Slugging is a game changer. Here's why • 39 years old

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My mom was 93 when she died and had zero wrinkles around her eyes. She was a pin up model in the 1940s. She learned to put Vaseline on at night from the makeup artists. When I was 13 I started using it because it wiped up leftover mascara that didn't come off the night before. I'm 55 now. I have no wrinkles except 2 tiny 11s that are getting botoxed soon. I started slugging I guess then over 40nyears ago. Highly recommend, considering I'm complimented more on my skin than anything else. I started using eye cream at 22, because a saleslady said I'd thank her later in 87. I highly recommend this cheap, drugstore Vaseline because it works. My mom even used it in her last months along with Wet and Wild lipstick, because as she said "You never know who's coming around!" 😊


Tried it, I own 5 pets. If you want to feel every single hair stick to your face and tickle it like crazy, this is for you!


I use Egyptian Magic balm, has Royal jelly, propolis & beeswax instead of petroleum. I also used grass-fed beef tallow which is INCREDIBLY RICHLY MOISTURIZING for super-dry skin like mine.


Been doing this since I was 11 years old (my grandmother told me to do it) I’m 41 years old and everyone thinks my kids are my siblings lol I LOVE Vaseline


Your skin is absolutely beautiful. I am 42 and have been using vaseline on my face at night for almost 20 years. Total game changer, cannot imagine life without it.


Brill. One thing- dermatologists say to be REALLY careful with your ingredients when slugging. Basically, do it when using your humectants etc. NOT active ingredients like retinol because it can cause massive irritation. That is not supposed to be sealed in!! Just sharing in case people have sensitivity and experience a reaction if they try slugging with active ingredients especially retinol! Not a criticism, grateful for the video - just a heads up (watch The Doctors talking about it…). Thank you and all best wishes and glowiness inside and out to all 😊❤


I just turned 65 and have used Vaseline/slugging since my 20's. I have almost 'no' wrinkling, no crow's feet (!!), no eye bags, etc. I've also done face exercises here and there, and I'm *very* happy with my old skin. :) P.S. I have always used my fingers. No shame in my game. :)


Her skin is beautiful. Take note, it appears she has not abused it with sun exposure. Everybody wants that suntanned look, but this is what real beauty looks like.


I have been doing this for years! Many years ago Eartha Kitt talked about using Vaseline all over her body after a shower and then putting on her "sleeping pajamas". I believe she said that in a beauty article for Seventeen! She was a slugger years before anyone had that term for it.I never forgot it, have been doing it since I was 13!


Marilyn Monroe used it as well. She had fine tiny baby hairs over her entire face and with her very fair skin (she liked to look "blonde all over")! The camera flash would cast a shine off the Vaseline on the tiny hairs that literally gave her the appearance of glowing. If it was good enough for Marilyn It is good enough for me!


I remember reading a dermatologist opinion on cosmetic creams 30 years ago. He said Vaseline was best!


Thanks for being honest about your botox 💕


I have oily/acne-prone skin so for anyone like me, I only use it around my eyes and on my lips before bed. I use it all over the rest of my body and love it for my hands and feet.


I remember my mom talking about her friend at work that did this her whole life and how she had amazing skin. That was in the eighties!


Vaseline is 100% my favorite skincare product. Absolutely the best occlusive on the planet. I have dry skin and psoriasis and still don't have any fine lines on my face or neck at 36. My mom is 64..looks 45/ 50 and she has used it for 30 years.


I use rosehip oil . Haven't tried vaseline all over face but it's great for lips and extra dry skin areas.also nivea cream is great .


You look amazing for 39!!!! My skin looked pretty good for a long time, but lately I've noticed a lot of changes. Thanks for reminding me about Vaseline. I used to do what you do with Vaseline with olive oil. I tried other oils but my skin liked a good quality olive oil the best. I will try vaseline. THANK YOU!!!!


I am 65 (gasp). I started using face moisturizer when I was 14 at the suggestion of my mom following removal of stage makeup for a school play. I became addicted...and the thinker the better. Flash forward many stopped tanning in my 50's after a younger friend had a melanoma on her face removed. I started working at Nordstrom in Advanced skin care, which introduced me to serums, peels, etc.. which made such a difference in my already wrinkle-free skin. But last week, my daughter told me about slugging....and I was elated! And I began slugging this week! I'm considered a senior...but my skin doesn't reveal my senior status!


I use castor oil instead of vaseline and it works very well! Plus you can use it on your eyelids and under your eyes where the skin is very delicate. I also use it on my body when I first get out of the shower.


Lol my mom's favorite story about me was when I was around 18 months old & she had just gotten me all dressed up in a cute outfit before going to a family party. Well she got up to get something & I immediately got into the jar of Vaseline. She was gone less than 2 minutes but in that time I managed to not only coat myself in a thick layer but the walls & leather couch received the same treatment 😂

I'm currently 48 & my skin is actually pretty good considering I've been consistent with my anti-aging skincare routine & applying sunscreen every day for the past 10 years but due to perimenopause my skin, especially my under eye area, is quite dry so I started slugging a few weeks ago & I am OBSESSED! No more dry, crepey under eyes