Black Labrador - A Brief Guide to Black Labrador Retrievers

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thank you, I just inherited, so to say, my best friend died so I now have her 7 year old black lab. about 6ix months now.


When I was in my pre-teenage years, there was a black lab that would run away from her owner and would hangout with the kids in the neighborhood. She would follow us everywhere and so we named her Shadow. We knew she belonged to someone but we never met them. But we knew she had an actual home because she would disappear for days, then show up. Her and I bounded the most. The kids in my neighborhood were a lot older than I was, so I would spend most of my days by myself. Well, except for Shadow. She would spend time with me when I was outside. I would take her walking to the nearest burger place and buy her a hamburger on those days with my school lunch money that I would save for those days. When she knew I had no school and was home, she would scratch the front door as though she was calling me to come outside. Which I did of course.

Never knew what happened to her after my family moved. But I do hope she had a long and happy life. Anytime I see a black lab, I think of her. I truly miss her. I am so grateful I had a lab as a friend during my childhood years.


I've never known a better companion than a black Labrador retriever. Their eyes are so emotive.


I have a black lab named Blake.
Dude is the coolest thing. Very playful and loving but looks like a damn beast.
Always scares people with his looks.
If only they knew how sweet my buddy is


we love our 125LB 7yr freaking smart


I have a black lab!!! His name's dingo. He's 2 months old. I just luv him but i get jealous sometimes that he plays and obeys my sister more than me.


They're really gorgeous, smart and have a great personality too.


Be careful with playing the first two years on soft surfaces 4:37
I had a beautiful black Labrador and she and I were playing on leash, and she got her back right paw coiled on the leash. She hurt herself running with the leash around her leg. I was carrying her up and down our stairs for 3 months injured. It was terrible. She was such a good puppy. I love you Bella Rose...


Yesterday evening my dog died, black lab named tommy due to kidney and liver failure just to know about it a week before that was too late to save him, just saw the video exactly look same I miss him badly
8 years of beautiful bonding my best friend love him ❤️


A little over a month ago I adopted from my local shelter a local 2 yr old (will be in May) Black Lab Mix Tripawd Rear Right Back Leg Amputee!

He has tons of Black Lab Traits & characteristics except for the fact that he is less the 2 ft tall & only 38.5-39 Lbs


I laughed when it said "make sure you don't leave them alone to long, they will prove to show their naughty side" HAHA this is my black lab mix!


I’ve got a black lab named Albus! High energy, very silly but extremely intelligent, he’s abnormally muscular so he weighs 100 lbs at 1 year old. I’m quite curious about his coat which is very long, more like that of a golden retriever. He is a purebred labrador and none of his siblings share his crazy coat. Any idea why that might be? Anyhow, he’s a very happy boy. Loves snow which is convenient as I live in the north. He loves his older brother too, my 17 year old cat. He’s not crazy fond of food like many other labs. The best reward for him seems to be playing.


My dog died Shiloh was a black lab, she was very smart and was my bestfriend


Hell yeah!! I agree with this even tho my dog it’s not the smart 😂😂


Great video. we have a new black lab she is amazing


We had a black Labrador when I was a teenager. His name was duke and he was a strong ol fella.


My little Huey gets along swimmingly with my cat Oreo.❤


My black lab was a Labrador -chow mix. I sadly I had to put him to sleep at 14. He was wonderful dog and my best friend. 😢


i just got a stray puppy black lab, hes very well behaved and loving, he seems like a good dog but i dont know if I can keep him due to cats in my house, hopefully i can


I rescued two black labs from battersea dogs home, spanning what ended up being over 35 years. Both ended up living until 17 years each. Recently lost my last one. Amazing dogs. Always make you laugh.
