A-X-O-L-O-T-L my time has come to burn i invoke the ancient power that i may return

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bill was reincarnated as the goat, and you can't change my mind, it all lines up, the eyes match when bill is in control, and he always eats stan's stuff because stan killed his last form


Me: *Looks at my axolotl* “hey you summoning bill cipher”
My axolotl: *tries to eat sand*
Me: “ok cool”


Isn’t it weird how bill only says that once we the viewer choose to rewind that clip and bring him back


...I don't think it worked.
The Cosmic Axolotl told Dipper and Mabel, that if Bill wants to survive this encounter, he _will_ have to recite its name...Well Bill just "spells-out" AXOLOTL instead of saying it; I don't think that actually counts. I think that judging by the manner in which the Cosmic Axolotl regards it, and Bill's hesitation to truly state the thing's name, I think that gives us a clue as to their relationship...

Whatever that Axolotl truly is, Bill is _afraid of it._
It is _higher_ on the Cosmic Hierarchy than he is; - particularly if he's calling out to _it_ and it's ancient power to save his life. But he also either too prideful or too resentful of the thing to truly state it's name.

So it's possible that this incantation failed, and Bill really is gone for good.


At the end is like
"I invoke the ancient power that I may return, in this universe... no"


Okay, a handful of things to note:
- the Cosmic Axolotl is referenced several times throughout the encrypted messages in Journal 3. It is portrayed as an entity who exists beyond the restraints of the various dimensional laws, physics, the basis' of reality and time. essentially it is an omnipresent being, it is everywhere and nowhere all at once. it is the concept of the infinite and therefore regarded as a god in the Gravity Falls multiverse. Leading to the idea that perhaps it can even govern fate itself because it is, and is not, fate itself. (Haha that's not confusing at all)

- Secondly, Stan's mind is an allegory for the Ship of Theseus. Ir has been rebuilt with the what is essential the same materials but is lacking areas because Stanley knows nothing of Bill. Alex Hirsch stated that the final scene is not abosolutely canonical, aspects of it is, but it took years for Stanley to fully remember what happened that summer, excluding any memories associated with Bill as Stanford purposely has attempted to keep those 'erased'. Everything associated with Bill or Weirdmaggeden was burned per request (more so idea) of Mabel as an attempt to protect their dimension, and ultimately the multiverse, from Bill (including all research or mentions of the Grand Unified Theory of Weirdness and Stanford's "Muse" or at least that's my understanding). So Bill is alive but also not. He is simply trapped in a decaying realm of Stan's lost memory that theoretically could be restored, but cannot as long as nobody every reminds Stanley of what happened during that accursed time.

- Thirdly, the comics ARE canon, well, excluding the one with Stan after Weirdmaggedon when they are patching up the few remaining rifts. Shmebulock states that they are, "lost tales" (or something along those lines) and where they fall upon the timeline can only be guessed at because Alex Hirsch has confirmed that Stanley doesn't have his full memory of the summer at the time the Dipper and Mabel leave Gravity Falls. Stanford wrote in the final pages of Journal 3 how it took countless nights recalling and reminiscing about his childhood to Stanley as Stanley confusedly listened on and ever so rarely Stanley would remember something. Eventually he got his 'full' memory back, but it took years.

- Technically the Cosmic Axolotl could have saved Bill, but the Cosmic Axolotl doesn't really care for such lowly interdimensional affairs. What is it busy doing? I have no idea. Time and physics literally don't have any effect on it so it's probably off doing something our feeble human minds cannot even begin to imagine.

I'm probably forgetting something I wanted to mention but from one nerd to another: I hope you're having a wonderful day. Also please excuse my grammar and any continuity errors. It's been a while since I decoded Journal 3 so there might be a couple things wrong. Anyways, if you took the time to read this far... uh that's it. Also:

"My ex-wife still misses me, but her aim is gettin' better! ... but her aim is gettin' better! You see, it's funny because marriage is terrible."


Bill was defeated because he was in Stanley's mind when Ford Erased it. But Stanley ultimately got his memories back. So what stops Bill from coming back the same as Stanley's other memories? incantation or no?


If you hear closely after he said “that i may return” he said “in this universe” also a bit gibberish so its kinda hard to understand


Axolotl, the second to last form of the Mexican mythology of a tricker god that stole the sun I think


The Axolotl, I wonder why there wasn't a movie or a third season, I mean they were about to add in a very important character.


_Sixty degrees that come in threes._
_Watches from within birch trees._
_Saw his own dimension burn._
_Misses home and cannot return._
_Says he's happy. He's a liar._
_Blame the arson for the fire._
_If he wants to shirk the blame, _
_He'll have to invoke my name._
_One way to absolve his crime._
_A different form, a different time._


omg....the Axolotl really IS the most powerful being in the universe...


Gotta love how this isn't reversed audio, this is literally just Alex saying this backwards because apparently he learned how to.


The funny thing is people didn’t know much about the speeches of axolotl until after this 🤨 convenient right?


I'm partial to the theory he was reincarnated as Stan Pines

Given the similarities between the two in habit and sayings

As well as the fact that this would be a poetic justice done to Bill by the Cosmic Axolotl


The way he said “I invoke the ancient power that I may return” gave me chills


Who's here from The Book of Bill to verify what he said?


Rob Renzetti directed this, and this isn't the first time Axolotl has been mentioned in his work. He created My life as a teenage robot for Nickelodeon, and in the episode Hostile Makeover, a teacher talks about the "Axolotl" if you listen closely


When you realize that Bill was pulling the "I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior" card. 😅


At 0:22 if u go at .25 speed there’s a notification that says “kitten(#video announcements, konekokittens den)
