The problem with AMD

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I'm fine with that stance, AMD has Ryzen already providing good performance out of the box. They didn't botch the thermal interface material between IHS and die, and they don't really play silly games with tiering clocks and overclock features, they just try to do their best. I like that about them.


I wasn't aware of people actually thinking you were bias against AMD, that's ridiculous.

You have helped test AMD's Ryzen CPU's before release, finding there limit's/faults etc, as much as I like the Tech community there really are some daft people out there.


On the "X" Ryzen sku's, I agree.
But on non-X Ryzen sku's, OC'ing makes more sense because they do not boost as high as the X chips do, out of the box.


you could do ryzen memory optimization guide. easy tricks to enhance memory and advanced. Is 2x8 slower than 4x4? show us german memory engineering :D


Had an R7 2700X system briefly. The XFR on the 2x00X cpus work so well, I'm excited to see what AMD offers with the 3000 series.
Hope to get something beastly for a new itx system :)


In my opinion, you can still get the fun from OCing a Ryzen system. The thing is though, it has shifted to memory OC's now instead of CPU's.


So... Did AMD do a better job on delivering a product to customers ?


All in all, I think AMD is doing a really good job.


So it’s not so much a “problem” with AMD. It’s just that AMD delivers a product that’s already complete and well-made out of the factory and that doesn’t require much tweaking to get the best out of. Unlike Intel’s products which leave a LOT to be desired out of the box.


I love Ryzens, the X versions are ready out of the box, with a good water cooler and PBO you have a nice single and MT performance with a couple of clicks, and unlike intel, the overclocking is more focused on memories, same for extreme overclocking, no cold bug to take care and more fun with memories instead of pushing the classic 4000+ C12.11 and focus on CPU. But this is highly subjective. 😁


The fact that AMD doesn't leave much space for overclocking makes a lot of sense. Thank you for bothering to explain this.


I prefer undervolting. quiet gaming is the best, who want to listen to there pc scream for an extra 5fps


The only thing I sort of disagree with in this is the phrasing - "the problem" is that there are no problems to fix. You can't delid the CPUs to improve thermals, because they already have optimal thermals; you can't really overclock it better than XFR can do for you either. All you're really left with is lapping the heat spreader and exotic cooling. You don't even run into the cold-bug with the Ryzen-platform (unless I'm mis-remembering). It just works - which does not make for entertaining content. It's not as fast as the fastest Intel CPUs, but dollar for dollar it has no problem keeping up with Intel's offerings.

The "issue" with this is that whenever we see this stuff being done with Intel's CPUs, it ends up being thought of as showing off how awesome Intel's CPUs are, even though you're actually showing that they aren't that good. Think of it this way - if you had to remove the engine, disassemble it and replace the crankshaft to get it to be less noisy, would it be considered a good car? Yet somehow the 7700K and 8700K were considered great CPUs, because they could run 5 GHz 24/7 (if you were willing to delid them and apply liquid metal).

That is my main issue with a ton of the hardware coverage on YouTube. Often the creators are completely oblivious to how they are shaping opinions of their viewers and giving free advertising to a product. As an extreme example, look at the amount of coverage given to Intel's 28 core HEDT. A $3, 000 CPU that needs a $1, 500 motherboard that might just be able to hit 5 GHz if you're willing to drown it in liquid helium and hook it up to a portable nuclear power plant. It's a CPU that is unlikely to be sold to anyone, yet there are a ton of videos about it, because of the insane motherboards that have been built to support it. Why are they insane? Because Intel demoed it at 5 GHz, so obviously overclockers are going to try to hit that speed. Fuck - some of those motherboards can't even boot without having TWO PSUs hooked up to them.

Products like those are made for one thing and one thing only - advertisement. Has anyone managed to actually FIND a 3175x for sale anywhere? NewEgg doesn't have any in stock, it's not even listed at MindFactory, it's not on PCPartspicker or Amazon either. But it is constantly in the tech-press, because there are boards being pushed out to reviewers to keep mindshare high and to keep competitors' products out of sight.

We don't pay anything to watch your videos, or the videos from other creators (at least not here on YouTube), but we do end up paying for it in more expensive products down the line, because the marketshare follows the mindshare, and when people see Intel being used by the "hardcore" hardware guys and used in benchmarking, they automatically assume that their products are the best and that everything else is discount garbage.


Would you do so Live stream? Even if you overclock a keyboard I would watch it.


I undervolt my 2400G using offset by 0.1250mV and just let XFR do it's thing. I also undervolt the SoC. It performs exactly the same. It saves on power and gives better thermals. AMD really has a nice boost algorithm :)


I get 4.3 on all cores. I enabled a setting on my ROG Crosshair hero 7 that will throttle down to between 2.7 and 3.8 when it's not under load. When under load, it will boost to 4.3


I have a 2700X and tried overclocking it too. But my conclusions are the same as yours. It simply doesn't worth it. So I decided to use it only in stock.


I wouldn't dare accusing you of being biased. You're doing an awesome job reviewing and overclocking just anything. And then making videos in both German and English, thanks for that.


Hey der8auer, I would really like a video with your opinions and techniques for overclocking RAM with a Ryzen CPU. You said in this video that you would overclock your 3000 to 3200, how about timings and how does this affect CB R20 and gaming?

I think the system you have in this video is very much like many AMD users own systems so it would be nice to see a real pro push this system to it's realistic limits.


You can really easily get a 400mhz+ OC on the 2700x. You can even do it with the stock cooler if you are willing to put up with some noise.
