RELEASE the CLUBHEAD for Maximum Speed!

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In this video, Steve takes you through how to make an incredibly powerful clubhead release.

The key is to be incredibly supple and whip the clubhead without impeding it's progress.

To get amazing driver distance, follow these basic tips and drills to raise your clubhead speed.

Maximize your shoulder turn with the POWER COIL PRO! Gain 5-10 mph in 5-10 minutes as part of Steve's 'Magic Drill Sequence':

I've put together a complete program to teach you the Mike Austin Golf Swing, increase your clubhead speed, and hit it solid and pure.. Check it out here:

To get my FREE eBook visit here:

If you've been struggling with a bad slice, get my free 30 minute video here:

Рекомендации по теме

He told me to hit the mudbank with the club head as hard as I could, but said if you get any mud on your knickers, I'll kick you in the rump! He taught me the greatest lesson of all, which is to release the club head -- Mike Austin (paraphrasing a bit, but words to that effect)


Steve, you have changed my golf life for the better the last two years from an 18 HCP to a 7 in two years 80% from your methods….there are one or two others on YouTube that have contributed too but 80% you…..I consider you my coach


I'm amazed at how much simpler you're explanation of releasing the club, and golf swing in general is to me after years of searching Steve. I've been sharing your YouTube videos and web address with others. Thanks again, George


Hello Steve, I'm here at the range in Hayward this morning. It's amazing how much my swing has improved I had to stop & send u a msg.. Your video lessons & instruction has finally clicked and today I saw my PW gain 10-15yds w/ a smooth effortless swing....THANK YOU!!!
Also just recvd my swoosh Trainer. I'm looking frwd to more speed👍💪😁


I've been using your method for about a week now. I'm hitting drives and irons much better than ever. I'm getting the ball flight I've always wanted. Thanks a lot.


Bar none, Mike is one of my favorite golf instructors. His understanding of biomechanics and physics related to the golf swing is remarkable. Agree that Mike Austin was an amazing swinger and striker of the ball. Tony Lima's swing is unbelievable for his time as well. Keep up the great instruction Mike! #GoatTeacher


I came to these same conclusions while taking my kids for a walk. I have a driver sized stick that I carry and hit ramdom "spikey balls" and twigs etc. I noticed when i could excelerate and decelerate at the right times i could generate smoother yet faster club speed.


Steve I think this is one of your best videos. Thanks for this knowledge, its Gold.


Excellent video, on occasion I get this right and its another 30 yards of carry thanks for putting this together!


Hello Steve, I am an engineer and I really appreciate the explanations breaking down the different movements. The Release The Clubhead video was eye opening and tore down misconceptions I have had for YEARS and now I understand why I have never been able to reach my potential. Thank you...rgds, EricT


That driving range looks awesome, with the sand bunker there. I been wishing my club course had a bunker to hit all my irons outa to practice my distances for fairway bunkers and such


Great explanation as usual - simple - effective - no technical crap


Outstanding explanation of the release. Thanks for the information


I’ve been playing for about 5 years, never improving in distance but ever since I’ve found your Chanel, learning a lot and putting it into practice, suffer with distance, I’m about 6’1 and consider stronger but can only hit drivers about 200 yards, I hit it as hard as I can with my hands with no results.
Now I’ll put it into practice.
Great tips, simple with out getting people so confused like others I’ve seen :)
Thanks and great Chanel.
Gus from California


Great explanation. I've been playing for a few years. Been told to release the club, but without description of what that actually means.


You opened my eyes to a different way to look at the golf swing, thanks, I'm going to work on it starting tomorrow


Thanx M u put the finger at what I learned intuitivly trying to get the speed - make perfectly sence, great knowledge ☺


Best release lesson of all time. Many thanks 😎


Steve - great video. You answered a lot of the questions I had on swinging faster. I still have a couple questions on the transition and which hand powers thru impact- 1) what are you actively/consciously doing to start and move thru the downswing? Swinging the left arm as fast as possible, or turning your torso and taking the left arm along for the ride? 2) as your thumbs push the uncock, are you using more right hand to uncock and push the back of the shaft down and thru impact? What I'm asking is how much power the right hand adds to the downswing and thru impact. I've always been a left arm puller, but my left shoulder gets sore after hitting a bucket of balls if I try and swing faster. When I've tried to add right hand power I usually hook the ball and don't gain any swing speed. Thanks !


I'm eager to try this method. My cousins trained with Mike Addison and consistently hit it 300+ yards back in the 90s - before the all the improvements in divers and distance balls.
I'm 52 and generally drive it 250-270 yards fairly straight without the extreme wrist cock at the top and without the deliberate release starting early. I'm eager to see what improvements this can make. I'll try this out this weekend.
