EEVblog 1483 - Holy Mailbag Bomb Batman!

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Bumper Mailbag!

00:00 - Contact Harald Covid Bluetooth Tracing
04:24 - Kaba Mas X09 High Security Electronic Tumbler Lock Teardown
16:53 - Failed PedalCell CadenceX Bike USB Power Generator
18:00 - Odysee vs Patreon for supporting creators
19:06 - PedalCell CadenceX Teardown
26:54 - TikStation Breadboard USB power supply
38:54 - CircuitMess JAY-D education DIY kit
45:26 - Call the BOMB SQUAD!
47:33 - Audio-Technica BONANZA!
52:22 - Teardown Audio-Technica ATR6550x vs Rode NTG-1 Shotgun Microphone

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Lol at everyone trying to guess the blue shell. Emerson - Rosemount bought the IP a few years back when they acquired Grovely Detection in like 2013. It's an Ultrasonic leak detector, it uses microphones to pickup the sound of pinhole leaks in pipes and needs to be rated to operate in explosive environments without being an ignition source in case of failure. Hence the ungodly amount of metal and strange shape. It's also painted blue because Rosemount loves the "Rosemount Blue" color for brand identification. Their most popular sensors are pressure and temperature devices for industrial controls. This one in particular is pretty unique for the business.


If you rotate the breadboard around 180° the polarity of the power rails will magically change 😉


My work used two types of covid trackers, starting late 2020, one of them like the card here. I work in film and actors don't wear masks, so it was very important to catch and stop covid spread asap; afaik they worked fairly well, and limited the number of times we were shutdown. The card type required you to upload every week via cell phone, and the other was a small square that used a cellular base station to sync. They were marketed as privacy safe, since the manufacturer only ever saw device serial numbers, and my employer had the actual serial->human associations.

The major issues were coworkers forgetting their IDs at home, and no checks to prove someone actually uploaded their data every week.


at 31:15
You can rotate the breadboard around 180 degrees and the polarity markers line up with the ones on the breaboard. It was just turned around.
EDIT: If the bottom PCB had just abit more clearance then it might be able to fit a bit more different sized breadboards. It certainly won't fit all of them though.


At my old job we had ATMs where we used the Kaba Cencon 2000 locks. You're right about the dial being used to charge up the super capacitor. I'm not sure about how that model of lock works, but with the Cencon it uses a unique combination every time it's opened. We had a call center that we'd have to call, and give them the lock ID and the key fob ID that we had. They would then give us a one-time use combination, and then after the safe was locked back up the safe would give us a close code which we then needed to give the call center before we could get another open code.


On the X-09 lock, it is indeed charged by the dial. Turning it to the left.
The 2 pins on the back are shorted to change the combination.
The sliding rod is a tamer indicator. This is important because the serial number, which is located on the capacitor (sticker removed on yours), can be used instead of the correct combination to do a code change.
On many safes the lock is much more expensive than a door blank. So you would cut the door out, short the change key pins, and set a new combo with the serial number. Hopefully you documented this serial number in another safe. If you observe the tamper pin has been disturbed you know the security of the serial number has been compromised.


My whole family got COVID at the beginning of June because I was in a Monday meeting with someone who decided not to disclose they were exposed the Friday before (despite knowing it), and also they didn't bother to wear a mask in the Monday meeting. My wife and I are still dealing with all the lingering symptoms that persist after COVID.

Those cards would have been useful, and certainly not bullshit. Unless the government forces people to be even a little smart, they seem to trend stupid :P


Dave?!?!?!?! Turn the breadboard around and the power pins will match. 😋 Use Vero board instead.


The mystery item looks like an enclosure or device in an enclosure rated for explosive working in atmospheres, such as you can find on oil rigs, chemical plants, coating application plants... The one's I've seen were overbuilt, you could shoot them from a cannon and damage the cannon. Looking forward to a teardown.


31:30 Bread board fits just fine when rotated.


The mine-lookalike thing is an ultrasonic gas leak detector, seems to be a Banshee NSM-SU343-A. Its amazing how well smartphones can do image-based searches these days.


At 31:30: Just turn the breadboard 180 degrees around vertical axis :-)


1:34 As a fellow dane: Harald bluetooth(Harald blåtand(In Danish)) was the danish king who is known for being called bluetooth, rocks with text on them, and "Turning the Danes christian"


The microphone design series is simply wonderful, not even an MIT acoustics course could cover that which Doug's years of design expertise gave us. I have watched it through many times and it is also very entertaining. One of those special things, it is in with my favorites along with Humphrey Bogart and Laurel and Hardy!


On the Tikstation: those standoffs are actually mini banana plugs being used to join the boards and pass voltages from one to the other.
I thought it was a clever application when I discovered it.


45:48 I live in a smallish town in England called Selby, a bit surprised to see it pop up on a box.


My guess for the missing component on the CadenceX is just a plain SMT type double row pin header for development purposes. For production they most likely just used a needle bed adapter poking into the non-filled vias next to the footprint.


You could rotate your breadboard 180 deg so that the blue is gnd and the red is power.


Chemtools Australia has a conformal coating remover in a can!
Came across it while looking for 2 part silicone potting compound for electronics and thought that it would be interesting to see if it actually works.... Might be a great video as I didn't know such stuff existed....


I recently retired an identical Mi Power Bank Pro as it was puffing up too, was still working but didn't want to risk it. Was purchased pretty much when it was launched so got quite a few years from it as a dash cam battery through hot summers as it has pass through charging.
