Cheating Husband? Here's What NO ONE Tells You

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Cheating Husband? Here's What NO ONE Tells You to consider before you divorce him, and keep him away from the children


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Most men have about 4 requirements: Be loyal to us, sleep with us, feed us, don't get chunky. Notice #1 is loyalty. Women have about 1, 500 requirements, and a lot of the time loyalty is not even included. There is a reason for this. Women would rather share a high value guy then have a low value guy to herself. On the flip side, men would rather have an average looking girl to himself, then share a 10/10 with other dudes.


Men will sacrifice his happiness for his family. Women will sacrifice her family for her happiness. 👀


If you have a wife that services you regularly, feeds you, keeps your house clean, and treats you with respect I think it's a pretty rotten thing to do to cheat on her.


Cheating is cheating. It is a betrayal on the most personal level.


I lost count of how many women I turned down trying to be faithful, believing the fairy tale only to get cheated on l o l


My mum divorced my dad, the worst thing you can do to a 7 year old that needs a stable home


When i was married i had women throwing themselves at me left and right. I didn't cheat because I'm not a cheater. I'm not lowering myself to that level. It might not be the popular opinion but at the end of the day i have to be able to look myself in the mirror and i want to do that with a clean conscience.


I agree but I think there’s a limit. I think women should not be so quick to end a marriage and that indiscretions can be overcome. However, I don’t think women should stick around with a perpetually unfaithful man and stick around just for the kids if they’re dealing with a serial cheater.


Women don't understand how damn easy it is to keep a man happy and only into her. Instead, most men get very little attention and are shut down constantly. A woman who'll pursue a man with an offer better than what he has will win him over, even if it's just for recreation.


F-that……. I demand 100% loyalty from my wife. She should also get 100% loyalty. Cheating is for the weak.


I grew up in military house hold and my parents split up after my dad came back from the golf war. Today he's still with his current wife which now I've managed to connect with really get the full picture of what happened during that time frame. It was a bad marriage for both side and it was bound to fail. I'm not sure if having my dad around with his own struggles would have been better for me as a person. The army really screwed with his head(very long story). I followed guys like you Rich who were successful at what they did as inspiration and mentorship. Yes growing up without a father sucks but at the same time bad leadership could have lead me down a path of destruction too. But regardless the woman should never deny the kids father in the picture. They need to get to know him. Even if he's not that great as a parent.


Men attach slower, but more securely. Women attach fast, but let it go just as fast—and you don’t even see it coming.


Rich offers some interesting points but what concerns me is that if a woman allows the cheating, how far will the man take it? I mean if he can get away with it once why not do it every weekend? And then one day bam someone has an STI 😅


Sorry Rich, but I'm not down with this line of thinking. It's basically excuse making for why it's ok to be a scumbag. Marriage means something. If you don't agree with all its requirements, don't get married. Nobody is forcing you. But when I took my marriage vows in a church, in front of both our families, that wasn't for show. I knew what it meant and I agreed to it. I would not be able to forgive myself if I cheated, even if a Youtuber says it's no big deal. It's not going to be because of me that our marriage fails. And after 26 years together, it hasn't.


Once infidelity enters, the marriage is toast. The "reasons" or circumstances are irrelevant.


Cheating is a shitty behavior, no matter if you're man or woman. Cheaters are untrustworthy, low vibration, snakes. If a person cheats on her love partner, they will cheat on work, cheat on friends, lie, scam, basically you can expect any sort of bad behavior from a cheater.
I get the options thing and the "need" to cheat to keep a balance with the women that just need to open their legs and there is aline of guys ready to stick it. However you need a woman that understands that and behaves correctly, you don't want to lower yourself by getting a cheating woman and if she cheats and you cheat then you both deserve worst. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


If the woman cheats, should the man stay if there are kids involved? Same impact to the children if a woman cheats and the man leaves as if a man cheats and the woman leaves.


Dude... i wonder... would you teach this to a daughter?


Marriage is a contract if the husband or wife has sex with someone else they are in breach of contract making the contract null and void. To sanction a man or women breaking a marriage contract effectively destroys marriage, men in this instance who break the contract are selfish. Who ever breaks the contract needs to be held responsible and accountable.
