Congratulations to Michayla Wright for receiving the 2020 Anne Frank Humanitarian Award.

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Congratulations to Michayla Wright from Wiregrass Ranch High School for receiving the 2020 Anne Frank Humanitarian Award. Watch the video to hear why Michayla was chosen to receive the award. Thank you Michayla for being a #FloridaUpstander!
Using the history and lessons of the Holocaust, The Florida Holocaust Museum’s mission helps people recognize and stand up to the face of prejudice, discrimination, bigotry, and hate.
For 19 years, the Florida Holocaust Museum has presented the Anne Frank Humanitarian Award to one junior at each public high school and every major private school in Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas, Manatee and Sarasota Counties. These 93 honorees were nominated by their principals, guidance counselors or teachers.
This award recognizes humanitarian actions that better the lives of other individuals or a group. By “doing the right thing,” our recipients hold true to the nature and spirit of Anne Frank, who despite everything she endured, did not abandon her ideals. She wrote in her diary - and I quote - “in spite of everything I still believe that people are truly good at heart."
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