Seven Essential Cycling Skills

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Seven Essential Cycling Skills

There are certain skills that we all need as cyclists. Here are my top seven.


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Great advice as always. I would say that the most important skill to learn as a cyclist is the ability to predict when a motorist pedestrian or other cyclist is going to do a manoeuvre that will endanger your safety. It is amazing how many times it has saved me from certain disaster.I learned a long time ago not to get angry at people either, it will only spoil a good ride, and usually doesn't end well.


Good point about no braking in cornering. Thanks. One pedal pedaling to save energy or rest or letting a cramp relax. I really enjoy your videos especially as I’m an older rider. Your techniques are great for review & learning. Your vids and cycling in Southern California are the two places I go most frequently for advice or repair


Love the channel, I'm a heavier rider just getting into cycling, only doing around 12-14 miles per week but only doing 2 rides in that time. Mainly trails, paths, etc on an old mountain bike that I have restored. Once I get rid of some weight I'll be looking for a road bike.
I've picked up a lot from your videos, thank you.


Excellent video. I found myself in a parking lot practicing slow maneuvering. Back to basics.


Great video, sound and video quality are very good. Tip on removing the rear wheel, shift into the smallest cog makes removing and installing a little easier.


Though a recent setback has caused me to move to 3 wheels, I must say that ICE Trikes out of Cornwall has been a cycling saver for me. so even if balance seems to thwart your bicycling joy, do not fear. Three wheels and velomobiles are here:)


Good advice. Re. your point on changing gears, One thing that I've remembered as a summary is
"always be in the right gear at the right time"


Hello. I’m new to cycling (though in my mid 50s and overweight) and loving this channel. I’m delighted to have found it as I have so much to learn. Thanks 🙏


My 2 cents for long ride (average 100km)
1. One sprocket click = 5-10 cadence up or down, to keep in mind when managing your effort
2. lowest cadence for shifting gear at any speed = 60 rpm (entering climbs prep)
3. Maintain at lactate threshold for 80% of the ride. Add 15% efforts adjust accordingly up to finish
4. Long ride = chamois cream is mandatory. I usually use betadine salve and reapply during the ride as necessary
5. Garmin elevation screen is ESSENTIAL when you're alone and tired and has 50-ish km to go, simply because you can manage your climbing/ descending effort, to pace yourself and complete the ride

I'm 48yo 100kg rider with few one day 100km 2K+ elevation rides, so your case may vary.
Usually finish these rides within 8 - 10 hours (cycling time only).

Good channel Leonard.


Use slime in your inter tubes and carry a pump! Been using it for years and it has never let me down. Since using slime I've never had a single puncture!


Great video! Glad you mentioned using light pressure with the brakes. I got reminded of that little fact when I upgraded from mechanical disc brakes to hydros. First ride on the bike, I squeezed the brakes with a little more force than I needed to. Didn’t fall, but the hard bite of the brakes literally stopped my heart. Lol


Excellent video! Better than one famous channel i used to watch in terms of clarity and ease of understanding. I just subscribed. I like the way you explain things in details and you dont speak too fast as i am totally new.


A couple of things I would like to add...Cycling like any other sport has its "dangers" a risk analysis is always a good exercise to conduct. So when I ride my bike here in the South west Texas / New Mexico the weather is normally good..and HOT. So hydration is critical...I use a 3 lt camel bac vs a water bottle mounted to the frame....I can carry more water and have easier access to it with the camel bac...I can also keep my eyes on the road at all times. Second is a mirror mounted to the bar ends...ALL my bikes have a mirror...I do not ride my bike if the mirror is broken / missing. Clothing...I use very bright coloured clothing at all times... Third is lights...I use a front mounted strobe light and a rear mounted strobe light when ever I ride regardless of the lighting conditions....they are just like my day time driving lights n the car. Fourth, I carry a spare tube + Co2 inflators and a repair kit...I also carry a small compact first aide kit. #5: is the helmet...I have one with a removable visor..I find this better than wearing sun glasses as sometimes my eyes tend to water up a I can use the clear on in dull / cloudy weather. Last...I tend to ride either alone or with one other rider...too many issues with large groups of riders riding 2 and 3 or more abreast...just begging to be run over...


This is so great. Thanks man. Just started getting into cycling.


Nice video, thanks. Skill #8: knowing where all the Johnny-on-the-Spots (Brit: porta-potties) are located along my rides (50-something male). Well, not so much a skill as useful local knowledge that can't currently be gleaned from google/bing maps. There's no way I can get to mile 30 without needing to find one!


Balance is learning to ride a set of rollers. It's a skill I never tried. Breath control, pedaling efficiency, turnover rate, proper bike fit, aerodynamic positioning, using clipless pedals.


more useful advice, surprising after many years of cycling these skills are taken for granted, have you done a vid on riding in a group? most newbies are terrified of cycling close to others.


"Riding your bike as slowly as possible." ...Nor a problem for me :-)


Please discuss gears and hills in more detail


Is getting out the saddle on uphills a help to speed or a hindrance to the pressure overweight puts on the chain?
