Take Small Steps to Succeed in Maths

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Taking small steps is important, because those small steps can lead to big accomplishments! This is just a short video where I talk about taking small steps. Please leave any comments or questions in the comment section below:)

And yes I purposely said "Maths" in the title. I promised someone I would say it in the video but I totally forgot, long live MATHS!!!!!!!!!!!:) It's fun to say it that way hehe.

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“Turn off this video... or keep watching it” 😂
I love your videos man. Truly motivating. Keep it up!


When I was tutoring Highschool kids, as a Junior Math Major in College, I would always emphasize rewriting the entire line of work for each step. For me, I’ve found this does several things...

1.) Provides pride in the assignment because it just LOOKS like a lot is being done, and makes you feel smarter, giving you the confidence you need to move forward.

2.) Allows you to follow the math slowly to better understand each and every process

3.) Reassures that you’ll catch a mistake if there is one

Take BABY STEPS with each new line of work, even if all you accomplished from one line to the next is just something you can easily do in your head. Doing simple math in your head is not what math is all about. Following logic through to the very end for supportive reasoning is what math is all about. ❤️

Plus, the more baby steps you take when working out a problem, the more daunting it will look to someone looking at your work, giving them the impression that you’re smart than you actually are! 😂

Lots of reasons for baby steps! Thanks for your continuous GREAT uploads good sir!


Imma download this and have this vid as my morning alarm to get me to do that morning math problem


as the great Shia Labeouf once said, "JUST. DO IT."


Keep taking small steps and you will be hired by me one day.


I may be the weakest person in maths in this comment section but I try my 100% daily to solve atleast 15 questions for better marks


I do not know how your channel does not have more subscriptions. I find your videos very useful, especially the one for choosing the right books to start, because that's always been a crucial but tricky step to start on a subject.


This is the BEST advice I've heard this week which makes THIS video among my high favorites of those you've done so far!!! Thank you lots for producing this video, Math Sorcerer!!! :) :) :) :)


I should probably watch this every day until I have established the habit of doing at least one problem daily :) Thanks.


Plus all the math experience you gain during your study is priceless


I've been struggling with maths my whole life up until lately. I've gone back to school to reeducate myself and maths is finally starting to click. Some days it's hard to sit down, especially after working all day so these videos are awesome for my motivation and very helpful, thank you!


I have 45 years old I can not sleep if I don't make a math problem!
Mathematics are brain vitamins 👍👌👍


i'm a high school student living in pakistan and i find your videos so remarkable, i'm not very good at maths but still your videos are inspiring me to get into the field of mathematics. i hope, i would get good at it as it just requires practice and patience and someday might contribute in this field. you're really motivating. keep up the good work sir.


thanks sir, you are great helping source for self learner (internet learner) of mathematics . Love to you sir.


Memorization can help you in the short-term. Understanding will help you in the long-term. Choose wisely.


It is better to practice for 1 hour every day for one week than to practice 7 hours on the same day.

Well, of course, it would be better to practice 7 hours a day for 7 days. The idea here is about to be consistent.


I’m a good puzzle solver but I’m intimidated by math especially because I don’t have any friends or anyone to ask questions or challenge. But I do believe I can master a specific branch. I wish we had a maths discord so we all can work and get to know each other.


This is good tip in general.
I'm doing a fast right now, so far I'm at 31hrs, if I can do 31, I can do 32, if I can do 32 I can do 33.
Awesome inspiration as allways.


Thanks for this! I am currently thinking about becoming a secondary school math teacher and trying to relearn old concepts from when I was in high school is daunting. Most of the problems I can immediately solve (I also get a bit of a nostalgic feel) other problems are a little more difficult for me and it really gets on my nerves. It makes me think "how am I supposed to pursue my career if this is hard?"

I did take a quantitative reasoning class the last time I was in college and I aced it which gives me a little confidence. However that class is pretty much an easier version of statistics from what I have read. However, in the class I was able to easily understand algebra 2 concepts and I also helped my fellow classmates. Looking back at that class makes me think that I am not completely hopeless. (I also rarely studied)


Your videos are so encouraging, thank you.
