Come Sail Away Lyrics Styx

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The Lyrics To Come Sail Away By Styx 1977 NO COPYRIGHT INTENDED!
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Went to high school with a kid who had leukemia. This was his favorite song. Decades later, I recently learned I have stage 4 cancer. This song immediately came back to me.


The nurse suggested I sing something to help the pain when my daughter was being born. This was the first song that popped in my head, and I forced my husband to sing it with me. So she was born to us singing this. Lol


"Why am I crying? Did I accidentally listen to Come Sail Away by Styx again?"


“As for my collection of Styx albums, I leave that to no one, because that’s who appreciated Styx as much as me.” - Starburns


This song is the reason high quality headphones have always been a life's necessity.


Why am I crying? I saw these in concert in 1981 or 82 with my husband and brother who are both now passed on to heaven. I miss them so


This song is the last song i heard with my uncle before he died. He told me its a beautiful song and I said yes it is. We will miss you uncle Ricky Joe Huffines


The departure of Troy Barnes always tears me up.#andamovie


This song was played at my grandfather's funeral. He chose it for himself, it was a private joke between us. My mother couldn't understand why he chose this song


This song is a piece of art. Styx is one of the greatest in rock history. Don't let rock die!


This song reminds me of a friend that lost his battle with depression... I remember hearing it at his funeral and feeling him there. It's always quite cathartic to listen to.


A sweet Angel brought to me, this song, exactly when I needed to hear it-
I began hearing the chorus in my mind😇❤️
It was absolutely magical to then come & find this song on utube, listen to its lyrics/message 🤩& once again be reminded, we never walk alone, & are, each one of us, watched over, guarded, & beloved..
To see so many others, also feeling blessed with the gift of this musical message, when it was so needed, and appropriate. These are the miracles that surround us, always, if we want to see it, for what it is…
Hours later, I’m still listening!
Playing it & replaying..
Feeling overwhelmed with the Love & Gratitude this song/message & my angels 🎁 (presence) both brought me, in today’s early ( however dark) morning hours 🧘🏼‍♀️☀️🥰🙏🏻⚜️🌀🎶👁‍🗨♾🎵😇


Told my dad I wanted to make a mixtape for a girl, said the first song feels like your supposed to be in a town on the seaside, he said to have this as the last song on the tape. God bless cause she loves it


I personally think this song is about growing up and entering adulthood.
"Free to face the life that's ahead of me"
He wants to experience his new life as an adult without anyone holding him back.
"We'll search for tomarrow. On every shore"
They want to make the most out of their remaining days, but also wait for the day they truly grow up.
"Oh lord I'll try. To carry on"
He isn't ready to grow up and leave his old life behind, but he'll try and carry on.
"Reflections in the waves. Spark my memories. Some happy some sad"
He's thinking about memories from his youth, the good and the bad.
"I think of childhood friends, and the dreams we had"
He's thinking about his old friends and their dreams about their futures.
"We lived happily ever after. So the story goes"
As kids, they thought they would always live happy and young, and never grow up.
"We'll try. Best that we can. To carry on"
It's not just him, they're all not ready to grow up and leave each other, but they'll still try and carry on.
"Come sail away. Come sail away. Come sail away with me"
Angels are telling him to grow up and enter adulthood, and he'll be fine in the end.
That was just my own analysis, and I know that this song isn't about growing up, but to me, it is.


If you searched for this song rather then it being recommend, you sir/ma'am, you have great taste 😁
(What is up my dudes ✌️. Thanks for the likes 😁. Hope everyone is well and JAM ON 🤘)


I sent this recording to my girlfriend months after we separated. She could not sail away with me because of the unknown. To this day, we are very close friends regardless of our separate ways/relationships. This song brings good memories.


"Why was I crying? ..Was I listening to Come Sail Away by Styx again??"


My mom passed in July it’s been five months this was her all time favorite I can remember at any given moment she would bust out singing it, and it did not matter where or who was around!! FLY HIGH MAMA❤


Homeless piano man got me here 😔🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💖💖💖💖💖


Did anyone listen to this for the first time in years and not realize that it takes like 3 minutes to get to the first chorus?
