Peter Attia on Zone 5 & Anaerobic Training Protocols

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This episode was originally released on March 15, 2021.


The Peter Attia Drive is a weekly, ultra-deep-dive podcast focusing on maximizing health, longevity, critical thinking…and a few other things. With over 40 million episodes downloaded, it features topics including fasting, ketosis, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, mental health, and much more.

Peter is a physician focusing on the applied science of longevity. His practice deals extensively with nutritional interventions, exercise physiology, sleep physiology, emotional and mental health, and pharmacology to increase lifespan (delay the onset of chronic disease), while simultaneously improving healthspan (quality of life).

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Started integrating more zone 2 training for GPP. It’s my understanding that it has a lot of carry over for higher intensity training if done correctly and consistently.


I’m confused. What you describe as Zone 5 training is what everyone else describes as Zone 4 training. And what everyone else describes as Zone 5 (sprinting 10-30 seconds) you don’t describe at all…
Can you explain?


I have listened to multiple pod casts from Peter and they are all different in reference to zone 5. Once a week or twice a week. He says both. 1x1 or 4x4, he says both. His favorite is bike on the wahoo then it’s the stair master. I really enjoy listening to Peter but he is a bit inconsistent with his zone 5 comments


Dear Mr. Attia,

This is great content (referring to the complete "deep dive in zone2 training" podcast)

I would like to bring up a topic for runners that are of older age and maybe they
are afraid to push through their maximum heart rate. On addition, this group of people can be well trained but since zone2 is pushing the training protocols to the lower and upper limits, it can make training a bit uncomfortable for this group because zone2 can fast walking (here there is "athletic ego" :) ) and on the other side of the spectrum, zone5 could hide some intrinsic fear of pushing too much and leading to some kind of physiological heart fealure2.

Is there a specific higher zone protocol for this group of people? Should they instead train at a zone 3 or 4 or they should stimulate no matter what their maximum heart rates going full max?

Thank you for a reply!


I am looking for a zone 5 routine doing kettlebell. 😊 any help? My English is really primitive and I can’t understand all what Attia is saying


So we're talking interval training here. Peter's 1x per week HIIT workout is 3 minutes Zone 2, 1 minute Zone 5, for 20-30 minutes.

But I can't get into Zone 5/VO2 max immediately out of Zone 2, of course. So do I count the time I'm intensifying the workout to reach Zone 5 as part of Zone 2, or as part of Zone 5?
