Research 436: Assessing Potential for North Atlantic Integrated Atmospheric Research

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The impact of human activity since the Industrial Revolution
has altered the environment, pushing its stability to
critical limits, with real implications for societal, economic
and environmental systems. The planetary boundaries
framework has provided a powerful tool for communicating
the individual and collective threats arising from
unsustainable post-industrial development, yet actions and
responses take place at regional, national and local levels.
The North Atlantic is a key earth system component,
surrounded by densely populated countries. It is particularly
vulnerable to the effects of climate change owing to its
interface with the Arctic, its housing of the Greenland ice
shelf and the interlinked circulation patterns that have
a profound impact on global climate variability and the
carbon cycle. The North Atlantic atmosphere is influenced
by natural and anthropogenic emissions. Environmental
impacts arising from changes to the North Atlantic
atmosphere will have major global consequences.
This study aims to conduct a detailed assessment of current
national and international atmospheric research activities
and evaluate the performance of research outputs from
the North Atlantic research community in addressing major
environmental challenges facing society today: air quality
and climate change
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