Is it Possible To Build Gnome in KDE Plasma?

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🎵 Music from StreamBeats by Harris Heller.



00:00 - The best Desktop Environment for Customization
01:00 - How does Gnome work?
02:04 - Replicating the Top Bar (Panel)
04:05 - Workspaces and the Virtual Desktop Overview
05:44 - Swapping out the Application Launcher
06:14 - Themes, Icons, and Fonts
06:33 - Final Result and Conclusion


Description Tags:

kde plasma, linux tutorial, open source, how to make kde look like gnome, make kde like gnome, kde plasma gnome, kde plasma customization, kde plasma customization 2023, kde plasma customization minimalist, kde look like gnome, kde plasma like gnome, make kde look like gnome, michael horn


#linux #opensource #customization
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After years of memes and april fools jokes, KNOME becomes a reallity


finally someone answering the questions my intrusive thoughts gave me 🙏


kde is definitely one of the desktop environments of all time


Finally, KDE is usable 💀
I don't know what is it about gnome, but I feel pretty much addicted to the way it works


a part of me want the gnome workflow and the other wants the KDE apps and features. I really feel like KDE is wasting its potential especially on the workflow part.


I recommend trying Lightly, it’s a style for plasma that looks very good ✨


Bravo! Der Überblick über alle Arbeitsflächen durch Betätigen der Super-Taste ist für mich der Hauptgrund, den Gnome-Desktop zu verwenden. Es ist echt toll, dass du es geschafft hast, das in KDE zu implementieren.


Funny thing is, I made my gnome laptop work like my KDE plasma set up with extensions. Gnome DE has the potential to be just as fleshed out and actually functional beyond their basic idea of a work flow while still sticking more or less to their design philosophy.


Personally, whenever I switch away from KDE, it always annoys me the amount of stuff that I have to find to get it to my preferred user experience. Not having KWin scripts and rules alone is too much, especially with how otherwise complicated managing window rules on Wayland can be.


@Michael Horn GREAT video!! Love your vids. Keep up the great work!
Love both KDE and GNOME but use GNOME as it's workflow is just too perfect for me. Video like this helps me to see soon I could easily try switching and still keep the basic workflow that I LOVE soooo much.


For scrolling on panel, you can use "Spacer as Pager" plasmoid.


I had done this myself for the last couple of month... But I reverted most of it (especially the Super Key Overview) as some Full Screen or Remote Applications had a lot of issues with it...
I also could not get a "Double Supper Key" to work to decide if I want to Show the "Overview or the App Grid"
And the new "Built in" Plasma Dock lacks of a propper Gnome like "Auto Hide" option.

So I have to say I realy love the Gnome Workflow... But also like the Plasma customisation.
So yesterday I switched back to Gnome again... But would love to come back to Plasma again if I can replicate the Gnome workflow in a more stable way


Very nice. Thanks for your work. Finally a version of Gnome without ugly annoying bugs!


Mr. Horn you've done it again! 😻 Even if my intention is not to replicate Gnome, you've shown solutions to issues that I've seen crop up while I've been on KDE, Thank you SO much! You rock!✨

I do have a question: Speaking of gaming, I have issues where KDE's inbuilt shortcuts will interfere with my game [too many matching keybindsto my games] Is there a way to tell KDE to have a Virtual Desktop or Workspace where you can turn off most of the KDE Keybinds? It would be a bummer to have to disable and re-enable the 10 or so keybinds on KDE every time I launch a game on specified workspace, unless there's a script for that? Thanks again for all that you do!


This really is great, I would miss the Trackpad Gestures though. Three Finger swipe up for overview with the Dock and three Finger swipe up again for the Menu. I can't work without it anymore! I tried replicating it as well on KDE but failed.


And a KDE from a Gnome?... it going to be interesting too...


It would be good to have a follow up with plasma 6, hope we can get an even closer gnome shell workflow


It's always impressive, how customizable KDE is. But after the process, there are still the (for me) badly designed KDE apps like discover, dolphin or kate and the fuss in the preferences of KDE and every menu.
It's just an overload of possibilities, presented in a bad way which prevents you (at least me!) from getting work done. Overwhelming functionality is not everything. But I see, how someone will like this environment. :)


Wait for Plasma 6 for the Workspace Overview 👀


I miss overview which is combined with application dash
