This is What Your SP is Thinking As You're Manifesting Them | Law of Assumption= Neville Goddard

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If you're ever wondering what's your SP thinking about this video is going to explain it all to you!

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Great seeing a fellow Nepali in the Neville/manifestation community 🇳🇵


This was real eye opener anyone can expect any change while their inner thoughts are completely opposite to what they trying to manifest.

For me it showed even after affirming I still have hurt from the past how he behaved.i guess need more revision first before I manifest him back.


If I have to be honest, I fear if my SP might be with someone else. That's why I'm working on my self concept 😞 this helped a lot to hear. Thank you Rav 💜


He wld ignore me as he has last 2 months. So I went to no contact to work on me and study manifesting. Self concept and mastering my state. Not for him. But to release needing him or his validation or anyones for that matter! and practice being loved worthy happy and being treated with respect love and priority from ME FOR ME !! And I know those states will ALLOW me to manifest love I desire and deserve


This was so encouraging and energizing and uplifting. Thank you ❤🙏


There are few things on which they will response right now and a few on which they won’t since they haven’t conformed into the new version which needs to be manifested in 3D. No doubt in 4D it’s already done but reflecting in 3D will take time. So whatever they reply back doesn’t even matter as the law says circumstance don’t matter and we must persist till it’s received in 3D.

Correct me if I am wrong Rav? BTW I love ur channel. M new here buh I am binge watching ur videos. ♥️✨


THIS, this is a fantastic video my friend !


Sometimes they respond at once, others they do later


Thanks for this Rav, you have a nice way explaining things 😊


I was actually able to manifest my sp but things fell apart because of my poor self concept. We stayed friends but things are complicated because they slept with another person (no contact rn). We were both virgins and it breaks me to know that I'm not their first (they had no feelings for each other). I still love them but idk if I still want to be in a relationship with them. I want my first time to be with another inexperienced person. Is this just a limiting believe like is it even special if both partners were virgins? it feels special to me but this might just me being inexperienced. I also heard of soul bonds that come from sleeping with other people. am I giving virginity too much credit? Is this soul bond thing real? I really want them but this is making me question everything. Should I just give in and manifest them back? I doubt that i will find a partner who suits me better (I also don't believe in revision so that's kinda out of the question for me)


Thank you sir for this wonderful video. Wonderful advice. 👍🏽❤️❤️


Me being cherished by the one I love is her doing everything I'm already doing to her right back to me, that's what I'm affirming for. Her coming over her texting 1st her calling 1st her facetiming 1st when we 1st met a few years ago she did all of that, everything I desire she did ( does) without me asking. That's my idea of being cherished. I want her love for me to be Obvious to everyone. Once she feels like wherever I am is her home mission is accomplished. 😉


Cosa pensa la persona specific quando iniziamo a manifestarla in modo positivo


I think she’s gonna ignore me if I send any text


Members you are as others see you if no one sees u r non existent


It's 1am so I'm not going to send it. He'll either send back straight away and wonder if I'm ok, be annoyed because it's 1am or text back later in the morning.
