Converting .VHD disk to .VMDK disk and .VMDK to .VHD

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First Off

Lets make sure we have back up of VHD or VMDK, back uo is our best insurance.

Lets download StarWind Software V2V image converter.
You can get it form here StarWind V2V

Install if StarWind V2V

1. You will see Welcome screen click Next
2. On file name select your .VHD image
3.Once you have selected File click next
4. You have option From VHD to which file you want converts some of them are :
WMWare growable image
WMWare pre-allocated image
WMWare ESX server image
MS Virtual PC growable image
MS Virtual PC pre-allocated image
Raw image

5. in this scenario I will select WMWare growable image click next
6. next screen you will have 2 options Virtual Disk type IDE and SCSI I have chosen IDE click next
7. Browse for location where you want to save and click next
8. Conversant has started
9. Once conversion is done, now you have VMDK file
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