Copy Other Ancestry Trees For Download

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You can't download Ancestry trees that you don't own. But there are ways to copy them without having to spend hours typing.
This is the companion article to the video:

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There's a lot easier way of doing this. After your initial save to tree to create the new person go back to the profile page of the person you just saved and again do save to tree, select your research tree, then select the person in your research tree you just added. This will now give you the option to add parents, siblings (you have to add at least one parent to do this), and children, just as when you save information from records with extra/new people (of even existing people in your tree).

This only gives direct descendents so to do any children of the children (or their spouses) you will have to repeat this for each person in the tree individually, but most of the time I'm only wanting a starting point as I don't necessarily trust everything everyone puts in their trees, if I do want to do this if it's easy to do. You don't need the hints at all just the other person's tree. After doing this you can start to validate using any sources they may have and any external sources and other sites that are useful resources.


The Save to tree now acts like your Hint trick. You can choose parents and children when you do the Save to tree, but I feel there are some bugs that Ancestry won't admit.

I found Ancestry won't copy living people to a new tree when doing a Tools, Save to Tree and they won't give you an error that they didn't copy every person and they won't tell you that is how it works. They also didn't know it worked that way, but they claim it's a feature rather than fix. I then found another bug. To get those people to copy I toggled those 5 people to Deceased and then changed them back to Living, but after they transferred, they were already setback to Living on the destination and gave no error or indication that it didn't accurately copy the data. The copy is only accurate if you have a date in the death field or a Location. You depend on Ancestry to preserve your data and in this case I think they fail twice and won't accept it as a bug.


I have tried this and find that this only applies to non living people as living people are hidden from view of another tree along with a list of people.
