Enchanting Abandoned 17th-Century Chateau in France (Entirely frozen in time for 26 years)

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Believe it or not... the place you're about to see has been abandoned before I was born. You're about to watch one of my most special and precious explores to date, as I will time warp you back to a bourgeois era gone by donkey's years ago. Deep inside the forests of rural France, lies a mystic beauty that has its roots in the 12th century. Time has forgotten about this ancient chateau, and so has the owner due to too prohibitive costs for the upkeep of this bewitching historical property. It's now nothing more than than a gallon of rotten milk, expired in 1994, never looked after anymore and a victim of neglect ever since.

Everywhere scattered around, we find valuable historical artifacts, impeccably interesting antique furniture, rooms frozen in time, and personal memories. With some help, I was able to digitalize a few old family photo negatives found inside. The end result is leaving me absolutely speechless.
Between these old negative, are the original marriage photos dating 1973 of the couple that once resides here: Count Mathieu and Countess Helene. We can gradually see how they were prepared for the big day in their lives. On top of that, we find other precious memories of which we will not disclose too much sensitive information.

Today is the day, I will wake up this castle, that has been dormant for decades on end, and together, we'll bring it back to life, once again. The floors are a ticking timebomb and it will not last a coon's age until most of them will be leveled to the ground, solely leaving this castle a desolate ruin. That's why I'm creating a visual memory of this outstanding historical French landmark before another piece of history will be gone forever. Together we'll be one of the very last people to appreciate this place once again and give this exalted place the recognition it always deserved, but nonetheless never received any earlier.


Abandoned France: Enchanting Abandoned 17th-Century French Chateau (Entirely frozen in time for 26 years)
#abandoned​ #urbex​ #france
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As a realtor in the US I just recently sold a home of a woman who had passed away. No where near the grand opulence of this castle however completely similar in that it appeared to have just been abandoned one day with all the personal items, furniture, etc. left behind.
The woman’s family (husband son and daughter) had all passed away before her and there were no other living relatives around.
I spent a great deal of time on behalf of the attorney who was the Executrix trying to donate all that I could of the furniture and clothing.
There was one living relative outside of the US for who I had packed up all photos and anything of personal significance that I found to be sent to her.
It was an incredible emotional journey to have gone on. It started with someone I did not know and by the end a family I felt very close to.
A difficult process needless to say.
Perhaps something similar had occurred here.


France has over 30, 000 castles, and sadly a large number of them are abandoned or at risk. There is an association that has in France that has started a program that people can invest in to adopt a castle or chateau. It's like a crowd sourcing fund, and the more shares you buy, the more of a say you have in how these old places are restored. You can also buy many of these places "as is" for very low prices. Many are already in the process of restoration. Some are waiting to raise enough money. I feel a lot better knowing that there are people who care enough to save these old beautiful pieces of history. Adopte un Château started in 2017, and hopefully are still in operation today.


It amazes me that no one would purchase a home like this with all those treasures. It’s heartbreaking to know it will all just perish. I love what you and Sarah do to bring life to these pieces of history


I can’t believe no one is willing to take on this place, even in its current state it is truly beautiful…. Thank you for showing this to us 😊


I just seen this place a few days ago "Bros of Decay" slept in the bedroom with the four poster bed then did their documentary the following morning and I thought that they did a good job that was until now when I have watched your take on the same place but you showed twice as much and did you build them outhouses as they didn't even get a mention. Thank you for enlightening so many of us to the true place and given us an insight into the place it once was. You show me more than I would ever see myself and get places I will never be able to get to. Again I thank you. Martin, UK


You’d be surprised how hard it is to find genuine antique decor and lifestyle accounts of the past. I wish I knew some antique enthusiasts who were my age 😣people these days look over the beauty of understanding the past


I was literally in tears over this majestic place. The beauty of it is beyond anything I can describe. I had tears streaming down my face because I can’t get over the fact that someone just walked away and left this place to fall apart and decay. Oh how my heart hurts to see the treasures here just going to waste and it could all be saved for generations to come to see and appreciate for centuries. I would have given the world for that awesome kings bed that was the most breathtaking piece of furniture I’ve ever seen in any of the abandoned houses that’s been explored. With all my heart I pray that someone can still rescue this place or at least the furnishings. It’s museum quality. The owner could have sold off everything or donated it to have it saved from destruction.


Can’t get enough of watching these! It’s always interesting and I feel like I’m discovering it at the same time with everyone here ! Who loves old houses and I like learning so I scour the comments looking for those tidbits! Great work! 🥰🇨🇦


I live in the USA and one day I started watching Urban Exploring with Kappy and your Youtube feed came up as a suggestion to watch so I watched the episode with the warehouse of abandoned coaches and war items etc I was hooked OMG! incredible! what you two find/ I am glad there is so much content for me to watch I am addicted to your finds. Like when you were on the stairs of Castle and there was a door in it was old old old wine bottles for liquor. I am speechless in each episode. Better watching than TV.


I have to say I appreciate the longer video showing way more than other people. The way you lower your voice in reverence is great and the gentle way you touch the items is very commendable. Thank you, Thank you


I wonder how this looked in its time! I’m sure it was beautiful! Can’t you just imagine how when you walked through it room by room! Thank you so much for taking the time that you take in showing all the places you go. I could never be able to travel like you do. I’m in my later days of my life now. It is such a joy to watch your channel! You are such a kind young man!


This was truly amazing. I was enthralled every second. You are absolutely the best. I felt like I was there experiencing it with you. Your caring, appreciation and love for this chateau made it come alive. There's so much wealth there. I totally agree with you in donating to those in need. It may be the inheritant is wealthy, and doesn't want to be bothered. It's such a shame beautiful places like these are abandoned, and left to decay. You are so emotive in your descriptions, it makes it come alive. Of all the other groups I've watched, you're the best. Thank you.


The mind’s imagination runs rampant as I try to envision how gorgeous this castle/chalet must have once been. The number of bedrooms and private baths tells me earlier owners took great care to design and decorate each room with unique features. What I particularly love is the French style windows and shutters letting in amazing light to every room. The incredible views of the gardens, lake, chapel etc could be seen from each of these spaces. The outbuildings were even built on a grand scale with local stones by the looks of the walls. As you mentioned many times, it is so sad to see this location being allowed to collapse.


Maureno, like a fine wine, you improve with age. Blessings, you are greatly loved.


Of the many abandoned homes that I have seen this is one of my most favorite. I wish I owned it snd could restore it to its former glory. Even as big as it is, it still looks friendly. I just love it.


Because of your lack of edits and exploring almost every door and room, I have figured out almost the entire layout of this beautiful home. Would be amazing to rebuild something like this someday. Absolutely exquisite chateau.


You're showing us these treasures with so much love and respect 👍🏻 god bless you Maureno 🧡


I’m absolutely speechless after watching this video! I can’t help wondering how the family of this beautiful castle could allow it to just disintegrate? 😢 I could spend days exploring this place! There are priceless belongings that one would think have sentimental value? Thank you so much, as this video was breathtaking to watch!🥰


The choice and blending of colors in each room was either done by a professional decorator, artist or very talented person. The piano room was a delight for the eyes


I love the fact that you are so thoughtful in all that you do and see on these explores. Not all explorers are so, and you are right, there is so much left behind that could be used for so many in need in this world.
