The North America Project: 2023 Update

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Here's an end of the year update to my North America video project talking about obstacles, working habit changes, and things I've fixed across the year. I can't wait to finish this thing in 2024.

00:00 - Intro
01:36 - The History of the Project
03:03 - Oh God the Beavers
04:33 - Knowledge is Power
06:35 - Toltecs? What Toltecs?
08:22 - Timelines First
10:48 - Fixes

Music used:
"Long Stroll" by Kevin MacLeod
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Taking the week off for Christmas but I figured I could at least post an update video on this project. Happy holidays!


Very rarely can history be split up into neat sections, or empires into neat borders, or events into neat timeframes. As much as it pains my heart, history isn't binary, it gets really messy where two or more conflicting ideas can be unverifiable and both equally valid. It's a fact many people unfortunately overlook. This project is the perfect example of that dilemma and I commend you for working so hard on it and appreciating the messy reality of history, it'll be amazing once it comes out. Merry Christmas Tigerstar


I really commend your effort in describing the indigenous peoples in a consistent and respectful way. It's not an easy task but shows a respect for history of a group of peoples that tend to be shoved into the first chapter of so many historical books. It's one of the least appreciated areas of NA history.


Can you please explain for me what the purple Haudenosaumee area, the orange Cherokee area, and the Muscogee and Chicksaw area represent? Were these areas their own sovereign states? Did they have their own governments, laws, police force, military, taxing system and borders? Or were they decentralised federal states that still had some form of absolute monarch? Or do they just represent areas where certain tribes lived, rather than areas with actual governments?
I know the answer might seem obvious to you but I just don’t understand this aspect of your historical maps 😅


I think you would do South America next.😊


Will you show stuff like : the metis rebellion
The west florida republic
And sonora rebellion ?


Can't thank you enough for your dedication to this. I'm part of that newer half of your subscriber base, but I couldn't be any more stoked! Projects like these help to turn the tide away from America's blatant dismissal of rich history outside the overbearing Eurocentric curriculum. As a young Chickasaw in Oklahoma, I can tell you first-hand that our Pre-K-12 education deserves it's rank as 48/50 for it's mistreatment of Indigenous history alone... It's always a breath of fresh air to see something presented so fairly and well-intentioned. Keep it up.


3:32 I’m fairly certain the depopulation of the Ohio valley occurred before the Haudenosaunee controlled hunting rights


Bro Can u do history of algeria 🇩🇿
We have great history first Algerian state was founded in 300 bc (massyli) and then numidia 202bc and there's many other like : zirids, rustamid, fatimid ،deylik of algiers, kingdom of atlava, emirate of abdl-kader, kingdom of aures, kingdom of tlemcen etc ..


Why does the old video have the kalmar union on it? Is it because you can barely see Iceland?


Question, why the usage of the word tribe ? Much Indigenous scholarship and studies, including the scholarship of anthropology in general, have dropped or use less frequently the word tribe for how imprecise, vague, and (frankly) ‘problematic’ (giving a ‘primitive’ image of these Nations).


Hey, how's that North American video going? But seriously, first, I love that you're putting in the effort that you are. Can't wait to see the end result! Second, thanks for the shout out! Finally, MajoraZ is a wonderful guy to work with and he's helped me so much with my research. You're in good hands.


I will say that those sample maps are absolutely beautiful. Even if it's taking a while, your hard work's more than paying off.


3:51 This is similar to how the Musket wars did the same thing in NZ, but instead of moving around & displacing, it was more conquering and spreading firearms southwards


Take your time this video will probably be released before gta6


One suggestion I would make, if I can, is for the French Canadian colonies’ names.

From my personal historical recollection the French colony on the Saint–Laurent was known as “Canada”, only being named the “Province of Quebec” after British conquest in the Seven Years’ War/French–and–Indian War, which was a major reason why the name “Canada” became synonymous with everything above the Thirteen Colonies/USA.

The colony labeled “New France” is, to my knowledge, supposed to be “Louisiana”, I could, of course, be labeling it retroactively, as its possible that it wasn't actually called Louisiana until the period of Spanish rule, but that's what I remember, at least.

Finally, I also have personally researched a few other French designations(?): first is “l’Haute–Louisiane”, or Upper Louisiana, which is vaguely described as everything north of modern–day New Madrid, MI; second is “la Pays de Illinois”, the Illinois Country, named after the Illiniwek Confederacy, which was an area bounded by the Mississippi, the Ohio River, Lake Michigan, and certain tributaries of the Mississippi located in modern–day northwestern Wisconsin; third and final was “la Pays d’en Haut”, the Upper Country, which is the most vague of them all basically being everything west of the Saint–Laurent settlements and all lands surrounding Lake Superior.

I also wonder why Saint–Domingue is a blank beige color on the 1699 map?

Again, these are just my 2¢ to add based on nothing else other than my own OCD–esque sensitivities regarding the history of this continent, and I could be wrong about most of it, love the work you do, have been watching since 2016, and I look forward to this video when it’s ready, don’t stress yourself to hard and good luck. 👍


Cant wait for more updates. Honestly a great video


Bro’s about to be THE expert on North American history. Phenomenal work! 👏


This is now the Winds of Winter of the youtube mapping community


I was in the middle of 10th Grade when this project was announced. It is now almost 2024, I've graduated from high school I'm a freshman in college, and I'm a YouTuber myself now 😭. Maybe it'll be finished by the time I start a family
