I'm Switching to KDE Plasma because ...

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00:00 - I have always been a Gnome user, but ...
01:16 - Why KDE Plasma?
02:40 - Past experiences with Plasma
03:33 - Plasma vs Gnome
05:31 - Customization
06:19 - Different, but there for a reason
07:57 - Conclusion


Description Tags:

linux, desktop environment linux, linux desktop environments, gnome vs kde, gnome vs kde plasma, kde plasma customization, gaming on linux, kde plasma gaming, kde plasma wayland, fractional scaling gnome, gnome adaptive sync, open source, michael horn


#linux #opensource #kdeplasma
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Gnome does a lot of things right, but the thing is... I can emulate everything I like from Gnome in Plasma without implementing the stuff I don't like in 5 minutes. And I don't need a couple of third party extensions for it, that could break after another update. Edit: And I need a functioning system tray.


Good content as always !
As a long time KDE user I've some tips to share:
1. Konsave is a great utility to backup/restore your existing KDE configuration.
2. Plasma customization Saver by Paju is an applet that will allow you to save and switch between different layouts.


Great video as always!
I LOVE both KDE and GNOME. I use GNOME basically because, at this point in my life (my age) I just enjoy it's simplicity and workflow. But both desktops are fantastic, as you pointed out, for very different reasons. I hope you have a blast with the KDE DE, it is undeniably a BEAST at what it does.


KDE has one thing that even as Gnome user I prefer is the breeze cursor that small tiny detail that nobody cares but its so refreshing to see something like that. It's so different from your traditional arrow thingy I just love it.


I'm so excited for Cosmic, I think it'll be a cross between Gnome and KDE, which is exactly what I'm looking for.,


To each their own. I've bounced back and forth between DEs/WMs for like 20 years now. Currently rocking Plasma 5 for similar reasons you've pointed out - it just offers the customization I want while still being a full DE. I don't go ham on it, just a few little tweaks here and there (hell, I'm using the default Breeze theme), but it's more than Gnome allow for and I don't have to play the "will my extensions work after this update" game. And if I wanted to make some crazy custom desktop workflow, I absolutely have that ability here.

Also the dev team are a treat. I pushed a bug report a couple years ago and it was replicated, fixed, pushed to master, and out in the next point release within a few weeks. Not that everyone's had that same experience, but it was refreshing compared to some projects I've lodged issues with.


I use KDE as my DE as well, I prefer it over Gnome and it just works with my workflow I do 1 task at a time I don't have 4 or 5 programs open at a time.


Vanilla Arch with KDE Plasma is the GOAT. That’s why I loved how Valve setup the Steam Deck


i am very excited for plasma 6!
using plasma vs gnome is like using windows vs macos, they're very different things suitable for different needs and use cases and user preference


I'm running Plasma on my desktops/laptops and GNOME on my Surface Pro. They're designed differently for different use cases and people that pick one or the other sometimes miss that point. Nice video!


I just couldn't get used to not having a minimize button. That said, Gnome absolutely has the better overall ecosystem with libadwaita. Hope you have a good time with Plasma!


Fresh one month Linux user here. Took a look at what Linux has to offer, KDE+Plasma was the clear winner, by far. On aesthetics and customization alone. That thing is the most beautiful IT device GUI I have ever had.. period. Went with Kubuntu btw.. pretty happy with the choice. I always liked the idea of Linux but hated the GUI (or lack of GUI in the early 00s).. Now it has the best GUI in the whole of IT (my opinion).


While I personally prefer Gnome's stability and "sensible defaults", I'm very glad Plasma exists for those who want that greater level of customization


I’m currently using both a sanitised Hyprland install (minimalist skin + Windows-style keyboard shortcuts) and a KDE Plasma install that utilises Aero Glass and Material Design icons; basically how Windows 7 would look like today.

I like this setup and I would not give it up for something like vanilla GNOME or more advanced window managers like DWM or Ratpoison.


I like the look of gnome desktop GUI, but yes KDE Plasma is beautiful in mobile edition, I've already tried it via pinephone pro and it appeals to me because of how similar looking to Android it is.


One thing to note is that some distros seem to play a big part in this. My laptop runs EndeavourOS, my desktop runs Garuda, they both run Wayland KDE, but my laptop craps out WAAAAY more. Still not a lot, and it never hard-crashes or anything, but I just started using it again after being desktop only for a while and it was a pretty easy difference to spot.


Been a Gnome DE user for years. Coming from MacOS it's been perfect. I'm very tempted by the promise of deep customization and improved stability. Further convenienced by Steam Deck and Nobara and Endeavour landing on it as a default.


Thanks for the video. I think KDE Plasma and Gnome are both great options and what you choose it will come out to be a personal preference. In my case I've tried Plasma several times but haven't been able to like it and I always come back to Gnome, honestly I'm very happy with my workflow on Gnome but try Plasma time to time because many people speaks highly of it, but I never seem to like it or gives me some annoying problems that makes me go back, but for other people it just fits perfectly so in conclusion just use whatever you are happy with


I switched from GNOME to KDE recently and i'm really enjoying it. KDE is improving so much so fast. They worked out most of the things that have been bugging me on GNOME, small bugs and annoyances, etc. Basically every gnome feature is present but kde has sensible workflow unlike gnome, for me. And anything I don't like I can easily disable or edit, unlike GNOME which lacks any customizability. Also the gnome workflow is especially terrible for multi monitor. I think the only way it can be sensibly used is on laptops and tablets, where with gestures and stuff it is very nice. But again same can be done in KDE with a couple of clicks...

The GNOME apps.... there are many of them, but they have so little options and features that its hard to use them for anything serious. KDE apps on the other hand have plenty of features, settings etc and are very good

I'd much rather have a new user use KDE and be able to make it suit them easily instead of them using GNOME and installing extensions (No, most people dont like the gnome workflow) which will break every update.

I think KDE does what it says - Simple by default, powerful when needed. I don't think it would be that confusing for a new user and even when you need to find some setting, just google it and there'll be someone telling you what menus you need to go to to configure it.

With that in mind though, for users that don’t install Linux themselves but you install for them like mom or whoever, it’s a good choice. It’s pretty simple and it’s hard to break anything by clicking stuff. For those users you have to install a dock and enable minimise buttons.


I have just come back to Plasma recently, too. 😀
I like to change my desktop every once in a while, and KDE Plasma is one of my most frequent choices, and one of those I stick with for longest periods. As you said, I can keep it Plasma, and still change my desktop entirely. 😀
