Good Vibes: Make People Feel Great Around You

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We’ve all had those moments where we wish we could think of something funny to say, but our mind goes blank. It can be frustrating, especially when you’re talking to someone you really want to like you.

So in today’s video, we’ll go through 6 easy ways you can make people laugh or just love being around you.


0:00 - Intro
0:12 - #1: Finish someone's incomplete sentence with a joke
1:48 - #2: Surprise them with unexpected absurd answers
2:59 - #3: Pivot to an exaggerated version of your real answer
4:12 - #4: Start saying your positive thoughts out loud
5:09 - #5: Be relentlessly positive
6:34 - #6: Focus on having fun

#ChrisHemsworth #ChrisEvans #CharismaOnCommand

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One of the best pieces of advice you've given me on the subject of charm is to assume positive intent when a part of the conversation is vague or confusing. The double-edged sword of disarming people that had negative intent and also repairing the situation when a well-meaning person just didn't get the words out right has saved me many times! You guys inspired me to start a self-improvement YT channel that helps people in return for all the help you've given me.


Here’s a piece of advice I learned myself. If you are nervous or have social anxiety about going out with friends or some social event, workout beforehand. Before I go to a job interview I do 40 pushups. When I know that I have a date that night I go for a mile jog around the block then follow up with a shower. The push-up thing is great for last minute prep as it only takes a minute, can be done wearing even a suit, you don’t need to get too sweaty or need to be on the ground. It’s helped every time. Not only does it help me FEEL better. I also feel better about myself as just a little pump can make your muscles just ever so slightly more defined and veiny.
When my heart is racing from anxiety, I have a pit in my stomach, get my heart rate up even more with exercise. Then as my body is coming down from the workout, it slows my heart rate. It’s almost like tricking my body into think my heart was racing from the exercise and not my mind. When my body gets antsy with anxiety and I can’t sit still I let it all out. I get my body physically tired.
This works for me, I’ve been doing it for years. It’s worth a try for anyone who feels this way!


Playfulness & positivity combined are insanely charming. Being around a person like that can make you feel so much more relaxed and ready to be yourself, instead of being so serious and logical in every conversation and situation. It's also pretty rare to find those lighthearted people, so if you can cultivate those skills you'll stand out in a great way.


I solved the "never be boring again" situation years ago. I just started carrying a couple of machetes on me. People never act bored around me. They are always glued to every thing I say and do. My personality is so amazing that people quickly become overwhelmed by it and I've had numerous people actually run away because my personality was too amazing. Good times... good times.


Ellen gave a good example of what not to do. Constantly being judgy and belittling puts people on the defensive or lowers the overall mood. Meanwhile, Chris seemed to realize that everyone in the audience isn't rich and condescending like her, so they'd obviously like to hear him positively talk about his past life.


Being charming is an art that comes natural for some of us and a skill to master for the rest of us. Honestly, I find someone charming when they are incredible listeners because they come off not only charming, but mysterious too. ❤️


My problem isn't "that's not good enough for me to say". It's "wow, that would be extremely inappropriate for this work meeting I'm in right now"


If you really want someone to like you, just focus on what they say. Ask follow up questions. That way, you’ll never have to think about a good topic. You just essentially allow the person to talk. Trust me, when someone feels they are being listened and understood after a conversation they will like you.


I once complimented a girl by saying: " you smell really nice". then followed it up with: "you must spend a lot of time in the shower". needless to say, i never heard from her again lol.


I have autism (high functioning) and your videos really help me. I feel very lost in social interactions most of the time but your videos make me feel like navigating them isn’t so scary. thank you so much for posting these!


I'm charming when I enjoy myself and go into the interaction with ENERGY. My energy tricks; Workout, great music, self-affirmation and inspirational youtube videos and cold showers. At times caffeine.


“Margot Robbie is Australian” then shows a New Zealand flag 🇳🇿… always a good gag 🤙


One thing I like a lot about these videos is that they offer actual advice up front with examples before trying to sell you their course. It's not clickbait.

On the other hand, pretty much every one of them has as one or more major points what amounts to "be funny". Yeah, I don't qualify there. The only times I'm funny in a conversation or social situation are accidental, when someone misinterprets something I've said as an insult or sexual or whatever, and I always correct them.

On the third hand, almost all the examples come from celebrity interviews, meaning the people involved tend to be very good looking. Really good looking people tend to have an easier time in social situations to begin with, compared to those of us who are pudgy and not gifted in terms of appearance.

Telling me to be funny is about as useful as telling me to be better looking. Those are things I have very little control over.


Whenever I see a notification from Charisma on Command, my mind instantly goes, Wohoo!! another way to improve myself.
Love the detailed analysis of small things that people take for granted. Breaking down each and every part of a conversation and building on top of that is a great example of 'First Principles'

I would like to point out one area where you can improve is the title of the video. Whenever I watch the video, I would rather click on a video with a positive title rather than a negative one.

For example
1. How to avoid being boring in a conversation
2. How to convert a boring conversation into a fun one
3. Why you should focus on self-amusing in a conversation?

This is my take on this topic. Great content as always
Support From India!!


I can handle silence very well and it doesn't feel awkward to me at all 🤷‍♂️ . It doesn't belongs to me if someone thinks I'm boring


"Look like Chris Hemsworth in order to never be boring in conversation." Got it.


Ha! You added Rhodey's best joke at 3:36 Brilliant!


It's a great lineup of very practical advices. Thank you!


Hi Charlie and Ben, excuse me, let me really appreciate what you guys do, your videos help me a lot and help a lot of people around the world. If you don't mind, I would like to ask you if you can make a full video on how to interact in night environments, be it a bar, a bowling alley or a friend's party. I suffer from social anxiety and these are the environments that cause me the most anxiety, mainly because there are many people in a closed place and because the music is loud. I think it would help a lot of other people.


I think CoC has a man crush on Pratt, Evans, and Hemsworth 😜
