We left Utah...

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This was our family's first time flying together in almost a year! And we're back "home." We'll be living in Hawaii for the next month!! Also... we have some really, really exciting news to share with you guys in our next vid so stay tuned :)

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It’s important sarah supports you in regards to sunny…not just laugh at the situation, but take sunny and talk with her so you two show as partners


Yes giving her everything she wants is your problem Derik, you have to say no and mean it, it’s one of the hardest things as a parent


Giving her whatever she wants so that you feel liked? That’s nuts bro, this will not be a phase if you keep this up. Teasing is no bueno, love her don’t force it and stop giving her whatever she wants. She will end up being an entitled brat when she’s older. You guys have an adorable family and you should cherish every moment! We can all tell how much you love your kids!


She is just testing boundaries. I agree that she shouldn't be allowed to cry her way into getting what she wants. She's learning that if i cry and scream, I get my way. The good thing is that every kid goes through this at some point. You are great parents, and they are great kids. It will all work out!!


I would set some boundaries for Sunny. Giving her whatever she wants makes her realize she is in control of the situation. I can see how it hurts you Derik!! You are an AMAZING father.


Daddy she has learned how to be in charge. It's good to give choices. But she is the one controlling the situation. You have to tell her no, she can't treat you like that. BOUNDARIES!


My two cents worth: if you say yes, say it once and mean it. If you say no, say it ONCE and mean it. If you keep saying no. No. No. They are learning to manipulate you till they get what they want. Imagine now what their teen years will be like!
❤ love you guys! ❤


"she won't let me hold her" that is your issue right there, Derik. You are the parent, you need to be strict and tell her daddy is looking after her right now not mommy and do not give in to her tantrums. If she screams put her in time out. She will soon learn not to disrespect you like that but he has full control right and is walking all over you now which is a recipe for disaster.


In my personal opinion which means very little, it might help for Derrick to stop being so “nice” ALL the time. Time to create some boundaries and assert himself. Be stern. It’s wonderful to be positive and kind and such a beautiful quality but when you don’t create boundaries because of it people will start stepping on you. Especially kids who pick up on that. That’s not fair to Derrick. Honestly saying this in the most gentle respectful way. Therapy would help so much. Sometimes I feel like Derrick allows himself to be stepped on. I pick up on the subtleties in the videos. I know that I know nothing about this family at all and only see glimpses and definitely don’t want to act like I know squat. I just think that Derrick is such a kind hearted person and his kindness gets taken for weakness a lot. I think he has a hard time sticking up for himself. The kids pick up on that and he deserves the best. I hope none of this gets taken badly I mean it with the upmost love and respect. I just think that therapy could bring a lot of insight into the situation. If he is already in therapy then maybe talking about that aspect specifically.


Derek, Sunny treats you like that because she's allowed to. You allow her to boss you around. Children need guidance & taught how to interact & treat their parents as well as with everyone else. Sarah, as a supporting partner, should be teaching Sunny to do things "with" you also. & you should be constructively making Sunny engage with you. Take her places. Stop allowing her to boss you around & be disrespectful to you & start teaching her who the parent is. Her feeling WILL get hurt. As ALL children experience. It's all part of the teaching, learning, & nurturing process


I think it would help too if Sarah didn’t laugh when sunny is grumpy with Derek. Everytime sunny shows she doesn’t like him, Sarah acts like that’s okay. Instead she should tell sunny to not be mean to daddy


Children need clear and firm boundaries to feel safe. They constantly test these to get a sense of their own limits and to know how contained / safe they are. It’s in essence a negative feedback loop. By the time children come to me with behavioural difficulties (dangerous levels) what they are really communicating is a) who loves me enough to make me feel safe? b) the only way I get attention is if I act out. The more clear cut the boundaries are the safer children generally feel. Simultaneously, they are learning and embedding those limits taught by their parents to self regulate and manage their own wellbeing (safety) and behaviour. The issue with joking/ teasing is it relies on a certain level of emotional understanding to figure out the intent and so it may be causing Sunny confusion. Maybe quit the teasing for a while and just be really clear in your communication - it doesn’t mean it has to be serious, it can still be fun. Just stay calm and be firm, even if you have to sit through some discomfort. It’s also good to be mindful that children go through separation anxiety - normally from one parent - at various stages and just need gentle and clear reassurance. The important thing is that you and Sarah are consistent and preach as it were, from the same hymn sheet. You will be fine. 😊


As many other people have commented, You both act like her buddy not her parents. Set boundaries and stick to them, stop giving her every single thing she wants or she is going to be an absolute terror as she gets older. A firm but kind ‘No’ when behavior is unfavorable will soon do the job at teaching her. Or time outs, but seriously, both of you need to parent her not act like her friend. And both of you need to stop playing into the stupid ‘Sunny hates me’ narrative. She isn’t even 2 yet, she doesn’t understand what teasing is, Derick, not a smart way to bond with a baby.
Sarah needs to stop laughing every time Sunny is ‘rude or mean’ to Derik and stop with the backhanded comments.
Sunny is going to grow up into an absolute pain in the rear if you keep doing what you’re doing.


Of course she's just a baby, but that's no reason to allow her to be rude to her Father. Teaching a child manners is an ongoing thing from the very beginning. You can't just start training in the middle of the trip...it creates confusion for them. The sooner you start the teaching the better. If you just accept their rude behavior then you're setting yourself up for a failure. If I was Sarah, I would just nonchalantly say to Sunny, that's not very nice! Trust me when I say that, I learned from experience! My husband was Merchant Seaman, so when he came home from Sea after being away for 4 months, our little girl (about Sunny's age) did not want to have anything to do with him, and he was heartbroken. But he more or less just ignored her bad behavior after the first couple of tries, and went about his business. I don't mean he ignored her completely, but he didn't try to hug her or do anything that might give her a reason to react negatively to him. Then she eventually started to go to him to see what he was doing, or eating...etc. She was curious. They ended up having a better relationship than she and I. 😂


You have to remember YOU are the parent and their teacher. They will love you more for it if you are strict when you need to be. You never, never let the kids dictate to you. You after all are the parent.


It bothered me when Derek said ".. we allow her to dictate ....". Well, then, don't you end up with a dictator? My dad was a loving unconditionally, kind pushover like Derek. It took me a while, and being away, to realize how loving he was and to not take him for granted. Then seeing my appreciation of him my brothers then saw how great he was too . Now we regret every moment we didn't appreciate him. Though my mother never told us to appreciate my dad more, and I think she should have, she never smirked, made jokes, or laughed at him. Though she was a strong, self willed woman, we saw how she always went to him for his opinion and advice. This made us realize how intelligent he was.
People and animals, kids especially, learn by example


Kids need boundaries and you two are about to reap what you sow. Part of this is that the two of job keep moving and aren’t personally settled yourselves and it’s rubbing off on your children feeling insecure.


Sara is not helping matters by always laughing when sunny hurts Derek's feelings. She's learning that it's cute and funny and that her daddy doesn't matter


Oh bless Derik's heart ... "maybe you'll love me one day" she obviously does, you will get there 🥰


She needs boundaries and don’t let her know you are bothered by her rejection.
