Beginner Sewing Series: Part 1- Simplicity Pattern 2290

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This week's video tutorial is Part 1 in a Beginner Sewing Series I will be posting for you all! I will walk you through step by step how to complete a commercial garment pattern. For the purposes of this tutorial I am using Simplicity's pattern number 2290 from their Learn To Sew line of patterns.

A big thanks to Simplicity for providing the patterns for this tutorial and for allowing me to giveaway two patterns for this week's giveaway. Watch the video in its entirety for directions on how you can enter the giveaway.

I hope you'll join us and follow along in this beginner sewing series!

Thanks for watching!

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This pattern is now 9132 :-) I work at a big box fabric place and have been telling customers about your video for YEARS! Thank you so much!


Very clear and concise directions, You are so talented Beginners don.t be intimidated, it will all come together.


of course! I've been paroosing pattern tutorials for like an hour - yours is the best by far :)


Your welcome. Take care of yourself and the precious little one, soon to arrive.

Many blessings to both of you.


I was intimidated at first as well, when I started sewing years ago. But I found that I wasn't really "reading" the instructions. I wanted to just breeze through, kind of scanning the text, once I slowed down and actually read the instructions, I made many successful projects. Even though I've been sewing for years, I haven't been back at the machine for a while and your videos have inspired me to "dive" back into sewing and get creative again! Thanks!


Great explaination of the pattern package. You are doing a great job. I'm going to follow this series (I look at all your videos), even though I've been sewing/Quilting for over 45 years.


Oh my! Yes, I'm so intimidated by those commercial patterns! I rarely ever even try. I usually make up my own patterns or watch a tutorial. Most of the time you can find me sewing purses, baby bibs, & burp cloths. I love to sew and creating. Looking forward to watching your other parts to this series. Thanks for your excellent work.


I used to be intimited by patterns. My Mom taught me how to sew when I was younger, so i had to call her and ask her many questions. My first real pattern i used was to make my first son & I halloween costumes. I was Dorothy & he was a little scarecrow. They came out great!! We got so many compliments. Now I know how to use them and they are great when you don't know how to make patterns!


I find patterns scary and am so happy that you are taking the fear out them. I have seen some lovely patterns but do not know where to start and am scared to waste fabric and look like a toddler did the sewing! You have taught me so much and am so pleased that I found your Channel. Keep them coming, please as I need to learn more


Just in one day, , , i watch video about sewing, ,now i made askirt and top for my girl!!! I cat belive it!!!! Thanks to all sewing youtube stars and your one of them!!, , ,


At first I was intimidated by commercial patterns. I think the thing that intimated me the most was the sizing. I had no idea that department stores had what they call "vanity sizing" and this size was not your true size. I was afraid to make something too big or too small and then not know how to correct it and not to be even able to wear it. You tube videos like yours have been awesome. Thanks for posting these!! I learn something new every time I watch.


This is the most helpful video ever. I’ve been looking for something like this for FOREVER. It’s been years since I’ve used a pattern and I’ve been freaking out recently. Bless


cant I can make my kids the pants they have wanted...thank do a fantastic job explaining your craft!


It really depends on what I'm making in terms of whether commercial patterns intimidate me or not... and ever since I discovered the wonderful world of online tutorials and videos, I seem to be using those a lot more than commercial patterns.... Thanks for the opportunity to win this pattern! I love love love pj pants and I think this pattern would get a lot of use. They'd be awesome Christmas gifts!!!


Yes they do! Since I've been watching all all ur video tutorials I've been getting brave! I have learned ally from u! Excited and grateful u r doing this series! Thanks for taking the time! Can't wait to c ur new daughter! Happy pushing!!


Let's just say YES!!! I wear scrubs for work and have attempted twice with no help to make them on my own. Got as far as cutting the fabric out then well stumped on how to piece it together that I threw the pattern and fabric away... I have never sewn anything that could be anything! My mom knows how to sew but growing up living in a single parent family she pretty much sewed all her clothes and formal dresses. So when I asked her how and to help she pretty much said I've done all the sewing I


I had to check back to see if you made any current vids since the new baby! (she's adorable! and I know how it can be I have 3 and nursed them all!) Glad you are still posting these vids for newbies like me!


Yes they intimidate me because I never knew how to read them! Thanks for teaching me, I'm more a visual learner! That's y I love YouTube turtorials!


God bless you. I am so happy I found your channel. Nothing is a coincidence


I'm definitely intimidated by commercial patterns, because well I'm a new beginner sewer! Reading and understanding the lingo is hard and not knowing where to start sewing! I had to buy some books and learn the basics. But I'm so glad your doing these series!!! Especially this one!! This pattern can make me some scrub bottoms! So I'm excited to start with you!! I hope you can post the video soon!!
