Manifest your SP fast WITH THIS SIMPLE proven formula! Worked for me multiple times

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Let’s manifest your Sp once and for all! Are you tired of wasting time and not seeing results? Of wondering what are they thinking right now about you? Is time to end the vicious cycle and understand why everyone is truly you pushed out and manifesting an sp can eb easy and fast

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this truly works! just remember to apply it!
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Yes! I can stop myself spiraling by thinking OH SH*T he can hear me right now!!! Change my thoughts!!! change my thoughts!!!


I think the practice of assuming everyone thinks what you think of yourself is really healthy, even if it's not from a manifestation point. I'm gonna start practicing this in everyday life. Thank you Neyah! ❤


I manifested someone too who I didn’t know doing this! I did your affirmations for 9 months (I’m still doing them because I just like it and have it memorized “as I am one with god the undivided one”) every time I had a doubt I would revise I would send them telepathic whispers of gratitude and love again not knowing who I was manifesting. And then like you said, circumstances just align and suddenly there they are the person I was thinking about. I didn’t do the apps I didn’t go out I just ✨existed✨ and there they are ♥️🤷‍♀️ idk where our connection is going but I’m surrendering and reveling in it and am in awe at myself. It was really affirming to me. Edit: we are currently in a relationship


My SP gave me a note expressing her feelings the day after watching this and changing my thoughts, thank you so much Neyah!!


I'm grateful that our consciousness connected and you made this video because I feel it's literally for meeee 🤭🤭☺️ Believe it or not I had this exact realization a few days ago, and it brought me so much peace. Even before loa I used to think me and my sp are somehow connected but now I know we are ALL connected so sending you all so much love!! 💞💞


this is how I manifested my sp, he didn't know how I looked like & I didn't know who he is until we've met and felt drawn to each other. I'm still surprised he always does what I want even if I didn't ask him to do it telepathically this explains everything how he can hear me.


People talk about this like it's super cut and dry and it's not. It's fluid. All your thoughts and feelings are fluid and they eb and flow. Nobody can be perfect and unwavering constantly. That's just giving yourself more and more reasons to knock yourself down to have that expectation. My SP sometimes thinks awfully about himself, I don't always hear those thoughts or feel those vibrations until he tells me.


Loved “there is no truth” statement… instantly made me think of the Schrodinger cat experiment! Both instances existing within the same time/space, both possible, both “true” or “false” depending on perspective.


Another incredible video, you are just the best coach EVER, because you don't just teach techniques, you teach also how is working and this is literally the best way to understand manifestation and to manifest without fail. I liked when you said "aren't you ashamed of yourself?"😂 ❤


Needed to hear this!! I will think twice before saying anything negative about myself again.... Love this ❤


Wow! This gives new meaning to "guarding your thoughts."


I really needed to hear your words today ... Thank you for reminding me. I'll watch at it again and again, until I get it into my head once and for all !! You radiate a wonderful light, even from the screen 💚💚💚


I also recently have met a guy and a few times, he can think what I'm thinking. I was shocked, because he is like a mindreader and reads exactly the words that popped up in my mind. So I started to Google how this is possible and saw your videos about manifestation. Hope that he is my twin flame 😂


I think this concept is always a good reminder. It reminds me that one time that I was only thinking "I see my SP in some of my own pictures" and then out of the blue he tells me "we look like each other" We are from different cultures so I never bring it up myself, so it's crazy that he thought the same! I'm sure if we all think about other synchronicities in our lives, we'll realize people have been reflecting back our thoughts since the beginning


🤯 I absolutely love the way you put this. The part about being embarrassed because our SP's can hear our negative thoughts about ourselves (well, they can hear all thoughts), is PURE GOLD.

Thank you so much for sharing this!


Lol neyah something happened so uhh like i have my SP now 😂 extremely happy about it and like..i imagined our future hahaha those day dreams makes me so happy.. and then out of nowhere he suddenly hinting he's really serious.. he hinted the idea of us getting married, just hint, he didnt really say it literally at first...😂... i played it out as if i dont know what he meant... 😂 then when i woke up literally just an hour ago, its like 5am... he was like "in 2 years tops we're getting married, any objections?" 😂😂 he's just hilarious hahaha he basically informally proposed to me.. i said no objections of course hahahaha he gives me so much boost every single day ❤


Omg. Why hasn’t anyone said this before 🤯. Thank you Neyah! You’re so Knowledgeable ❤️


Brilliant. 😍 I love being in love with my SP and spending magical moments with her in my imagination on the journey to my manifestation of her and this video has just taken me another step closer. Thank you. If you can hold it in your mind, you can hold it in your hands.


This is for sure the last thing I was needing to understand before getting to my sp.. I always thought of him of a person separate from me that I was getting to, so I wasn’t taking care of my thoughts at all, just affirming and pretending. This opened my mind to a new level!! I will start to do what you said today (04/24/2023) and will come back to let you know when we start dating for real.

- I love when people come back to tell their real success stories, so I’m doing the same ❤️
