Have a phobia? A new app can help fight it | Tech It Out

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Virtual reality has emerged as one of the biggest technology trends of recent years. Industries across the world are harnessing its potential. And now a health tech startup is using it to treat anxiety and phobias. We get you more details in this video.

#Phobia #App #TechItOut

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What if people had fears? Let them avoid what they are afraid of....it is there for a reason....it will go when it should....even the food you take might be triggering your fears....you find them out and avoid them....


Only by Krishna consciousness we have better stable world and a peaceful society!!


Phobia of caste, creed, color, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, status etc is learnt behavior.


I can see in only one eye, does it still work?


Forgot to mention the re-occurring fees...
Paying for access, only gives you a few weeks of access to the apps module then you have to pay for it again...


Global Livability Index 2022: Bengaluru, ranked 146, scores least among Indian cities
The other four Indian cities on the list also did poorly. Delhi (140) was followed by Mumbai (141), Chennai (142) and Ahmedabad (143).
Known for its gardens, Bengaluru has, in recent years, also faced severe flak for its ‘concrete jungles’. It is also infamous for its traffic jams.
A total of 173 cities are analysed for this index. This year's list is topped by Austria's capital Vienna, while the least livable is Syria's capital Damascus.


Entering US via Mexico — why are so many Indians risking their lives?
Mexico recently deported 311 Indians who were trying to get into the US illegally by crossing the border between the two countries. After returning to India, many of these deportees said they gave between 2 to 5 million rupees (€25, 467 to €70, 000 or $28, 000 to $77, 680 ) to human traffickers to enter the US.
Immigrants using unauthorized routes often end up risking their lives and those of their families, like in the case of six-year-old Gurupreet Kaur, who expired of thirst while crossing the Arizona desert with her mother.
Some Indians in U.S. detention have gone on hunger strikes. They accuse U.S. officials of not taking their claims seriously.


OMG that will be so usefull nowadays especially for: *climate'ophobia, carbo-diaxide'ophovia, covidophobia, or Bill at's virus (windows) 'o'phobia!*

also cash'ophobia, cryptocurrency'ophobia and so on, that histerii fight with all above is just insane, I wonder how many people gonna die because of all of those phobias 🤷🏻‍♂️


we Sealed Christians, every day when we wake up, we receive from God. our God, a portion of Peace Security and Joy, which lasts the entire day, and it goes this way until the day God takes us home, our Home that he prepared for us.


India ranks very low in World Happiness Report
Ahead of the UN International Day of Happiness, observed on March 20, the World Happiness Report 2022 ranked India 136th — tenth from the bottom of the list — while Finland topped the charts for the fifth year in a row.
Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania made the biggest gains in this year’s rankings, while Lebanon, Venezuela and Afghanistan saw the biggest fall in their rankings.


In America, no person will help you, so there had better be an app.


You need no app, you need Jesus Christ. He's the only cure for your phobias and anxieties


Im proud to be a ishilamphobic!
A book which h8s idol worshipers and disbe livers, causes me to dislike such garbage including the verses!
