The USA's Poverty Problem

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Video Producers:
Oliver Franke
Charles Street

Research & Writing:
Emanuele Martinelli, Oliver Franke

Edit & Animations:
Timothy Simpson
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One thing I have to say about Georgia is that Georgia is divided into two halves. You have Metro Atlanta where pretty much half of the states population lives, and you have Georgia. It is like living in a state within a state. It’s hard to explain unless you’ve lived here but living in Atlanta doesn’t feel like you are living in the south.


For most of the states, the wealth is concentrated in a few metro areas. Outside those areas, it is easy to find examples of pure poverty. Sometimes the economic disparity is evident right across the street.


Once you get out of the large Metros in the South the evidence of poverty in rural areas is shocking.
I was stunned at the level of rural poverty in South Carolina.


Background music a bit loud. It drowned the narrating voice.


I would like to make one important point, this is not an overall trend from the north to the south, this is a trend from the north to the urban areas in the south. The rural areas still have to deal with tremendous poverty and racial issues.


I am from San Antonio and I just moved back last year. When I tell you everything has changed, i’m not lying. Places that were field 10 years ago are full of houses passed where you can see. Worst part is all the new development is built very cheap and it’s really brought the city down.


As someone living in Florida we are not in the south culturally or economically other then North Florida.


I lived in Mississippi for 3 or 4 months back in early 2022, I had known Mississippi was the forest state in the union but seeing it first hand shook me. I saw more "urgent care" clinics in renovated gas stations then I did all doctors, dentist and other medical offices combined...


I’m from West Virginia and the political/ economic climate here is very frustrating. The people are politically misinformed into believing Obama is to blame for coal dying, and are not welcome to economic innovation that doesn’t have to do with coal. And the low state tax that accompanies conservatism leads to the roads being terrible (especially considering the terrain), leading to less industrial opportunity. The political attitude is ultra counterproductive here


Rural towns all over America are in decay. Look across the mid west as well and other western states. Each state will have a dominant city or few which produces the lionshare of wealth


Our problem is that Southern politicians have been able to successfully blame these economic conditions on Northern politicians. This has given them cover and made them wealthy while creating the Red State v Blue State dynamic that is still ripping us apart and has been since our creation. From slavery at its inception to fighting unions today, wealthy Southern business and land owners have held back the poor and working class while amassing great wealth for themselves.


As a kid who was born in Michigan but raised in Florida, I can definitely tell that the poverty level here is higher than the North.


As a Southern Californian, my deepest respect for South! These are some of the hardiest and kindest people I have ever met, the ways the battle the inclement weather and their bond with the land, it's just unparalleled.


WV is such a strange case. It has pretty bad roads for industry (other than coal extraction), but the scenic beauty, low cost of living, and relative proximity to other big cities (Pittsburgh, DC, etc) should be great attractors for information-based industries. Run some fiber and you could really get some call centers going. But you'd have to break the political power of the coal barons, which is entrenched.


Texas isn’t exactly poor at the 2nd richest state. It’s just some rural regions in the east mainly, outside of that there isn’t that much. Although Texas is barely considered the south anymore, the west and south and north are so different from centeral and east Texas that they almost seem like different states.


It’s simple. We have to spend all our money on running the AC all summer


The one map the will always consider Missouri southern; poverty


As someone born and raised in Virginia, I will say that VA is South-ish. When I moved to Atlanta they considered me a Yankee but whenever I visited family in Pennsylvania they considered me Southern. I think that culturally we are somewhere in between. After all, Richmond was the capital of the Confederacy.


There's a huge mistake in the video, beacuse in the video it states that the US have 60.000$ ppp per capita where in reality the number is different. It is 80.000$ in the metric that you use for other countires. You can just check it out on Wikipedia.
