✨Space Report | Moving, Castles & Currently Reading.

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Here's a little video on what I've been up to! What are you working on or planning at the moment? All links below.

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Check out my enamel book pin!

Follow what I'm reading on GoodReads.

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Cruelty-free beauty and lifestyle channel with Marion.

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Help me out by contributing captions/subtitles on my videos. Thanks so much to everyone who’s already contributed! A guide:

// t a l k s & p a n e l s

I can give talks, moderate panels or appear on panels on a variety of topics, from BookTube to working with brands, how to start a YouTube channel, building your personal brand online, productivity, and much more. I can also host author Q&As, panels and other publishing events.

// s p o n s o r s h i p s

// f a q

Can you review my book?

Where is your accent from?
I was born and raised in the Netherlands, studied English Lit at Leiden University (also in the Netherlands), studied in the US for 3 months and have lots of American friends. I'm definitely not Irish or Canadian, I promise!

Where do you live?
I live in London and have been here for 4 years now.

How did you get into publishing?
I did publishing work experience, did a lot of networking and learned everything I know about social media from creating and running this channel. (P.s. You don't necessarily have to study Publishing or English to get a job in publishing!).
Рекомендации по теме

Homie, your life updates are the only ones I’ve ever been able to bear. So quick. Really interesting. You’re great.


I’ve been refocusing most of my attention to paying down my debt, so I made ‘maps’ of all my accounts and budgets for what amounts to the next five years. I’ve also been working on reducing my possessions as well as reducing my waste...also taking care of my new pupper that I adopted 😊 Like hearing updates on what’s going on for you.


The big project I will be working on for the rest of the year (and beyond that too probably) is setting up my life, in the Netherlands of all places. Learning Dutch, integrating into the local culture, making friends that sort of stuff. I already experienced the King's day and it was lovely.
I plan on writing a blog about it too, and documenting the process for myself at least. You are a big inspiration to me in this regard.


Planning little itty bitty trips this summer to get out of my "avoiding pain flare ups" comfort zone. I used to travel so much until I got my chronic illness, so I'm getting back into it one step at time :)


ahhhh exciting for the moving! Hope you and Rosianna will have all the fun together :D


I'm hoping to organise a Disney music concert with one of my lovely friends this autumn. Princess songs, vilain songs, duets, the lot. Plus pretty dresses, of course. And perhaps even flower crowns? I'm so excited😍


A Change Is Gonna Come is a really lovely anthology & having met several of the writers in it, I am so glad it has been made


My current side-project: I really want to start getting into blogging and hopefully getting some of my articles published for student-based blogs - so I'm in the process of emailing around companies, gathering info on the type of content they write and starting a portfolio of short articles. Keep your fingers crossed for me, that I get lucky soon!


I’m reading Educated at the moment and am finding it totally captivating. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts 👏🏻


My main project for this year is to write my book, I'm almost 20'000 words in and honestly loving writing it. I've never written anything this long before but my dream, even when I was a kid, was always to write a book and I can't really believe that it's actually happening. Even if it's never published I know I'll be proud that I've done it and can finally say I'VE WRITTEN A BOOK!
I started writing it because I was struggling to find a young adult book about OCD that accurately reflected my own experiences and you know what they say; if you can't find the book that you want to read - write it! And so I am, I'm writing the story that my younger self really needed.
Apart from that I'm also writing lots of music to hopefully add to my channel, I've expanded my book so I can write about ALL of the things that I'm passionate about (mainly books to be honest) instead of just mental health as it was previously.
I'm also hopefully going to go to Uni to study psychology in October (another dream of mine) which is really exciting because it would mean that I'm back in the year I'm supposed to be in after having to stay behind for a year because of all my hospital admissions - plus it's something that I really want to do so that I can be a clinical psychologist one day.
Wow that was long, it's just nice to talk about things that I find exciting I guess and not feel guilty for it like I would do if it was in person. As always I loved your video, thanks for being so awesome! x


A fellow National Trust lover 😉. I’d recommend Ham House in Richmond which is great and Osterley House too x


whenever i hear you talking about starting your podcast, i feel like reviving the project for mine! it would be a place to talk about and review books, pretty much like booktube (but cameras aren't really for me). what always stops me is the fact that i want to do it in english and i'm brazilian. i feel like i'll be self conscious about speaking a foreign language. plus, i work a full time job so a quality podcast seems harder to accomplish. maybe you could do a video explainig how you manage both? a full time job and booktube? i would love to hear more about that!


Project this year is actually reading my 50 books, making my way to Europe again, and begin graduate study


I really recommend Wimpole Hall and Anglesey Abbey, which are both National Trust properties in Cambridgeshire. Wimpole has a stately home, huge grounds and gardens to walk in but also a working farm which you can visit - lambing season (now) is incredible! Xxx


Osterly House & Park is very close (GORGEOUS gardens), as is Ham house. Both worth a visit!


Not around London, but when I studied in Manchester last semester I loved visiting Lyme Park (which actually was used in the BBC short series of P&P haha) on the edge of the peak district!


If you ever take a break down to Cornwall then the National Trust membership is worth it. So many gorgeous places to visit.


This year I'm going to finish the book I've been writing for the past year if it kills me! Then, hopefully, start the first draft of my next book. Have you so much fun in the Netherlands next week! And go see the tulips!


I've almost completed my college degree, which is one of my biggest and most momentous projects that I've ever worked towards!


I spend most of my weekends in at least one NT property or another. I enjoy them all and the app helps you track which ones you have been to and want to go to! I am quite capable of ranking them by their second hand bookshops though! To mention a few in the London-ish area, Fenton House, Carlyle House, Stoneacre (absolute hidden gem!), Osterley Park, Polesden Lacey (my favourite property as it is local enough to visit regularly and has a bit of everything), Leith Hill Place, Red House, Sissinghurst, Standen, Knole, Ightham Mote. If you can get to Cliveden on a nice day you can hire rowing boats on the Thames and it is beautiful, you can only see a small part of the property as it is now a hotel but the grounds are fantastic. Just make sure you have some cash on you as it just a man and some boats! Enjoy!
