Beginners Guide To Fermentation: Bottling + Flavoring Kombucha

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For all you troopers out there who dove into the first steps of kombucha, this second stage is where things get super fun and bring a culinary twist to the process. Bottling kombucha and adding flavors is the best way to create carbonation and make your drink fizzy! So get crazy creative with it and add whatever fruits, spices, and herbs you can think of!

Bottling & Flavoring
Fresh mango juice

Find a few glass bottles with airtight seals.
Drop in a small chunk of peeled ginger into each bottle.
Add about ½ a cup of fresh mango juice into each bottle.
Remove the scoby from your kombucha. Reserve 1 cup of kombucha along with scoby for future fermentation.
Fill bottle with kombucha.
Let it sit for 2-3 days to allow carbonation. Make sure to carefully pop the tops of the bottle every night so it does not over carbonate. Serve over some ice and enjoy!

Music by Lakey Inspired

SnapChat - BrothersGreen

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I've been brewing kombucha for about 5 years now and here's a few tips I've learned along the way. Refrigerate your kombucha bottles at least 24 hours before you open them to cut down on the volcano action. Place your bottle inside a big bowl and then open the bottle. The bowl catches any overflow and you can pour it all into your glass. I've lost 3/4 or more of an entire 750ml bottle before I learned the fridge and bowl trick. Happy fermenting everyone!


just wanted to say that if you don't have a SCOBY, and don't want to pay or cant, or you cant find anyone who has one. Go out and buy a bottle of plain unflavoured (also called raw or natural flavor) and make your own SCOBY. just pour the whole bottle into a jar (I use a mason jar) then put cheese cloth or something breathable on top and wait about 2 weeks and it will form a SCOBY for you so an initial investment of $3-$5 for the first jar of kombucha but it gives you the SCOBY to make allllot more and its way cheaper then ordering and paying shipping.


Cool videos... just one thing, as a beer brewer I would be very cautious about the amount of sugars that make it into secondary. The gushers are proof of over carbonation which can lead to bottle bombs. Technically you can still secondary ferment in a vessel similar to what you used for primary fermentation, then when time to bottle you can add a set amount of fermentables (dextrose, table sugar, whatever) to carbonate. Just google bottle carbonation calculator. I think that's much safer and more predictable.


Very fine videography... As an experienced brewer, I would suggest adding a smaller amount of fruit or priming sugar (1/2 teaspoon) to the bottles to prevent the over carbonation that I saw in your video. You won't have to release the pressure on the bottles or risk having them explode! I like the idea of recycling and re-using the bottles, and plan to use my Kombucha purchased bottles to make the first done, sir!!!!


I picked Elderberries fresh right before they started rot phase. They were explosively sweet. Turned that into a fantastic syrup, Elderberry and Black raspberry blossom honey.
That will be the base for my 6 bottles.

Elderberry, Mint, Lemon Peel
Elderberry, Basil, Lemon Peel
Elderberry, Clove, cinnamon, Anis
Elderberry, Cucumber, Mint
Elderberry, Huckleberry, Blueberry
lol my last one will be apricot because i love tangerine and mango.

This is my first batch, i put alot of time into this.


Dont forget turmeric root! The medicinal benefits are exponentially more beneficial when they've been fermented!


this should be coming just in time for everyone who dove into phase one of the kombucha making process. This is by far my favorite step since you can get super creative with the flavor combinations!


I have just started to make kombucha - I have my first batch in the first fermentation process. I even grew my own scoby. I'm anxiously waiting. I have watched many, many, many videos on making kombucha and I have to say, these two videos that I just watched of yours are in the top! Thanks so much!


* a few drops of kombucha splash around *
"My kitchen is ruined"



Try vanilla bean and prunes. SO good!! Another good thing to point out is how different the taste will be depending what kind of tea you use. I personally like it best when I use green tea.


Hey just a tip, I found Grolsch premium lager that comes in the 16oz fermentation bottles and it's cheaper then buying them on amazon (from total wine) I just purchased 8 bottles for less than $15 out the door. Cheaper then just the bottles and you get beer out of it.


I'm bottling my first batch today. I'm so excited, and I can't wait to try the different flavors I'm making - blueberry ginger, strawberry, kiwi, peach, and nectarine. Thanks for making these videos.


Thanks so much Brothers Green for this video. Been wanting to make Kombucha for so long. My advice to you though would be to not shake the bottle or move it at all before opening it because then it will just cause that beautiful explosion you just experienced there :D. I would recommend putting the bottles directly in the fridge after 3 days in the dark corner, this way you avoid further explosions. Also, keep the kombucha in a dark, dry place. You don't want the sun or too much light to hit it because then it gets too carbonated too fast, it tastes like vinegar almost. I hope these tricks work. I hope to try them myself soon. Thanks again and please consider doing some Middle-Eastern recipes. I am in Canada and work with Syrian refugees sometimes, so it would be nice to learn how to cook something for them.


Solubility of CO2 in a liquid increases when the temperature decreases so make sure you chill your kombucha down real close to freezing for highest carbonation and to help prevent this: 4:00


I really like your channel. Excellent kombucha videos! I'm motivated to redo my videos. I shot them when I was a new youtuber.

Hint: Refrigerate the kombucha before you open it!!! You will keep more in the bottle. Ever open a warm beer? I didn't think so...


Thank you for your videos. I'm on my second batch.
On my first batch I followed your instructions, and put a little bit of fruit in each bottle. I was going to leave it for 3 days, and then slowly open it when I got back home, but unfortunately I came home to Kombucha and glass everywhere! I guess I added a little too much fruit to mine? I will for sure be "burping" my bottles daily from now on. Thanks Again. I appreciate it!


I would suggest to freeze some kombucha tea in the ice tray to make ice cubes to chill down your "secondary kombucha drink". Kombucha ice cubes would keep the flavor - as the regular ice cubes would dilute it.
I noticed that due to a small amount of alcohol, kombucha does not fully freeze in the ice tray - the surface of the kombucha ice cube is sticky, but that's alright, just pop several kombucha ice cubes out into your glass and pour over your secondary brew.
Thanks for the video!


@ 2:30 I love the way you're explaining how to make sure you have clean hands when you're making the tea and at that exact time you pick your nose and rub it all over your hands. 😆 Good job!


Thank you so much for making these videos, I just started my batch from scratch 8 days ago. Waiting on the scoby to grow and that 14 day mark to come already. Your videos is helping me with a guide and I am paying close attention to the Do’s and Dont’s! #cheers


Try using your extra scobie as a facial before gifting it to the compost! Just flop that round boy on your face and kick back for 10! Its like a natural chem peel. nice!
