Why did I buy an Arturia MiniFreak

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Although having said that ... as of day one at least, I love it.

Gear Acquisition Syndrome
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About to buy one too and combine it with the looping station rc505 mk2 and a handpan and a didgeridoo and 2 jaw harps. Looking forward to learning this instrument. Thanks for sharing


Your case of GAS is very mild. I bought the Minifreak about three months ago by buying the very first and only one delivered (at the time) to my local Guitar Center. It was pure luck that I stumbled upon it and that I had an $80 discount coupon. But then my GAS kicked in big time and I also bought a Digitakt with the excuse that I needed something for drums and they had that reduced Xmas price on Amazon. Then I saw a good deal on a Moog Minitaur and since I always wanted that Moog bass sound, I picked that up too. And then there was this deal that popped up for a Dreadbox Typhon (stay away from Reverb!) and I pulled the trigger because the post had just been made and I knew that the price was too good and that it would sell quickly (great little analog synth). Then came an Empress Zoia because I have been wanting one for a long time and you only live once, right? Learning and playing with all these new things (in addition to the gear I already had) is consuming what free time I have, but I am having a blast. I think that the GAS is abating, though I have my eye on the Elektron Analog Heat MkII... Help!


I subscribed to follow your journey on the MiniFreak.


Mine two days ago and I haven’t had much time to play with it either but I love it. I love it so much more than even a Videos you know made it seem
Yeah just enjoy yours and l liked and subscribed too


I'm after the same as well, good luck


Please Arturia make it send chords data out the midi & usb🤞


I’m guessing you were looking at MiniFreak V while adjusting, since most people would play while making adjustments 🤔


Do minifreak has seamless transition feature when changing between the patches?
