Cheaper Than Dirt Amplifiers | True Audiophile Value or Overhyped Nonsense?

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00:00 - Start
03:37 - Compare Contrast
06:19 - V3 Impressions
10:04 - A100 Impressions
13:39 - Sound Clip Comparisons
15:42 - Final Thoughts

Cheaper Than Dirt Amplifiers | True Value or Just Hype?

Over the last few years, class D amplifiers, especially tiny desktop styles, have been all the rage for audiophiles on a budget. And look, who can blame them? If spending a couple of Benjamins can get you high-end sound without breaking the bank, it’s easy to see the appeal. But what’s the catch? Today on New Record Day, we’re going to find out!

In this video, I’ll be comparing two popular budget amps: the **Fosi Audio V3** and the **Douk Audio A100**. Both amps boast impressive specs and use the same TPA3255 chipset for serious power output, but how do they stack up in real-world performance? Is one truly better than the other?

I’ll dive into everything you need to know:
- Build quality & features
- Speaker compatibility
- Sound comparison (including bass, midrange, and treble performance)
- Real-life pros and cons of each amp
- Final thoughts on which amp takes the win

Stick around for sound clips and my honest opinion on which amplifier deserves your hard-earned cash!

🔊 **Sound clips included!**

🎶 If you're ready to dive into the audiophile rabbit hole with me, hit play, and let's get started! Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more in-depth reviews and sound comparisons.

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Рекомендации по теме

00:00 - Start
03:37 - Compare Contrast
06:19 - V3 Impressions
10:04 - A100 Impressions
13:39 - Sound Clip Comparisons
15:42 - Final Thoughts

**Disclaimer** The links in this post are Amazon affiliate links. If you make a purchase through them, I may earn a small commission—at no extra cost to you! These commissions help me invest in better equipment and improve the quality of my reviews and content. Thank you for your support!


Thanks for an honest review. If I may, I'd like to add that upgrading the op amps can make a substantial difference. The stock NE5532 IC-based op amps (typically used as the stock versions in most Chi-Fi class D amps) tend to be somewhat bright and thin sounding overall (depending on amp of course). Changing them out for the much heralded Sparkos Labs discrete SS3602 op amps (and they are much more expensive), this V3 really opens up and brings it a step closer to what many audiophiles would enjoy. With the Douk (yes, I have both of these amps), the op amp sockets are spaced so close together that using wider discrete op amps such as the Sparkos Labs versions, won't fit (bummer). Thus, in the Douk A100, you are left with having to use the smaller IC-based op amps. Certain Burson discrete versions may fit (I didn't have any of them on hand). I've found that with all of the Fosi class D amps, changing out the op amps can make anywhere from a noticeable difference - to a world of difference. Of course, what you use as ancillary equipment helps also. OK - I'm done.


Thank you Ron. This truly fair examination of the pros and shortcomings of these budget amps are a fantastic service to our community.


Ron, Fosi V3 is ancient by now. It doesn't have PFFB so its treble response will change depending on speaker impedance curve. You should check out the new Fosi V3 Monoblocks (PFFB) and Aiyima A70 or (preorder) A70 Monoblocks (both PFFB) with good discrete op-amps.


Considering the price and size -- they sound very very good.


Great review. Can’t wait to see the video on the new GR Research speakers in the background.


I am running a V3 for the 4" full range speakers in my zero baffle active speaker set up. I must say, your sample did sound harsh compared to my set up. The previous speakers I was using did in fact sound harsher and more fatiguing as well. So if well matched the V3 can sound quite nice. Really want to hear some samples of op amp rolling! Great vid.


Dirt is expensive, out of control expensive the last 5-6 years. Makes sense the amps are cheaper than dirt!


Can't wait for that Caladan full review!


After listening to the demos, I agree 100% with your impressions.
The first track is unbearable for me with Fosi V3.


You raised the question but never answered it: Are mini class D amplifiers truly “high end” or not? If yes, why spend hundreds or thousands more for the other amps you’ve reviewed or own? That’s the question, isn’t it?


Douk sounds fuller with more resonance and decay after the note.


I've been using the Dayton Audio HTA200 and a pair of Sony SSCS5 speakers for my bedroom. Granted, it certainly is not as small as the microamps that you reviewed, but it certainly sounds good, the build quality is there, not to mention that the tubes make a nice cozy glowing night light.


Will you be testing the V3 Monos? Interesting to see if it changes the sound or not.


Great honest review as always. Thanks for what you do.
I have 2 v3s. I use one for each channel. That along with the the sparkos opamps made them much better at detail, separation, sound stage, and really did wonders for that top end. I did it as a fun little experiment. I am hoping to replace them soon with a set of Burson time keepers.
If you play around with the sparkos, in your v3, I would love to hear your comparisons to the Burson.


Interested in Op-amp swapping. Can't wait for that review.


Thank you for reviewing these and debunking other channels hype as nonsense.


Great evaluation of these two popular amps. Great to have family support for your endeavors. Continued success to you.


Those little amps have their place - Low Fi, maybe Mid Fi - but never Audiophile. Power ratings are fiction. Wall Wart power supplies do not supply clean power. At their cheap price, almost a disposable item when it fails. Trying to get anywhere new the rated power will stress every component to the limit. Heat will brick those things in a heartbeat.


Ron, appreciate the awesome review. One suggestion, maybe include a traditional AB amp in the sound clips as a point of comparison as many of your viewers are more familiar with AB amp sound.
