A NEW Simple Way to Make a Capsule Wardrobe ~ Minimalist Closet

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I’m sharing a new, easy way to build a minimalist capsule wardrobe with a few simple steps. Timeless fashion for women over 40 with a minimal wardrobe that makes you feel beautiful. Incorporating a minimalist closet simplifies my life and will simplify your life too.
Using minimalist tips and hacks to save money on clothes.

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00:00 simplify your wardrobe
01:25 your style
02:23 keep what you love
03:13 stick to classics
04:12 color scheme
05:00 versatility
05:38 stick to solids
05:58 shoes
06:46 intentional purchases
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I love your capsule wardrobe, with its neutral colors that can be interchange with each other. You have a minimalist, Scandinavian color palette that suits you well. I tend towards teal, sage, navy, purple, tans, and greys. I also periodically donate clothing that clutters my own closet. Thanks for your tips.


Yayyy thanks! My favorite videos of yours are the capsule wardrobe and style, hair & makeup too! Love all of your simple yet chic ideas in these departments! ❤️


Connie you look fabulous in whatever clothes you wear and you make it look easy and simple I’d not be sure where to start with such little clothes thank you for showing it’s possible


Thank you, Connie, your style is beautiful.


Thank yoy Connie for the inspiring and informative video. Luv yr blue outfit.❤❤❤❤


Thanks Connie for sharing your wonderful tips ❤❤


Connie, you always look so put together, love your outfits and
The ten capsule wardrobe ❤


Thanks Connie, good advice as always ❤Rose


Wonderful advice. You always look so comfortable and beautiful


Thank you for this lovely video. Did you declutter most of the clothing you owned when you left the U.S.? Interested to know how often you replace wardrobe pieces.


Thank you Connie for another lovely video!!!❤❤❤


У вас очень красивый гардероб! Спасибо за вдохновение и мудрые советы❤


Such a good video. It was really helpful in gathering my capsule wardrobe.


Thanks Connie. Where u shooting this vlog from. Lovely clothes on the rails. Look forward to your videos. Would like some easy healthy recipes. You look so slim and your skin so lovely. ❤❤


So interesting...and agree with you thought process. Thank you.


Connie, your videos were suggested to me as I have been trying to let go of many precious items and live a more minimalist and frugal lifestyle, seeking a life lived closer to God. To my amazement I realized I was watching my childhood crush from my days spent in the mountains of upstate NY where we would ritually rent a little know horror film on VHS, Troll 2. Having grown up on Long Island, NY, surrounded by materialism and a very high stress environment, these trips to the countryside with my family are the most precious memories of my life, with Troll 2 being a magical staple of that time.

We would always make our trip into town and visit the local mom and pop antique and video rental store, "The Good Earth", to then rush and grab our beloved rental copy of Troll 2 to watch for the weekend. Only after years of repeating this did the kind old lady offer us a price to simply purchase the movie. Now we had the tape as part of the house, and could watch it any time we'd like. Now, somewhere around 30 years on, the tape still sits on the shelf in the home, and each time I visit I can be reminded of those special days.

The movie Troll 2, for myself and for my brother, was very deeply special because it had an energy around it of a world we never had the chance to experience. It just had this magic around it and it really stuck with me. It was the perfect fit for our escape to the countryside, wherein the film itself actually felt like the small town we love so dearly, and the kind and gentle people of that town.

It is so amazing to be able to watch you now on here and to listen to your voice speak on the wisdoms of frugal and simple living. It has been a blessing in recent days. There is such a calming peace to your demeanor and delivery. It is great to see the road you have traveled and I wish you the greatest success with this channel! God bless you Connie and thank you for your part in Troll 2!


Actually, I do need a fair amount of clothes because I tend to wear out my clothes through repeated wears, stains, etc. I can be hard on my clothes just simply living. I can also be a messy eater.
So, I need twins of pieces that I especially love.


You have great hair, been watching for a while now. Can you share how you style your hair if you don’t mind. ❤


? May I ask the brand of your leather boots?


Clickbait. This show is about stylish clothes, when obviously from the thumbnail, it was advertised as “How to sit in couches, with a pleasant smile, looking away but cool.” 😎
