Vietnam's Economy is Growing Fast! | Asia's Next Powerhouse

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Vietnam's economy since 2020 still continued to perform well above expectations.

Narrated by Tom McKay
Video Edited by Iyanbriandi

Brought to you by the Behind Asian Team.
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Why do you think Vietnam's economy is performing well relative to its Asian peers? Let us know down below!


Nice growth vietnam, love from Indonesia, let show to the world that SEA is now growing strong.
Economist said at least three country that could be a developed country in the future Indonesia vietnam and philiphine, but still there are a lot of challange we need to overcome, hope we can pass that


Salam damai, ASEAN maju bersama. Love from IDN🇮🇩


congratulations Vietnam! hard works paid off..


Vietnam is continuing to step up the fight against corruption to speed up development economic. I hope in the not far future, Vietnam will develop further !


Kudos to Viet Nam, they really sprinted through.


I don't care about the negative things people say about Vietnam. I know that many countries are investing in Vietnam because they see its potential. Why do leaders from China, the US, and the EU visit Vietnam? They must see something valuable in our country and hope for strategic and economic partnerships.

Yes, Vietnam has its problems, as every country does, but I believe we will overcome them and have a bright future.

We are aware of the threats from one particular country—a country that poses a challenge to the entire world. Only together can we face this threat.


Human resource + strategic location + stable government made Vietnam succeed. But compared to China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Singapore, our growth is lower than above developed Asian economies. Hurry up, otherwise, Vietnam will be stucked middle-income with aging society within 20 years.


Vietnam is the new destination for Industry from japan korea and china. Vietnam managed to grab the whole cake leaving india and phillipenes far behind in attractiveness and political stability


I'm Vietnamese and live in Vietnam and see so many people struggle with their income compared to living cost, including housing. GDP per capita in Ho Chi Minh City, biggest city in Vietnam, is 4, 284 USD and the price of apartment easily surpasses 80, 000 USD. That means if they don't eat, pay anything from the income, they have to wait 18 years. And if they live as very simple persons, 1, 000 USD is the disposable income, meaning they have to wait 80 years.

Vietnam's Economy is growing fast? Maybe, but what's the point?


I am a Vietnamese and I appreciate the video. In my view point, Vietnam still have a lot of potentials we have not exploit it all. Vietnamese people have to unite together to build country become more and more develop !


no wonder japan trust at vietnam cause they manpower also form there, the country thgat rise and not far from land is easy to make bussines, even malaysia have even more strateic area in southeast asia we policy is weak if compare to neighbour hm what a shame ehh


Việt Nam có hơn 30 năm phát triển nên còn nghèo lắm. Mong hòa bình, hạnh phúc mãi với Việt Nam rồi cũng sẽ có ngày phát triển sánh vai với bạn bè năm châu


The GDP number does not show everything. People still lost their jobs. Companies were reducing workforce left and right. Many newly graduates could not find a job and had to work as Grabbike. There were thousands of small businesses closing down every month. They returned the rental properties and the landlord cannot find new tenants. Majority of Vietnam's GDP are contributed by FDI. Samsung alone contributed roughly 25 to 30% of GDP. Those money won't be 100% reinvested into Vietnam's economy. The population is aging quickly. They won't be able to sustain the growing rate for much longer.


Vietnam will be a regional superpower in the next 20 years. They need to continue to grow their population and continue to educate their workforce to go from assembly line to more management and take more leadership roles from some of their investors like Korea and Japan. If they can do that, they will dominate, and be the next South Korea and maybe even better.


Political corruptions and financial corruptions within the States is obvious here even for the people in Vietnam can see it.

I am a bit concern as no foreign papers capture this, even the traffic cops take brides in like 99 in total of 100 cases they have and we were taking it too often and it become too normal for anyone in the country to fix it. Me myself studying in an international university which in Vietnam is mostly affordable for the wealthy families so I have a lot of friends are politicians’ children, I know that there is absolutely no position in the government, even a minor staff is not taking bribes and corrupted yet. Vietnam economy is growing but if you look closely, only the upper class, which is my family and other politician families are absorbing all the benefits.


Covid 19 was definitely a turning point for Vietnam. I remember watching the TV around after Christmas Eve and New year, there were a huge amount of news circulated on both official and unofficial channels about a SARS-like disease. Most people took this news seriously. Being next to a superpower, we've been having a fair share of problem, closing the border with China (temporarily) was a huge deal, but the government decided to do just that in March 2020 and met with support from the Vietnamese people. During Covid 19, Vietnam has its problems, we had both wrong & correct decisions, but at the end, I think we handled the Covid 19 successfully.
TBH, Vietnam should be a case study for how a government should handle an epidemic.


Bangladesh 🇧🇩 wants to trade and do business with Vietnam. Bangladesh 🇧🇩 also wants Vietnam to invest in Bangladesh 🇧🇩


While many industries faced challenges during the pandemic, ecommerce, particularly in categories like personal care, mom & baby products, and food, emerged as a resilient sector. This trend has continued, with Vietnam's retail sector booming and ecommerce projected to reach $39 billion by 2025, CARG 12.5% (2024 - 2030) and 20% (2025) respectively. Interested in exploring retail opportunities in Vietnam? Let's connect!"


Absolutely it’s rising Vietnam continuing growth rapidly developing in coming years will be a huge star rising..!❤️🇺🇸🇻🇳
