The U.S. Isn't A Democracy

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Abortion. Gun control. Climate. The U.S. remains stalled on so many big issues because the U.S. Constitution is old and outdated. After all, it was written by men who enslaved people. So what can Americans do to change it?

00:00 - Does the Constitution Make Sense For the 21st Century?
01:14 - How The Constitution Suppresses Democracy
03:42 - Recap: Minority rule
04:07 - Who was the constitution designed for?
06:44 - Why Do We Keep Arguing About The Same Things?
10:17 - Can the constitution be changed?

#abortion #SCOTUS #constitution

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*"The moment you hear the words "Freedom" and "Democracy" - Watch out! in a truly free nation, no one has to tell you you're free.”* ~ Jacque Fresco 1916-2017


I hate the false narrative of “today’s values” or “modern rights”. Indigenous societies have always managed to provide for their people while protecting the environment, etc. since before the U.S. was conceived and imposed. Taking care of human health, the environment, etc. is not new values or new ground, it’s ground to reclaim.


The Two Party system is the worst thing about the U. S political system.


People - Why you go at war with Iraq

U.S congress - Because they have “wmds”

People - Ohh “alright ” so why don’t you go ahead and do the same to Russia?

U.S congress - Can’t, simply due to the fact that they actually have wmds.

People - Confused pikachu face.


The Corporate States of America that's what the US is


The Israel lobby AIPAC tweeted :
June 23, 2022.

Thank you House Appropriations Subcommittee for fully funding $3.3 billion in security assistance to Israel.

Another 3.3 billion for Israel while we're struggling with record inflation. 🎖️👏


Just like the Roman empire the US empire is in decline. History is always bound to repeat itself


The constitution is not a list of your rights or what you can do. It' a list of what the govement can't do to you.


I'm an attorney, so I approach this question as both a lawyer and citizen. I do worry that the Constitution is not working adequately for this country. When the gun control issue is raised, that seems patently obvious. But, in my view, much of the problem arises from some very dubious constitutional interpretation by the federal courts, particularly the Supreme Court. But there is an alternate argument that has a good deal of merit that the constitution is not functioning adequately, and cannot be amended to sufficiently keep up with the pace of human change. In any case, an intelligent discussion on this issue must be both long and intelligent. I'm pretty worried about this.


There's one thing you didn't speak on and that's racism. It doesn't matter what statistics you pull from polls that show how much we all agree with each other. When "some" people see the faces of the people "they" actually agree with, "they" get cold feet to stand for what's right due to racism that's been micro dosed to "them" along with fear mongering from the "establishment" that shifts focus from progression to complacency.


“ THE U.S isn’t a democracy “ -Muslim world


James Madison, one of the framers of the constitution, famously remarked government ought to be structured to “protect the minority of the opulent against the majority”. Yes, that is why the U.S. uniquely produces such a disparity of wealth as opposed to the more social democratic nation-states of Western and Northern Europe.


US constitution for how old it is, it is quite decent. There are words in there that I do love. "I hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal". I do love that phrase but even after the implementation it took 100 years to get rid of slavery. But constitution at the end of the day is just paper, India has constitution written by a Dalit that makes caste illegal but still caste is prevalent today. constitution is not a magic letter that changes society in an instant.


"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
- Thomas Jefferson,  Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776


@6:27 "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."
- Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787


Yes, you're right.
Only a charismatic leader can make such a substantial change.
Just like Augustus who changed the constitution of the Roman Republic, or Cosimo de Medici who changed the constitution of the Republic of Florence.


02:26 "The Founders could never have dreamt of the vast population differences that state would have in 21st century". Well, already in 1790 there was 750, 000 people in Virginia and just 60, 000 people in Delaware. I think difference in more than 12 times can be considered "vast".


"Multiracial democracy" is something the USA will never be. It will collapse first before it becomes one. Also, the "undemocratic" elements of the Constitution exist specifically to avoid the country into becoming a tyranny of the majority, which is not necessarily bad if it weren't for the fact that the USA always was a tyranny of the majority, at least in racial and religious terms.


The USA is a federal republic of 50 sovereign states, not a democracy of its collective population. It surprises me that so many people don't realize what this distinction means.


“The U.S has overtly pursued double standards.” - Lijian Zhao
