Santa Ana Council April 5, 2022 - ENGLISH

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To watch or listen to the meeting remotely:
• Channel CTV3, available on Spectrum channel 3 and AT&T U-verse channel 99

To comment on Closed Session items, Public Hearing items, items on the regular agenda or on matters which are not on the agenda, but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council may do so by:
• MAILING OPTION written communications – Public comments may be mailed to: Office of the Clerk of the Council, 20 Civic Center Plaza M-30, Santa Ana, CA 92701. All written communications received via mail by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting will be distributed to the City Council and imaged into the City’s document archive system which is available for public review; or

• IN-PERSON PUBLIC COMMENTS OPTION – Members of the public can provide in-person comments at the podium in the Council Chamber. The Council Chamber will have seating available for members of the public to attend in-person. Pursuant to the Department of Health, face coverings are strongly recommended for members of the public who enter City buildings regardless of COVID-19 vaccine status. Public comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker, unless a different time is announced by the presiding chair. Speakers who wish to address the Council must do so by submitting a “Request to Speak” card by 5:00 p.m. for Closed Session items and by 6:00 p.m. for all other designated public comment periods as listed below. Cards will not be accepted after the Public Comment Session begins without the permission of the presiding chair.

The following designated public comment periods are:
1. LIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS – You can provide live comments on closed session items by joining Zoom or the Conference Call as described in the VIRTUAL or IN-PERSON PUBLIC COMMENTS OPTION above. Speaker queue will open at 4:30 p.m. PLEASE JOIN ZOOM OR THE CONFERENCE CALL BY 5:00 p.m.

2. LIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS AND NON-AGENDA ITEMS (GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT) – You can provide comments by joining Zoom or the Conference Call as described in the VIRTUAL or IN-PERSON PUBLIC COMMENTS OPTION above. Speaker queue will open at 4:30 p.m. PLEASE JOIN ZOOM OR THE CONFERENCE CALL PRIOR TO 6:00 p.m.

3. LIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS – You can provide comments by joining Zoom or the Conference Call as described in the VIRTUAL or IN-PERSON PUBLIC COMMENTS OPTION above.

4. LIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON HOUSING AUTHORITY ITEMS – You can provide comments by joining Zoom or the Conference Call as described in the VIRTUAL or IN-PERSON PUBLIC COMMENTS OPTION above.

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