How to Fix AMD Radeon Software Not Opening on Windows 10 & 11 (2023)

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How to Fix AMD Radeon Software Not Opening on Windows 10 & 11 (2023)
Check this best solutions if you have AMD Radeon software won't open problem.

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Why is my AMD software not opening?
Why can't i open my Radeon Settings?
How do I open AMD Radeon software?
How do I fix AMD software has stopped working?
amd radeon software not opening windows 11
amd radeon software not opening windows 10
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amd link support is missing for this configuration
amd radeon software not compatible

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It’s always the tech-support Indian dudes that knows how to do things thank you so much


Tried all the above and still doesn't open.
Uninstalled with DDU redownloaded from AMD website.
Nothing but trouble this software.
Imagine paying all that money for an XTX to literally not being able to play games properly due to software.
Any additional help would be much appreciated


look I tried what you said but it didn`t work I`m using Radeon HD 7500m/7600m on my laptop but after making the update it doesn`t open again and if I close it from task manager or restart the laptop it tells me to make the update again so please find any solutions for me


Mine says Windows update may have automatically replaced your amd graphics driver does anyone know what to do


I just could not open this for such a long time. That was extremely useful, thank you so much!


I don't think that AMD is actually working on fixing this.

However I believe I have found something (at least something that works for me).

As always, I am not responsible for what you do, and if following my guide makes your computer explode, it's not my fault.

I am asking some of you who are affected by this bug and ever had Epic Games Launcher installed to try this:

Exit Epic Games Launcher if you have it open (right click it in the notification tray and click Exit)
Open the folder
Rename the Logs folder to something like LogsBackup
Try to open Radeon Software and hope it works

Please respond if it fixed your issue or not, or if you don't even have the EpicGamesLauncher folder.

If I find out it doesn't actually work and it was just a coincidence, I will edit this post to correct it.

Good Luck!


I don't understand it didn't work for me but it seems to work for everyone here ☠️


I recently gave my laptop for an os issue, now i have amd radeon software, when i open on hardware it's showing amd radeon r9 m375 disabled, I'm not sure if they have wrongly set up the connections in laptop or if they've stolen my graphics card and given back, is there anyway to check in bios or system settings of my graphics card is physically there in my laptop?


I download the AMD Adrenalin software edition it shows up in my overflow tool bar but doesn't show at all in my program files.


DISABLING IGPU worked for me but also i think windows intall automatically drivers and that breaks amd amd adrenaline dont show upp features, i am missing audio/video and others... please help


The first step fixed my issue instantly. Liked and Subbed. Thank you.


Thank you so much, I couldn't find a solution to this problem for a very long time, and only your video helped me. I did almost the same actions through the registry editor, but I did not think that everything would be so simple, deleting the CN folder solved the problem. Thanks again very much!

(I'm writing this through a translator, so don't be surprised at the writing of the text)


i did all of these and it didnt work i think it doesnt work because i ended the amd software taska nd now when i click on allow amd adreline adition to make changes to the computer nothing happened i open it again and again it says the same thing but still nothing works


it dosent work in the moment.. maybe new update at the moment which struggle the software?


Now it’s not working again. How do I add the RadeonSoftware.exe file back to Tast Manager where it was? I can not get this software to pop back up no matter what I do. This video sadly won’t solve my issues anymore.


ive tried everything and it still doesnt open. Im lost rn idk what to do


You are a scholar and a gentleman! This kept happening and nothing I found fixed it. I even went through the hassle of deleting and re-downloading TWICE.

Now, thanks to you, I know how to fix it!

Thank you!


Man you help me so much,
i fix my problem with your other video, "warning microsoft use a other driver"
and after i have this problem

but in a past i live this problem

your solution fix my problem

OMG big big thank you .... big heart for you ❤ your are monster Nicely 👊🤝💪



Couldn't find it when I installed it, and now you make it look so easy!


Bro my d sotware automatically stop when playing games plese hell
