigo Montoya? YES IT WAS!!!!
