Best Shovel for SNOW? These are Amazon's top reviewed snow shovels. Shovel Snow Easy!

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In the market for a new snow shovel? Not sure which one of Amazon's top reviewed snow shovels you should choose? Watch and see which one suits you best.

Today we review and compare the Suncast , Snow Joe and the Snowcaster. I was pleasantly surprised by how versitle each shovel is. We tested how clean of a push, speed, convenience of use, and ergonomics.

The snow we tested on varied between fluffy snow, compact snow and slush. There were 4" of snow on the driveway and walk ways. All products were paid for out of my own pocket and I was not sponsored in anyway.

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🛒Suncast SC3250 18-Inch

🛒Snow Joe SJ-SHLV01-RED 18-inch

🛒Snowcaster 30SNC 36-Inch

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I love my snowcaster and will always use one. I even bought a spare in case they stop making them. I'm on my 1st blade and about to start my 10th year with it. If you need to throw the snow you can just kinda lift it with your foot and push it out. really though, it's not a replacement for a shovel, but you can clear a huge area really fast provided the snow isn't too deep or heavy.


The SnowCaster is great with 4 inches or less of light fluffy snow. In that scenario it pushes snow to the side very easily- doesn’t build up like that. Not so great with wet heavy snow.


The snowjoe is my favorite!!! So easy to toss the snow doesn't hurt my back. I like the dull blade I don't like to shovel to bare cement, I like to leave a small layer of snow so it's not as slippery and I don't use as much.


I've had a Suncast for years and it is still working great. I live in Nebraska .


I think you finally figured it out somewhat! That plow was invented in the town I live in North Dakota. But it is not a “Shovel” as you see it is meant to plow a lot fast and a shovel is needed when you get deep! But I often go out every once and while and easily clear a couple inches quickly then I can do it again in a couple hours but not for 6-12” of build up


How aren't there more comments about this awesome doggo just wanting to play? Love him! (also, useful video. Thanks!)


I have shoveled a lot of snow dirt gravel and crap in my day and I can promise you all this. The best shovel for you it the shovel you like to use the most. Not the shovel that cost 450 dollars not the shovel that was 40 dollars and not the shovel others say it the best in the world it is the shove; that you like to use and that could be a cheap 3 dollar shovel you bought at a lawn sale.


Good review G appreciate your honesty on these 👍🏻


LAWN Great to see you doin’ a snow shovel video! It’s been crazy here in Utah this winter!


Great video! When I saw the mountains in the background, I literally gasped at how lucky you are to have that view!

I was wondering about the one on the wheels. I have a Worx snowblower that I LOVE, but I do have an ergonomic shovel.

Just looking for a faster shovel when I don't need my Worx. Thanks for sharing!


I have been using the snowcaster for a couple of years. It works well on the frequent pesky sideshow snowfalls. But for the big event snow, I drag out the snowblower.


I have two Sun joes both Blades fell off in about 4 years but is still usable. A more durable version would be a great buy .


I might get the snow caster and mount it on one of my hand carts. The wheels on that look very cheap but like you said the blade is durable looking.


I got the snowplow snow pusher 36”. Haven’t needed it much in Pittsburgh PA this year.


Great video ginja love it keep em coming!!


My favorite, that pushes, but is rigid enough to lift and toss (maybe not throw) is JM Enterprises TV206971 Snowplow Snow Pusher, 30" . I have a long sloped drive and haven't used the snowblower yet this season.


I have a 17 year old True Temper version of the Suncaster (the green one sold at Lowe's back then) still in good enough shape, and also the newer yellow one that's about 14 years old in perfect shape. It's more or less a perfect snow shovel. There is no reason to stoop or bend over, and all you need need is 2" of a leg squat while keeping the arms relaxed and straight if you need to lift the snow to carry it.


Got a Sunjoe from Amazon. Then realized it was about $20 cheaper at Home Depot. Helps toss snow, but sucks on concrete as the aluminum edge causes drag and catches on rougher parts on concrete. After about 15 mins my “pushing” arm was so tired from the drag (my pathways are in good condition). Planning on returning it.


I have the snow joe. idk what this video will say, but it works for me


Excellent reviews. I would add that a riveted metal edge is superior to one that isn't.
