Testing a 2 Handle Shovel - Snow Domination? Snow Joe Honest Review

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I thought I found the best shovels, then I found the Snow Joe Shovelution. They promise no more bending over or back pain with the extra spring handle, but does it work? This is an honest review, I paid for all these shovels with my own money, this is an unsponsored video.

These are the other shovels in the video:

WARNING: This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

Music: Snowy Peaks pt I - Chris Haugen

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My son got me this for christmas last year. Thought it looked like a gimmick. Nope this thing is amazing!


Great reviews! Thanks for always being honest and for the amazing quality videos!


Thanks for the review! Since you bought it at full price I actually trust the review. Don't ever sell out and accept free things to give an "honest" review on.


It's kind of sad how much work you put in all your videos and you get like no views, no likes... Well keep up the amazing work and stay 💪💪💪!
New sub :)


Keep it waxed. Warm it up, dry it off, wax it (furniture polish or a car wax) then let it dry off well and get cold. Always wax between snows.


Never knew this kind of shovels existed. Had I seen it earlier my back would’ve been grateful. Thanks for the review. Definitely will buy one of those


Thanks for the review.
I'm a go get this.


Thank you for this video. I was given the shovel and just opened it and there were no instructions except to assemble the handle. I didn’t understand the purpose. We are getting snow throughout the week so I look forward to trying it tomorrow.


Bro, 40 bucks on Amazon.
That $18 price sounded too good to be true.
40 bucks on the Joe site.
$19 at my local Wal-Mart, and it's available.


Love the flexible shovel. Where can I buy it.


Couple of things. That yellow shovel looks identical to one I gave away after 1 use. I bought it for about $25 at an Ace Hdwr, used it once and I hated it. It was the only one they had left mid-Feb. The bucket twisted/flexed when met with the smallest amount of off-center resistance. And the steel edge was too thin and got easily dinged. Your experience with it?

My mother just bought the snowjoe one after enjoying some soft car clean-off blade she bought from them, and watching this video. Dunno if we'll get another snow this year to try it out, but it seems awkward. The bucket has almost the same amount of flex as the yellow one. The snow in your video is not packed hard. Yes, you shoveled where you drove over, but even that did not seem packed hard and frozen. I'm all for trying new things, but this "Shovelution" just doesn't seem sturdy enough to apply all my forward force unless I (A.) am very careful to keep all the force down the center of the bucket - not easy to do; AND (B.) take my hand off the spring handle and put it on the main shaft. Admittedly, the spring handle (like your toggle handle) does keep one from bending over so much, so to get the most forward shoveling force out of the snowjoe AND "save" one's back, you'd be constantly switching that other hand back and forth between the shaft and spring handle. Honestly, the "S-bent" shaft on the yellow shovel works just fine, imo. Then the aluminum (not aluNiMum) edge.... I feel that's gonna wear rather quickly against concrete.
Granted the black shovel is narrower, and that helps reduce twist, but I feel I need to find a shovel more like the one we finally broke. Strong no-twist bucket, S-bent shaft, steel edge. That thing was at least 15y old and sat out all year in the sun getting brittler the last 8y.

Your honest thoughts on all this?


The blue one is made of aludimum?? When was this new element discovered?


Why didn't you shovel with the one that was good for your back. No demo... why not


Don't forget to wax your shovels before use !!!
